
Saturday, September 17, 2005

I waited a few days to post about this latest Palestinian Media Watch report since that means it's now on the web and I don't need to re-post the whole thing here.

Palestinian national goals remain unchanged.

PA society: Destruction of Israel is desired and attainable goal

...Palestinian Media Watch finds it significant that PA TV would choose to air these programs the day before Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza. These programs reinforce the messages the PA educational system has been delivering for years - and teach Palestinian children to see the peace process as temporary and Israel's destruction as attainable and inevitable.

1 Comment

Jesus promised that after the righteousness that is Christ returned in His New Name, with His followers bearing His New Name, there would be 'those among (the Christians) you' who would 'privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying our lord who redeems us' has returned. (IIPeter 2:1)

Today, ecclesiastical organizations and their priests and ministers and clergy DENY that Christ could possibly have returned at the time He promised, because all 3 of Jesus' holy promises (Matt 24:14, Luke 21:24 and Matt 24:15) came to completion in 1844CE/1260 AH, BUT 'Jesus didn't really mean it' and 'Jesus doesn't really want us to turn toward the One Who came May 23, 1844' say the cowardly and blind Christian clergy.

"From two ranks amongst mankind have I seized power... kings and ecclesiastics!" "I have given power to the people."

The Palees and Israelis are slowly learning about just exactly WHO is laid to rest on Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel!

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