
Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Joel Mowbray digs into the background of the man behind the "diplomats' letter" to the President. No surprise in what he finds.

About that Israel-bashing letter to prez, consider the source

...As noxious as the track records of many of the former diplomats may be, perhaps none is as toxic as that of the man who spearheaded the whole effort, former Ambassador Andrew Killgore. A quick inspection of his history shows that he should be the last person giving lessons on "evenhandedness."

Killgore may or may not be an anti-Semite, but he certainly could be mistaken for one. That is a strong statement, to be sure, but it seems a fair assessment after spending some time at the Web site for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (, of which he is the co-founder and publisher.

The site's front page keeps a counter only of foreign aid money given to Israel. It calls for ending all military aid to Israel, though there is no similar call for ending the exact same level of aid given each year to Egypt for the same purpose, an arrangement that has existed since the Camp David Accords in 1978.

Killgore's Web site also has a "Neocon Corner," where he and others castigate one Jew or another for their sinister loyalties to Israel. (One exception was a hit piece on Dick Cheney.) Typical is a recent column on Richard Perle, former head of the Defense Policy Board. In the course of 800 words, Killgore refers to Perle as: a "fervent Zionist," a "dyed-in-the-wool Israel-Firster," part of the "Zionist lobby," "always active in Zionist organizations," the "Prince of Darkness" and a "Zionist ideologue."

On its Web page listing 27 "charitable organizations" are several with which no reasonable group would affiliate. Many are well-known for their radical Islamist agendas, and two in particular should have raised red flags: the United Palestinian Appeal and the Kinder USA, both "charitable" organizations that share leadership with the Holy Land Foundation, which was closed in December 2001, allegedly for funneling money to Hamas...


Thanks Mal, posted that Bowden one back in January in the right side headline area, but may as well toss it in again for timeliness. (Hint: If you use the search box once, it searches Solomonia, if you click it again on the results page, it also searches the "headlineblog" which contains all the entries I've put through there on the right.)

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