
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

JPost: Terrorist stabs and wounds two at Gush Etzion bus stop

A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab soldiers and civilians at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion on Tuesday afternoon.

Soldiers and a civilian at the site opened fire on the terrorist, who according to police was taken to hospital in critical condition.

Two Israelis were wounded in the attack, including a 17-year-old girl who was lightly injured. The second Israeli, a 25-year-old, was stabbed in his chest and stomach and was downgraded from serious to moderate condition.

Both were also being evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital.

Head of Gush Etzion Regional Council Shaul Goldstein responded to the attack, saying, "Hamas's position has placed a new challenge before Israel, forcing it to deal with serious terror attacks. Every concession Israel makes will be viewed by the other side as a form of surrender.

"It is the second attack within four months at the same junction and we expect the government of Israel to safeguard its citizens," said Goldstein.

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