
Friday, August 5, 2005

Jim Davila has an excellent post that has all you need to know (including the appropriately placed snark backed by solid knowledge of the subject) about this new Jerusalem archaeological find. Is this David's Palace? Maybe, maybe not. It's looking like an interesting find in any case.

1 Comment

This proves that a monumental royal city existed in Jerusalem at the time of the kingdom of David, Solomon and their immediate successors. A royal city with royal-size buildings and the seals of the royal officials mentioned in the Bible.

This is hardly surprising to anyone who has read the Bible and assumed it to be roughly accurate in portraying an ancient Jewish kingdom. But it contradicts much of what has been said by a major school of leading Biblical scholars who have maintained that the Biblical kings were mere local tribal leaders living in a minor village whose legend is out of all proportion to historical reality.

And it certainly contradicts the allegations of anti-Israel "scholars" like Kieth Whitelam and Nadia Abu El Haj who deny the existence of any Biblical kingdom altogether.

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