
Friday, September 9, 2005

Dexter Van Zile exposes the hypocrisy of Protestant demands that Israel remove the security fence. He articulates well what I have been noting for some time: that in a contest between Arab convenience and Israeli lives, life wins.

Walling off the Jews from the rest of humanity

The day after suicide bombers killed 52 people on London's subways and buses, the leaders of two American churches, the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ, sent a joint statement of solidarity to England's United Reform Church whose offices were close to the attack. The statement was a natural and human response to a terrorist attack on innocent civilians and stands in stark contrast to the churches' attitude toward previous victims of terrorism -- the Jews of Israel.

This summer, the UCC and the DOC passed resolutions insisting that Israel stop building a fence around the West Bank, dismantle portions already constructed, and pay reparations to Palestinians whose lives have been impacted by its path. The resolutions did not ask Palestinians to end the suicide attacks that made the barrier necessary; indeed they make no mention whatsoever of the Israeli deaths these attacks have caused. The churches offer words of condemnation to Israel for building a barrier to stop terror attacks, which when perpetrated in London, elicit words of comfort.

To these churches, attacks against Israelis are tolerable; attacks against Londoners are not. Palestinian hardship weighs more than Jewish lives...

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