
Saturday, September 3, 2005

Robert Spencer (thanks to the emailer who pointed it out) points to the Muslim American Society press release on their hurricane relief efforts. Note the bolded portion:

The press conference will be held in front of the Holiday ! Inn across from the Houston Astrodome at Reliant Park, 8111 Kirby D rive, Houston, TX, at 3:00 p.m.

Also attending the press conference will be Muslims who were evacuated from New Orleans and the surrounding area.

"There are three basic components to our work," stated MAS Freedom
Foundation Executive Director Mahdi Bray.

"To encourage Muslims to open their mosques and homes to victims as well as adopting a family and renting an apartment for displaced families. Second, to collect and assist with the distribution of food and other consumable necessities to shelters and other temporary lodging facilities. And lastly, to insure that Islamic Relief has the resources to provide the high caliber assistance that they have provided throughout the years to victims of natural catastrophes here in the United States and abroad."

"It is critical that we all pull together to help the thousands of Muslims and their neighbors who have been devastated by Katrina," concluded Bray.

Says Spencer:

...Imagine the outcry that would ensue if any charitable organization declared, "It is critical that we all pull together to help the thousands of Christians and their neighbors who have been devastated by Katrina," or "It is critical that we all pull together to help the thousands of Jews and their neighbors who have been devastated by Katrina." Other groups help everybody they can, without asking about their religion first. But not Good Old Mahdi's MAS.

I noticed it myself, but didn't think too much of it -- how can you say much without going through all the other charities' press releases and comparing them? But it is interesting to note that someone at MAS took note and changed the quote, which now reads:

“It is critical that we all pull together to help the thousands who have been devastated by Katrina," concluded Bray.

Hmmm...I wonder what he really said? Anyway, significant? You can decide. I doubt the victims care much, anyway.

1 Comment

i've seen lots of Jewish sites talking about helping Jews hit by the hurricane. The major organizations like Bnai Brith collect funds to help everyone of course.

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