
Tuesday, February 7, 2006

...aren't so sensitive...or violent:

Much more at the Catholic League here, here and here.

As Daily Scorecard points out, CNN has been accompanying the story with the following boilerplate: "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam," and in that, they speak for much of the MSM, but what they really mean is, "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of fear of Islam."


CNN may fear reprisals against its staffers worldwide (and I'm not sure that's so ignoble), but it's likely driven more by the fear of losing access to Arab and Muslim sources and news zones. Cf. CNN's disgraceful softpedalling of Baathist crimes during the period between the Gulf Wars. It's probably more of a business decision.

Yes,good point.

Actually, I think that you are both right...........

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