
Saturday, May 1, 2004 / News / Nation / Bush voices disgust over abuse photos

The one's taken in Abu Ghraib Prison. Disappointed. Deeply disappointed. That's how I feel. I know that sounds like one of those ridiculous diplomatic dispatches, but it really does describe my reaction. That and, "you idiots."

Now I have a question: The country is at war. The soldiers are actively engaged. You get some photographs placed in your hands showing our own troops engaged in some despicable behavior. You immediately recognize the explosive nature of said photographs and the fact that, if they were to get out, it would set back our efforts immeasurably and have wide repurcussions on our goals. What is the first thing you would do with those photos?

Would you:

a) Go to the military/DoD or some other authority with the photos, an explanation and an admonition that they better friggin' do something about it. Tell them they need to show you they're doing something and pronto.

or do you

b) Do a story on a major network news program during sweeps in which the photos will be broadcast to the entire planet.

But wait. As I understand it, these pictures are what sparked an already ongoing investigation in which careers were ending. So what good comes from broadcasting them now?

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