
Friday, July 22, 2005

I hadn't heard about this incident when it happened, so I was surprised when I received this piece and did a little checking. The event (DNC delegates booing the Boy Scouts when they came to the stage) did occur. In answer to the author's question, I think some people just have no class. -Sol

Guest Blog: Are Democrats Anti American, Or Just Anti Youth? (Booing the Boy Scouts)

by Tom Glennon

With the upcoming hearings on President Bush's nominee for the Supreme Court, questions regarding Judge John Roberts's character and values will be asked by the Senate. Many of those Senators attended the 2000 Democratic Convention. Perhaps it is not out of line to examine the character and values of those who will be doing the questioning.

I think most Americans have a least some awareness of the media sanitizing news coverage, or presenting news in a slanted way. However, I don't think the majority of people realize how pervasive this biased coverage is in the mainstream news services. Some of the more militant Democrats are still obsessing over the 2000 election of G W Bush, and the loss of the presidency. I cannot help but wonder if the election coverage in that year would have swung the election even more into the Bush-Cheney camp if the major networks, wire services, and newspapers had reported the opening of the Democratic convention that year. Let me refresh your memory if I may.

All of the news providers gave coverage to the speeches, "spontaneous demonstrations", interviews and platform discussions which occurred during the 2000 Democratic convention. For almost an entire week, party partisans had a free rein to demonize George Bush, and the Republicans. No matter how outrageous or inaccurate the statement, the main news outlets were there to provide a forum. Despite all of the air time and print space devoted to this convention, not one newspaper, major television network or wire service had any mention of the opening ceremonies for the convention. Ever wonder why? If you watched the opening on C-Span, you know the answer.

The official opening of the 2000 Democratic convention included a flag ceremony, with a Posting of the Colors. This ceremony was conducted by an Honor Guard composed of Eagle Scouts from the Boy Scouts of America. Young men, invited by the event organizers, in full uniform, proudly carrying the flag of the United States. They had every right to expect a respectful acknowledgment of the appearance of their country's flag on the stage, with an appropriate response from the conventioneers. They had every right to expect that, but that is not what happened. Rather than doffing the sometimes silly headgear often seen at conventions, and having the audience rise to salute this symbol of our nation, the Democratic conventioneers rose to issue a chorus of boos, with accompanying inappropriate hand gestures. Boos, hisses, hastily written inappropriate signs and hateful comments are what greeted these young people.

To their credit, the Scouts ignored this response, and concluded the ceremony with dignity. Not so the Democrats, who continued their display even after the Scouts left the stage. None of this ever made the mainstream news. While that does not surprise me, it has left me with some questions that I have not been able to satisfactorily answer.

1) Was the response of the convention goers generated by the appearance of the American flag on the podium? If so, were they just ashamed to be in a room with a patriotic display, or were they voicing a more deeply held resentment toward the country itself.

2) Were the boos, obscenities and dismissive gestures aimed at the Scouts themselves? If so, was the message an anti Boy Scout response, or was it directed against all young people who choose to lead an ethical life? If the opening had been conducted by a gangster rap artist, would the reception have been different?

3) Among all of the dignitaries and prominent Democrats in attendance, why was there not one word of admonishment to the conventioneers about their behavior? Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Charley Rangel, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durban, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and all the other leaders of the Democratic Party were aware of this, yet none spoke in defense of the Scouts, nor did they chastise the attendees for this display. Neither were there any editorials about this occurrence on any television network or in any newspaper.

The silence of both the media and the Democratic luminaries can only lead me to the conclusion that they all agreed with the convention response to the Posting of the Colors. By not condemning these actions, I must come to the belief that it was condoned. So I again ask, are the Democrats and the admittedly liberal media anti American, anti youth, or anti Boy Scout? I believe this is a fair question, based on their actions or lack thereof. I fear that we shall never see a response, and the question will remain unanswered. But I have my answer regarding their character and values. And that's all I need to know.

The author recently retired as a manager with an international bank. A Chicago native, he retired at the location of his last assignment, in the Des Moines, Iowa area. His volunteer work has covered a variety of community based efforts, including youth athletic organizations, Junior Achievement, Youth at Risk, and the Boy Scouts.

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