
Monday, November 14, 2005

Upcoming blogging will be spotty for a day or two as I pack up the Solomonia assets and head to the Pajamas Media launch event in New York City on Wednesday. Questions I have as I go: What will the new name of PJ Media be (that's something they're planning on announcing)? What other bloggers will I offend when I meet them and it's clear I'm not familiar with every post they've written in the past year (or maybe even with their blog at all -- bloggers are undoubtedly an egotistical bunch)?

Yes, I will be packing the laptop and the digital camera.


Too bad I had to cancel last minute. It would have been great to meet you and other people at the PJ Media event.

I'll see you there, it'll be great to meet! (I think this should be an annual event. . . .)

I hope that you get to meet Charles Johnson, creator of That website, like yours, is awesome.

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