
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Yeah, I know some people are getting tired of the SwiftVet issues already, but really, this set of stories show every sign of being interesting and relevant for some time. How could I have missed this Boston Globe editorial of yesterday, in which the Editors absolutely foam at the mouth in defense of their man. I hope my wife stays half as loyal as this if I ever get into trouble. This thing is more like a drunken blog rant than a major daily editorial - which follows really, since bloggers have been doing the MSM's work for them since the story broke. It makes sense our positions are becoming reversed.

[Via Arthur Chrenkoff] Boston Globe: Bush's dirty work

AN ANGRY group of swift boat veterans has vowed to continue airing its odious ads attacking John Kerry's military service even after many of its claims have been discredited. Now the group is airing a commercial saying Kerry betrayed his fellow Vietnam veterans in his 1971 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when he said, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" One veteran in the ad, Paul Gallanti, even suggests that Kerry "gave the enemy for free what I and many of my comrades in North Vietnam, in the prison camps, took torture to avoid saying." It is hard to imagine that anyone reading the full 30 pages of Kerry's testimony would see anything but a thoughtful, anguished young man trying to come to grips with his experiences in Vietnam and spare other soldiers the same. Kerry grieves for the Americans and Vietnamese killed in the war and defends returning veterans against indifference and ill treatment by their country. He calls for more money for military hospitals to treat returning soldiers, especially those with drug addictions. He specifically says he does not presume to speak for all veterans. (The testimony is available at

See? They're even including internet links with their pieces now!

And NE Republican finds Kerry in another lie. Shallow responses, overblown editorials and stunts are all he has so far.

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