
Friday, June 17, 2005

They hate us for our freedoms! Especially our debauched freedoms. I hate Megan Mullally for her freedom to do what others can only imagine.

USA Today: No raised eyebrows

In the days of I Love Lucy, Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance never would have dreamed of doing what Will & Grace stars Debra Messing and Megan Mullally did at Friday's 2005 Women in Film Crystal/Lucy Awards.

After Camryn Manheim introduced the pair as the new Lucy and Ethel, Mullally playfully fondled her friend's breasts...

What else are friends for?

I don't hate Debra Messing, BTW. I like Debra Messing, but I do hate her nose. I have one word for Ms. Messing: Rhinoplasty.

Via Southern Knight, who is not amused. More and larger pictures here, at The Superficial.


No, they certainly do not hate America "because of its freedoms". If that were the case, they wouldn't bother hating a police state like America but would really loathe ACTUAL free countries like the Netherlands or Spain. They hate America because of what it has done and continues to do. Don't you know any history at all? If you did then you'd know about America's numerous coups caused by the CIA in third world countries. Almost every single country in Latin America has had a CIA coup at one time or another. If you knew a little history you'd realize also that all of America's problems with Iran America has brought upon itself by overthrowing the legitimate Shah in 1953 when he wanted to nationalize Iran's oil production, and replacing him with a puppet "shah" who was brutal and oppressed his own people. His son was even worse, and the backlash from his oppresive rule led to the 1979 Islamic fundamentalist revolution in Iran. Surely you would also find that America has backed numerous dictators around the world and diligently sabotaged efforts at pluralistic societies because they would be bad for American business interests in those countries. A great many now hate America because it invaded Iraq which was doing nothing to provoke it, and are now responsible for over 112,000 Iraqi civilian deaths, all in a war that never should have started. That's a pretty good reason to hate America, don't you think? A lot of other people hate America for being the world's biggest hypocrite, loudly promoting "democracy" and "freedom" and the "rule of law" to anyone who will listen, but at the same time refusing to be part of the International Criminal Court, detaining people indefinitely with no trial or access to legal counsel, warrantless searches, spying on its own citizens, kidnapping people to torture them, etc.
Nothing offends quite like a gigantic loudmouthed hypocrite. Still others hate it for its total lack of perspective, as in making such a big deal out of brain-dead vegetable Terri Schaivo getting the plug pulled while over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians are on concrete slabs because of America and they are very rarely even mentioned. Still others hate America because it is a bully, picking on a country like Iraq that it felt sure wouldn't or couldn't fight
back, while shamefully cowering from a REAL threat, like nuclear-armed North Korea. There is no way to explain that one and still make America seem "brave". Few things are more repulsive than a great big cowardly bully. Others hate Americans themselves because they are the world's most obnoxious people, loudmouthed and arrogant, all the while woefully ignorant of the facts that middle-schoolers from European countries know. So you can see, there are many, many legitimate reasons why not just "they" (meaning Islamic fundamentalists) hate America, but intelligent people the world over hate it. Basically, if someone both truly understands freedom, and loves freedom, then one cannot help but hate America. So my advice to you is, do some READING. Look it up. Get your news from someone besides Fox "news". Grow up.

Yeah, that's it. I'm not well read.

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