
Friday, May 14, 2004

Very good essay on the subject.

Abu Ghraib

...And then the horrible news about the beheading of Nick Berg came over the wire. I wanted to write about it, but unfortunately, that required me to watch it. One minute I was fretting about our treatment of Baathists, insurgents, and yes, probably innocents in an Iraqi prison. The next minute I found my head reflexively jerking from the screen as I saw life itself ripped from a living man, a man whose only offense was having the courage to step into a war zone and try to help rebuild a country. There's nothing like watching a beheading to put things in perspective.

Not that you could find any depictions of the horrific murder in the traditional media. Their airwaves were absent of Berg's haunting screams. Unless you went digging online, you wouldn't see the ghastly image of Berg's severed head being held up like a trophy. The media that had--rightfully, in my opinion--showed us the ugly reality of Abu Ghraib prison refused to do the same with Berg's murder...

(Via Setting the World to Rights who was also kind enough to link the post below.)

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