
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mediacrity takes note (hat tip also to my emailer) of the divergent reaction to the plagiarism allegations against Columbia's Rashid Khalidi, and a commencement address delivered at University of Missouri:

...A reader points out the contrast between the media indifference to this scandal and the furor that erupted over a similar transgression involving a commencement address by Bryan Le Beau of the University of Missouri. The latter has swept over academia like a tsunami, picked up by the Chronicle of Higher Education and newspapers, while Khalidi has gotten no attention at all. Makes you wonder, this reader notes, what the media is afraid of. Good point.

Perhaps there are lower expectations for some people, or perhaps it's just the venue.

1 Comment

Sol, a point I make time and time again,we expect so much of Israel and so little of her enemies.The apologists for the appalling Palestinians don't seem to realise how patronising and condescending they are and few amongst the Palestinians realise how humiliating it is to be so despised by those who purport to be their friends.

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