
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Yes, a year ago today I made my first post on - you have to scroll to the bottom to see it. When I started I didn't really know what "blogging" was, and didn't really have a firm grip on what I was going to be using the URL for in the long run. I certainly didn't know about "blogging software" and "permalinks." In all this time I don't think I've missed more than a handful of days - although I'm sure some days have been higher quality than others...

It's been somewhat therapeutic keeping this blog, and occasionally cathartic. After a year I think I'm still finding my voice.

Well, blogging about blogging has to be the most boring crap people can write about on their blogs, so that's that.

Thank you for reading.


Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

Congratulations! I ditto the same sentiment: keep up the good work.

Thank you both. I shall be celebrating tonight with a few St. Pauli Girls! (Why the hell not?)

congrats. you have a good blog. I found you from your yahoo profile on hasidic rebel's mailing list, btw. why do you never post there?:)

Glad you found me. I enjoyed the Rebel's blog a great deal, and also thought his comments section was interesting, if a bit troll-ridden, so when I saw he did a Yahoo Group I signed up, but without his presence it hasn't been the same.

Anyway, I'm not a big blog commenter. The only place I comment regularly is at Roger Simon's blog, for whatever reason. Usually, if I have something to say, I say it here.

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