
Saturday, January 17, 2004

Well, one thing you can do is play games. This being Saturday, I thought I'd focus on a little computer recreation, and this being a blog that often delves into issues of war and peace, and certainly supports our troops all the way, I thought I'd focus on one of the games I've been playing lately, America's Army.

America's Army is in the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre - where the player's perspective is the view out the eyes of an individual soldier on the battlefield. The emphasis here is on realism. Weapons here behave like the real thing, damage effects are serious and the speed at which a player can run around the battlefield is slower than in other FPS games like say, Counter Strike (also highly recommended), where the realism focus is slightly relaxed.

I should be clear for those who are not familiar with the genre that America's Army is a multi-player online game. You join a server where, from what I've seen, from 7 to 23 others are playing. I generally prefer servers with 14 or 16 players - 7 or 8 to a side. There are two teams, one with offensive objectives, and one on defense. Teamwork is key to success.

All of these screenshots are highly reduced. You can see them larger size and view video clips at the America's Army site.

The price on America's Army is quite appealing - it's free. That's part of what makes America's Army interesting. In this age where our poiticians often aim to score political points by railing against these types of violent video games, our government, specifically the US Army, has produced and is offering its own version free of charge. You just download it for yourself from the site. If the 650 megabyte download is a bit hefty for you 56K modem users, have no fear. You are invited to visit your local Army Recruiting Office where, one presumes, a friendly recruiting officer will be happy to provide you with a CD...and maybe a little sales pitch to go with?

The graphics are outstanding. You'll need a decent rig to play this game and enjoy it in full graphical glory. I'm running on a 1.44gig Athlon with 768megs of RAM and a GeForce Ti4400 graphics card and the game runs quite nicely for me.

The Army takes training seriously, and so does this game. Players generate an account on the Army's server and your statistics and training levels will be tracked. In order to participate in all of the missions available, the player needs to pass through various training excercises. Want to be able to use the sniper rifle? You'll need to pass sniper training with a certain score. Paratrooper? Pass the parachute missions. Want the ability to patch up your buddies? You'll literely need to sit through three classroom lectures, each with a multiple-choice test at the end. A word of advice: Pay attention! The first time I did the medic training I didn't expect a written test at the end. Doh! Even folks seeking Special Forces certification to play the Special Forces missions will not only need to field qualify in evasion techniques, but they will also need to pass a written, multiple-choice test.

Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds, and it does help ensure that the other people you meet on the servers will be serious about playing, and not just there to disrupt other people's good time.

Once you have all your training and certs (not all of which are necessary to play, they're only necessary if you want all the options available), there's still more to do to "Be all you can be." Once you start playing the game, in addition to your score, you'll see another statistic - Honor. This one carries with you from game session to session. It's a measure of time in the game and points garnered. I'm not sure of the exact system, but it seems to have less to do with enemy kills and more to do with successfully completed objectives. From the site:

Players are bound by the laws of land warfare, Army values (honor, duty and integrity) and realistic rules of engagement as they navigate challenges in teamwork-based multiplayer force vs. force operations. Mission accomplishment standings are evaluated based on team effort and adherence to a set of values and norms of conduct

Frag a bunch of your teammates, and not only could your honor could actually go down, but you may find yourself yanked off the server and staring at the walls of a cell in Levenworth.

You'll need at least a 15 Honor (you start at 10) to play on any of the Special Forces maps, and many servers have a minimum honor level needed to join. Oh, and once you get that 15 Honor, you can trick-out your weapon with your own choice of sights, suppressor, etc...

Don't live in the US? Don't worry. Says the FAQ:

Although all of the official servers are located in the United States, there is no restriction on who can play Americas Army. We want the whole world to know how great the U.S. Army is.

Now if you'll excuse me, there's a downed chopper pilot that needs rescuing, and my Honor needs a bit of polishing after that momentary lapse in muscular coordination I had while holding an RPG...

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Boldly exploring the Blogosphere... "Linking frequencies open, sir..." Command "As for what you want…it has been noted and logged." Patriot Paradox notes that it Looks Like Kerry Will Win Iowa. Whaddya know: "I'm from Iowa, I only work in... Read More

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I, unfortunately, don't have the system requirements necessary to play this game. But I have friends who swear that it is better than 95% of the games that they have ever bought. Phhtt!

BTW, you have an excellent blog. I can't remember how I found it, but I have been lurking for a few weeks or months (I use Mozilla Firebird, and all of my "must-reads" are tabbed up). I read quite a few blogs daily, and yours easily beats many of them for good writing.

I can launch into profane invective at times against ideological opposites, but I will try to keep my discourse civil. Just to let you know.

Thanks, Steve.

I can't believe it. I'm a gamer too. I'm currently playing Deus Ex Invisible War. I don't know if you played the first Deus Ex, but it is probably THE best immersive game I ever played and I've been gaming since 1980, when ZORK was just a thesis for some MIT graduates. I was always into Adventure gaming - any of Infocom's games would do, and of course Sierra's. When there was a lull in adventure game production around four years ago, I picked up Half-Life and later Deus Ex and I've been hooked on FPSs and RPGs ever since. Welcome to the fold, mate!

Thanks, Steve. From your keyboard to the blogosphere's ear.

Cool Smooth. I haven't played the Deus Ex games, but I remember the old Infocom games and yes, I even played Adventure on MIT's mainframe. I originally thought this web site might be a bit more eclectic, but certain other issues have been more effective in grabbing my attention...

Thanks man, a brand spanking new way for me to kill time.

I've spent a good chunk of the day getting slaughtered by more experienced players.

Heh...glad you're enjoying. Yeah, I should have mentioned you can get a lot of reading done while dead if you don't want to "ghost" the living players (a good way to learn the game, though).

It's a great game but the learning curve is pretty steep. Definitely much steeper than your typical FPS. There is another awesome FREE FPS out called Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory that is a must have for any FPS fans.

Thanks for the plug BTW.

AAO is a nice game.. not like CS or other games.

In this game you REALLY need to know how to play.

Other games doesn´t have the training option to Qualify to play.
I like that in a game.

Not anyone or anywho can play. You need to do some practise first to learn haw to use the weapon and so on.

Thats nice.

Been playing AAO a while now and I can´t get my ass from the pc some nights.

Lots of talking when you are dead and lots of social things aswell in game.
You can talk to opponent (from the whole world) and learn something about the land they are from.

Lots prejudice gets blown away.

Try it out it´s pretty fun some times.

I have been playing a few month now and have 62honor of 100 honor max.


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