
Tuesday, August 9, 2005

In a prior post, I noted that the Disciples of Christ had refused to hear from a suicide-bombing survivor, Tzippi Cohen, prior to their anti-Security Fence resolution. Ms. Cohen wanted to address the group for one to three minutes. Her request was denied.

I asked rhetorically at the time, "I wonder if Sabeel...managed to get their word in..." Wonder no longer. Anti-Semitic outfit (yes, they are anti-Semitic) Sabeel did get their word in, as extra time was made available specifically for their representative.

JPost: Disciples of Christ to Israel: Drop dead

...Tzippi Cohen, a survivor of the Cafe Hillel suicide bombing, was not allowed to speak, ostensibly because she was not a voting member, even though she had flown in from New York hoping for the chance to address the assembly for one to three minutes.

However, Palestinian guest Rula Shubeita, of Jerusalem's Sabeel Center, was permitted to speak in favor of the resolution. Her center calls itself the "Palestinian Liberation Theology Center" and features a paean to the late Yasser Arafat on its homepage entitled, "A Word of Respect and Esteem for a Great Leader."

Shubeita told the delegates, "Because of the wall, I cannot see my brother, who lives three miles away on the other side of the fence. I now must drive 14 miles to see him." She also claimed that she can no longer visit her church in Bethlehem at all.

Actually, Shubeita, can see her brother, though she has to drive 11 miles out of her way. She omitted to say that since the arrival of PA rule and its unleashing of criminal and Islamic terror gangs, most of Bethlehem's Christians have fled to Israel and elsewhere. Bethlehem, once 80% Christian, is now less than 20%. So while she can still likely visit the church most days, it's also likely that when she gets there, most pews are empty.

Yet two-thirds of the Disciples of Christ delegates declared themselves more concerned with a Palestinian's right to drive directly to her destination than with an Israeli's right to retain her arms and legs intact...

The fact that the DoC wouldn't hear from Cohen for a short few minutes on procedural grounds would be inconsiderate. The fact that they made accomodation and exception for a Sabeel rep instead is shameful.

1 Comment

Of course those running the meeting would give Sabeel time and forbid the survivor of a suicide bombing from speaking.

The DOC, UCC, and PC(USA) have structures that incorporate democratic components. Their leaders could not run the risk that in a fair debate the vote might go against their pre-determined outcome.

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