
Friday, November 18, 2005

Recently, our friend and United Church of Christ member Dexter Van Zile was blocked from attending a (partially) UCC-sponsored divestment event on behalf of Sabeel.

Here's Dexter:

Rounding Up the Usual Suspects, Preaching to the Hating Converted

...While filling out the application, I dutifully provided the links to demonstrate my involvement in the issue of "morally responsible investment" which included my writings at It took a while, but I received an email thanking me for my application and for providing the information I did in such an honest manner. But alas, I was told by a conference organizer that I was not welcome at the Sabeel event in Toronto.

I was however, able to obtain a list of registrants who were granted permission to attend, after of course, going through the same vetting process I submitted to. For the most part they were the predictable cast of characters -- prominent anti-Israel activists who have legitimate concern for the Palestinian people but who have yet to figure out a way to express this concern without demonizing the state of Israel.

But one name on this list caught my eye -- that of Joachim Martillo, author of some of the most frightening, hate-filled screeds about Israel and Jews that I've seen on the Internet. In one posting on an internet newsgroup, Martillo wrote: "Racist ethnic Ashkenazi American traitors and their non-Ashkenazi panderers should be denaturalized, stripped of their property to cover the damages their criminal manipulation of the US political system has cause [sic] the USA, and they should be sent to prison camps like Guantanamo where they can be interrogated to determine the extent of their treason to America."

Another one of Martillo's postings stated the "only unfortunate aspect of a suicide attack on murderous racist genocidal Zionist colonizers is the death of the heroic Palestinian partisan." Given the indiscriminate nature of suicide bombing, the conclusion is inescapable: The murder of Israeli children is acceptable to Martillo.

Martillo has uttered a similar statement in the presence of a reporter. For example, the Harvard Crimson has quoted Martillo as saying "suicide attacks against Israel are completely justifiable."

The irony was this: While I was denied entry to the Sabeel Conference in Toronto because I was not politically reliable enough to attend, Martillo, who has exhibited an atrocious indifference to the motive and impact of Palestinian terror on Israeli civilians was welcomed with open arms...

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