
Friday, November 25, 2005

According to this article at Fjordman's blog, the Danish Film Institute would be willing in principle to allocate public funds to the production of Hirsi Ali's Muslim 'Life of Brian' -- should she decide to write it.

Fjordman: Film about Muhammed Welcome in Denmark

Neither The Danish Film Institute nor the film producer Zentropa [which is behind many notable films such as the ones directed by Lars von Trier] would have any problems supporting or producing a controversial film about the prophet Muhammed based on a manuscript by the Dutch politician and author Ayaan Hirsi Ali...

...The Director of The Danish Film Institute, Henning Camre, does not anticipate any problems allocating public money for a film with this content.

"I have only read about it in Jyllands-Posten, but if she writes a manuscript and finds a Danish producer, we will treat her application just like any other. We have no limitations on freedom of speech in Denmark. ... So far, however, it appears to be rather offhand and unspecified. For example, what language would be used? And would it be interesting from a Danish perspective if it was not made in Danish? This raises some questions, but as a starting point we would have no problems investing money in it from a free speech point of view," says Henning Camre...

-- If Hirsi Ali comes to you with a manuscript for a controversial Muhammed film, would you make it?

"Yes, if we could find a willing director. ..."

[Hat Tip: Andrew Bostom]

1 Comment

Maybe there's hope for Europe if courageous people keep coming forward and exposing what Islam is about.

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