
Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Israpundit reports that Wafa Sultan will be on Tovia Singer's radio program tonight at 10PM (followed by Israpundit's own Ted Belman). Link.

Tovia's a pretty right-wing guy. Should be interesting.

Update: The woman is making waves. According to an email announcement I just received, she's join Walid Shoebat's foundation:

Wafa Sultan who many would have received an email (from other zionist news and email lists) concerning her brave and courageous outspoken interview on Al Jazeerah has joined the Walid Shoebat Foundation as a spokesperson and it is our intention to incorporate her in our new programs which we are in development.

Update 3/8: Here's an email I just received from the Shoebat people:

Wafa Sultan is not an official spokesperson of The Walid Shoebat Foundation

She is speaking out publicly for Freedom in the Arab World and in support of Israel, but not as an official spokesperson for the Walid Shoebat Foundation.

Wafa asked us to make this clear and we respect her wishes.


MEMRI is reporting over a million hits on their posted video clip of Wafa's brava bearding of the Islamist. If you haven't read the transcript or watched the clip, go to

Shoebat is a pretty religious right kind of guy. And she is probably more secular like the average NYC suburbian.

Nonetheless Shoebat and the other Arabs he has aboard are formidable and tough to push around so it's probably good for her to team up with them and also provide some diversity.

However, as to going on the Tovia Singer show? My man takes Schmaltzy Nebbisha to another galaxy. Uh vey doesn't even describe.

If I were an Arab hardline supporter I couldn't think of a better way to hurt her credibility in that part of the world than her going on the Tovia Singer show. However, that being said the Arab world has all sorts of creative names and creative myth making to rip apart anyone they don't like.


I think both associations are interesting - although I guess Tovia's isn't an "association." You never know, she may get on there and start arguing with him!

I look forward to hearing more from her and seeing what she's really all about.

Here's an update from the Shoebat people, BTW. Seems she's not exactly "joined" them:

Wafa Sultan is not an official spokesperson of The Walid Shoebat Foundation

She is speaking out publicly for Freedom in the Arab World and in support of Israel, but not as an official spokesperson for the Walid Shoebat Foundation.

Wafa asked us to make this clear and we respect her wishes.

Like I thought regarding Shoebat foundation.
Singer doesn't argue with anyone. I met him once and saw him in action, bro, he's a serious nebbisha.... there might be a picture of him in the yiddish dictionary next to the word.


Did you listen to the interview on Singer?

His latest archived video is from 2004.


I tried listening on Tuesday night but it never came on, apparently due to technical difficulties. The reschedule date was supposed to be tonight according to the entry at Israpundit so I'll try it again tonight. (Thursday)

He's on the air right now and talking about how Wafa Sultan will be on shortly, so check it out if you catch this message soon.

I assume that was last night?
How was it?


Yeah, it was last night. It was OK. Very kissy (TS: I LOVE you. WS: I love you too -- no joke). Much too short, and I was hoping Singer would ask a bit more about "who she is." He did get her describing how she is from Syria, and her rejection of fanatacism came from witnessing Islamists gun down one of her beloved teachers. was OK. Should have been longer and gotten a little more in depth. Hopefully it will get posted somewhere soon.

I told you he takes schmaltzy nebbisha to another galaxy. He probably waxed poetically how he had a "righteous gentile" blah blah blah and then schmaltz on and on about how wonderful she is etc....

Dude he makes you want to puke a bit.


I'm sure you've seen this already, but just in case (or if anyone Googles in), LGF has the interview posted here.

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