
Friday, July 16, 2004

I have a feeling this is going to be the story to watch for the near future. (Previous post here.)

Donald Sensing is a bit skeptical about some factors, and links to some other skeptics. His thoughts are worth considering, but Michelle Malkin updates again after speaking to the author, and her account makes the entire thing sound more and more credible.

This whole thing is reminiscent of the reaction to Iraqi blogger Zeyad of Healing Iraq's coming forward with the story of how his relative was murdered by US troops. There was a lot of skepticism (most of it polite) at that time. We have since found that the story was true. I'm going with "true" right from the start here. This story must be taken seriously (but fact-checked).


I usually read Iraq the Model when I do read the Iraqi blogs.
However, isn't Zeyad pretty pro American etc..? What was the story about that? Do you have the link to that entry?

By the way gotta luv Michele Malkin -
a) She's our age
b) She's got a really nice Asian face. I love it when she gets pissed the way her face and eyes curl up. I'm typcially not attracted to Asians though I dated a Vietanmese girl in HS who was very fine and her face did that too.
c) She's smart and feisty and stays on top of things like a bulldog.
d) She goes right after the PLO spokesmen/women on Cable shows.


Click on the link there in the entry. That'll take you to his last post on the subject (which also happens to be at the top of his page right now). He has links to the earlier entries.

Yes, he is very pro-American. In fact, he was one of the first heavily pro-American Iraqi bloggers. That's what gave the story added credibility and made it so the story couldn't be dismissed as just more rumor-mongering. It meant a lot of people got behind him and wanted things checked out. Sadly, it appears the story was true. :(

Michelle Malkin is awesome, and I'm really, really gratified to be on her blogroll. That's cool. :)

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