
Saturday, April 2, 2005

Nick Packwood is damn put-out over his country's limp response to the kidnapping, torture, gang-rape and murder of one its citizens, Zahra Kazemi. We all are.

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The governement is apparently willing to ignore the brutal deaths of its citizens as a price to pay for slumbering on in its own Ivory Tower of moral righteousness. They have moved themselves into the delusional thought process that if a certain action would be taken by the US, then it is not in the best interests of the world community. What would have been the US response to this issue? Yeah, that's why the Candian governement has adopted this response to it. It has no logic, but logic never plays a prominent role in utopia think. They are willing to pay tribute to Iran in the form of the lives of the citizenry lest they have to soil their own hands standing up for what's right. No Blue UN Beanie, no "Peacekeeper" force, no way they'll do anything. Wouldn't want to be seen as a US Lite afterall. No, no! That simply would not do.


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