
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Big Pharaoh is blogging about the attacks. (You can listen to him being interviewed on NPR during happier times here.)

The Ranting Sandmonkey is pissed.


Blogs like yours, featuring ulimited, uncensored freedom of expression will be among the first sites to be shut down if Kofi Anan gets his way this November in Tunis, and the United Nations takes over control of the Internet in accordance with the desires of China and Vietnam: UN_in...et_control.html

"These rights and freedoms [to "free" expression] may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

Can you imagine the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution having been written in this way?

"Congress shall make no law .. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press EXCEPT WHERE SUCH FREE SPEECH GOES CONTRARY TO THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT"!!!

That would be no free speech at all. The most important exercise of free speech is to criticize politicians and the government. And now the entire world is facing the realistic threat of just such a tyranny by a body that doesn't even consist of ELECTED representatives!

The only way your blog will be able to survive is if you agree to censor and disallow posts SUCH AS THIS ONE which states views "contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

You will also have to be completely familiar with every other program and policy of the United Nations, and make sure that no posts are allowed which are critical of those programs and policies. Otherwise your domain name will be taken away from you, and you will probably be put on a list of people who will not be allowed to own and operate websites.

Amazon will also be at risk of being eliminated unless it agrees not to offer for sale any books critical of the United Nations or its policies, etc., etc., etc.

Make no mistake, the UN is out to grab control of the internet. They meet three months from now in Tunis to try and wrest control of the root file from the United States. This is being done primarily at the instigation of China, which hates how the internet gives their people a chance to hear anti-communist "propaganda".

The world's #1 motherfucking asshole, Kofi Anan, wants to restrict freedom of speech worldwide. In particular any criticism of the UN agenda will be immediately shut down, as will any religious "hate" speech. Unfortunately there is no distinction drawn between the wrongful expression of hatred for the ADHERENTS of particular religions, and the abstract hatred of a religious (or political) IDEOLOGY. Hitler was figuratively speaking worshipped by his followers, and so under this latest UN doctrine it would not be permitted to speak out and express one's hatred for Naziism.

I see this as just the first step towards an iron-fisted one-world government, in which YOU could be hauled before some international tribunal for ever having posted anything the UN finds objectionable - and they will have control of all the data bases that will enable them to discover your identity via IP addressess, subpoenable records of service providers, etc.

The world has never seen anything to compare with the very real and imminent threat now being posed by the UN to the freedom of every human being on earth.

Blogs like yours, featuring ulimited, uncensored freedom of expression will be among the first sites to be shut down if Kofi Anan gets his way this November in Tunis, and the United Nations takes over control of the Internet in accordance with the desires of China and Vietnam: UN_in...et_control.html

"These rights and freedoms [to "free" expression] may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

Can you imagine the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution having been written in this way?

"Congress shall make no law .. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press EXCEPT WHERE SUCH FREE SPEECH GOES CONTRARY TO THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT"!!!

That would be no free speech at all. The most important exercise of free speech is to criticize politicians and the government. And now the entire world is facing the realistic threat of just such a tyranny by a body that doesn't even consist of ELECTED representatives!

The only way your blog will be able to survive is if you agree to censor and disallow posts SUCH AS THIS ONE which states views "contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

You will also have to be completely familiar with every other program and policy of the United Nations, and make sure that no posts are allowed which are critical of those programs and policies. Otherwise your domain name will be taken away from you, and you will probably be put on a list of people who will not be allowed to own and operate websites.

Amazon will also be at risk of being eliminated unless it agrees not to offer for sale any books critical of the United Nations or its policies, etc., etc., etc.

Make no mistake, the UN is out to grab control of the internet. They meet three months from now in Tunis to try and wrest control of the root file from the United States. This is being done primarily at the instigation of China, which hates how the internet gives their people a chance to hear anti-communist "propaganda".

The world's #1 motherfucking asshole, Kofi Anan, wants to restrict freedom of speech worldwide. In particular any criticism of the UN agenda will be immediately shut down, as will any religious "hate" speech. Unfortunately there is no distinction drawn between the wrongful expression of hatred for the ADHERENTS of particular religions, and the abstract hatred of a religious (or political) IDEOLOGY. Hitler was figuratively speaking worshipped by his followers, and so under this latest UN doctrine it would not be permitted to speak out and express one's hatred for Naziism.

I see this as just the first step towards an iron-fisted one-world government, in which YOU could be hauled before some international tribunal for ever having posted anything the UN finds objectionable - and they will have control of all the data bases that will enable them to discover your identity via IP addressess, subpoenable records of service providers, etc.

The world has never seen anything to compare with the very real and imminent threat now being posed by the UN to the freedom of every human being on earth.

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