
Sunday, August 1, 2004

He has no plan he's willing to share. The only "plan" he's willing to share is some sort of business of ingratiating ourselves with our "allies." Translation: Screw Iraq. There is no other explanation. It's a favorite sport for countries who can't or won't hack it. Toss the average Arab to the lions, then run home and pronounce what humanitarians you are. Give the most vicious elements exactly what they want and then pretend you're doing the right thing by allying with some sort of somnambulant international order blind to the horrific realities it allows to happen all around it without lifting a finger. What possible good such a move could do at this point in history is a mystery. There must be some sort of liberal pathology born of a disrespected and damaged generation that subconsciously seeks to screw our generation as well.

Yahoo! News - Kerry Envisions No More U.S. Troops for Iraq

Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said on Sunday he did not anticipate sending more American troops to Iraq and hoped to bring "significant numbers" home during his first term.

Promising a fresh start with U.S. allies "burned" by President Bush, Kerry said, "I would consider it an unsuccessful policy if I hadn't brought significant numbers of troops back within the first term. And I will do that."...

How about telling us that you're focussed on accomplishing the mission, Mr. Kerry? Instead of defining "mission accomplished" by how many troops you can withdraw, why don't you tell us what conditions on the ground you'd hope to see created to feel your policy was successful, and that would allow you to draw down troops. Defining success by retreat is a LOSER's policy. I truly hope the American people will not elect a loser.

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