
Sunday, July 10, 2005

Thinking about the London bombing reminded me of this interview with Whalid Shoebat -- ex-Palestinian rock-thrower, now a convert to Christianity and a supporter of Israel -- on Irish TV. I started thinking about the two Islamists sitting to the left of the screen. If those are the kind of people who are worried about a backlash due to the bombing -- in so far as Ireland and the UK may start taking a closer look at what they're allowing in to the country, and may keep a closer eye on who's there already -- then GOOD. I hope we're doing the same.

Walid Shoebat confronts Islamic supporters of terror on Irish National TV, exposes their hatred!

Update: They are the vipers.

1 Comment

the new struck me like i was part of it
i never had any clue
but somehow i'm getting the nightmares..
i don't know much just heard and read about it but still i come to know much much earlier
say like it was so much planned by myself
may be its just in all of us
we see the trouble coming and we have no alternative but to face it and take it the way it comes

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