
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Israel's government has shown it's serious. Now it appears they're going to give 'em a chance...

Jerusalem Post: Security cabinet meets: Israel talks loudly, lowers big stick

Wanting to strike a tough pose, but not bloody Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's nose just yet, the security cabinet Wednesday authorized plans for a large-scale military action in Gaza, and then put those plans in the drawer for the time being.

Some kind of message seems to have gotten across, however, as the Palestinian Authority – according to senior diplomatic officials – began deploying security forces Wednesday night in Gaza Strip areas from where Kassam and mortar rockets have recently been launched.

Gaza Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi passed a message on to Palestinian security chief Moussa Arafat Wednesday night, in a meeting initiated by the PA, that the IDF will take control of the launching areas inside Gaza if the Palestinians fail to do so.

Following the security cabinet meeting – the first since Labor joined the government – the Prime Minister's Office put out a statement saying that Israel "will allow neither terrorist actions nor the firing of rockets and mortar shells against Israel communities and will take all necessary steps to prevent this."

"In light of the severe events which have been reviewed and on the basis of security establishment recommendations, the cabinet approves the security establishment recommendations regarding alternative courses of action and response by the IDF and the security forces in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, as they were presented to the cabinet."

Diplomatic officials said that Hizbullah, which is based in Lebanon, Iran and Syria are all playing a role in the terror upsurge in Gaza.

"The cabinet instructs the security establishment to prepare forthwith to carry out all the approved alternatives," the statement read.

But, the statement added, in an indication that the plans were being drawn up but not meant for immediate implementation, "Due to operational considerations the alternative that is chosen and the timing of its implementation will be determined by the decision of Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, Vice Premier Shimon Peres, Industry, Trade and Employment Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz."

In other words, the plans are ready – including plans to strike at Hizbullah positions in Lebanon -- but the cabinet is giving Abbas another chance before implementing them.

Mofaz told the security cabinet that there is a need to strike a balance "between providing security for the country's residents, and the desire to let Abu Mazen [Abbas] begin an era of dialogue and stopping terror." ...

Also, see: Israeli, PA officials discuss Kassams

Security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians resumed Wednesday night with a meeting between Gaza division commander Brig.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Palestinian security chief Moussa Arafat at the Erez crossing, security officials said.

According to Israeli security officials, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz approved a Palestinian request to meet with senior IDF officers in the Southern Command to allow the Palestinians to present the planned security steps needed to restore calm and halt attacks on Israeli communities.

The Palestinians were reportedly represented by intelligence chief Amin al-Hindi and Arafat. In the security meeting, the Palestinians briefed Israeli officials on the measures they intend to take amd where they want to deploy the police. The PA wants Israel to assure them that the IDF will not shoot at their armed policemen who will be deployed to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.

The Palestinians had asked for the meeting, which was made possible by Israel's decision to resume contacts with the PA...

IIRC, Moussa Arafat is the corrupt Yasser nephew the old guy put in charge rather than Dahlan - which was all part of a dynamic setting off some public clashes and near civil war. Wonder if he'll last.

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