
Friday, November 25, 2005

Watch the video of a group of "well dressed thugs" (Nation of Islam or a spin-off?) brazenly vandalize a liquor store on camera. I really feel for the store clerk and his family who were cowering in the back room.

Well-Dressed Gang Terrorizes Oakland Liquor Stores

Also, Arab-Owned Liquor Stores Attacked In Oakland

(via LGF)


Black America is sick and tired of being doormats. These stores have poor selection of items, they keep these items dusty and dirty, and have the nerve to overcharge for them, but they keep a large selection of alcohol and they always keep them on sale. But this is the reverse in a white neighborhood. These Arab store owners know full well they couldn't sell liquor in arab country but they are so willing to prey on poor uneducated Blacks in America. They sell liquor to children, sell to someone who's already drunk, they never ask for ID, allow people to drink in front of the store all day and night and they just bring the neighborhood down. I love my Arab brothers for spreading the word of the Koran so they should know better about profiteering off liquor in these areas. There's only one liquor store in a white neighborhood but one on every block in a black neighborhood. I want everyone reading this post to go into a black neighborhood and count the number of liquor stores and gun stores, and the thing is black people do not own them!!!! There's a reason why there's more black men in jail than in college. These young African American men need to be applauded and I will personally make sure acts like this happen more often, in every slum in this country. Immigrant store owners in black areas need to keep there stores clean inside and out, reinvest in there stores and make them look presentable. Be responsible, don't just take the money and look the other way. At the end of the day, its either your part of the problem or part of the solution

I had to read the previous comment twice to see if it was serious or not. (It's getting so hard these days to tell if one is reading The Onion or not.) I've concluded that it was a serious comment, and it strikes me as a mind-boggling attitude. Where will your thinking get you and Black America, anyway?

"Black America is sick and tired of being doormats." Then Black America has to clean up its act, and rediscover the elements of its strong, creative culture that improve its condition, instead of degrading it. The time is long past for "blaming the Man."

"...there's more black men in jail than in college." B.S., as demonstrated in this article in Tech Central Station:

How is it that immigrants manage to scrape together enough money to open and run businesses, yet few Black Americans can in their own neighborhoods anymore? I suspect there were more Black-owned businesses providing more services before the Civil Rights era than there are now. What happened to self-sufficiency and taking care of your own? That's how all ethnic groups have advanced in this country. Stop waiting for some other group to assume responsibility for your group.

You applaud and encourage vandalism and violence. And that will achieve what exactly? And improve whose condition? It will only make those neighborhoods even more poorly served than they are now.

There is a punchline here, and I was all set to deliver a witty, yet pithy, comment, but I thought "Why bother?" The author of the first comment would never get it...........

these stores are part of the problem in our neighborhoods.

There are clearly a lot of problems in poor neighborhoods, but I doubt convenience stores that sell liquor are the biggies. Crummy schools, high dropout rates, teenage pregnancies, unwed mothers, gangs, drug use, alcoholism, violence, crime - those are the biggies, not corner markets. Vandalize the markets and stores, and you'll have even less services for people in these neighborhoods.

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