
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of course, they didn't do "that."

Feeling the love amongst the Palestinians on Saudia Arabian TV. Sick, sick, sick.

MEMRI TV: Iqra TV Interviews Toddler: We Don't Want Peace with the Jews

Following are excerpts from an interview with a Palestinian child, aired on Iqra TV on December 7, 2005.

Interviewer: Why did they do that to Muhammad Al-Dura?

Palestinian Toddler: Because they are Jews, villains, dogs. You see? That's why. They shouldn't do that, because it's called killing. They shouldn't do this. We are not their friends. They shouldn't do this. We are Palestinians, and they are Jews. They should not shoot people.

Interviewer: Is it possible that we will reconcile with them one day, and there will be peace between us?

Toddler: No.

Interviewer: Don't we want peace with them?

Toddler: We don't want anything. We don't want anyone, not the Jews... We want to live in security, see? We don't want Jews, thieves, or villains.

I don't like hearing such news. It makes me very sad, because the martyrs die. It's no joke, they die for real, by live bullets or rubber bullets, see? Rubber bullets have iron inside them. If a rubber bullet hits somebody, like that, he might...

Interviewer: Do you want this war to continue or stop?

Toddler: I want it to stop. I don't want war or anything.

Interviewer: Why?

Toddler: Because if the war continues, and there is a big battle, the Jews... The Jews - we will drive them out of their homes. We will do it to the Jews. What they did to us we will do to them.

When are people like Spielberg going to understand that all the answers to the region's problems aren't found by looking in the mirror? Hate like this doesn't happen because of what we do, it happens because of what they teach and tell each other.

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1 Comment

Oh, she's such a cute little girl... she doesn't really mean Jews are dogs and villains she was speaking metaphorically... The Holland thing, well maybe she just memorized the script wrong from her parents in the background.

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