
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I missed this one from the other day:

NRO: Don’t Apologize, Governor Romney! by Andrew McCarthy (via FDD)

Monitoring radical mosques is exactly what we should be doing.

Radical mosques are the spark lighting the fuse that can kill Americans. That has killed Americans. That will kill more if we let it. Such killing sprees, moreover, are plotted by young, male, Muslim militants who often enter to the United States on student and other visas from places known to sponsor or export terrorism.

None of this is news. But it is cloaked in taboo. Thus, controversy was stoked last week when Mitt Romney, the Massachusetts governor and potential Republican 2008 presidential hopeful, did something that you should never do in this country. Not, at least, if you want to escape the caterwauling of civil liberties extremists and a cacophony of activist Muslim organizations whose knee-jerk approach to "opposing" terror is indignant spewing at every effort made to prevent it.

He told the truth...

Of course, today, the Globe is back to publishing apologetics:

Shahid Ahmed Khan: Romney's misstep with Muslims

...The incitement of political violence is abhorrent to Islam, and those who promote this tactic are rejected by the vast majority of Muslims, who want the same things as everyone else -- a future of peace and prosperity for ourselves and our families. And so, if there are indeed radical, potentially violent elements within our community, who better to expose and uproot them than we?...

Who better to help than the FBI? Are you treating them as a friend, or with suspicion?

You can send a message of support for Governor Romney through this web page, and this one.

Update: JRTelegraph has some comments on the Globe op-ed with some practical suggestions you should read.

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