
Monday, December 1, 2003

Ledeen says our enemies aren't playing, and neither should we. So why can't we face reality? Because it's not a perfect world. Because politics is everywhere, and contrary to what the anti-Bush people like to say, America does not and cannot stand alone. Ask Europe why they won't stand with us to do the right thing. That would change much, but it's not the political landscape we inhabit. The West would far rather appease than face the inevitable. (Via Blog-Iran)

Michael Ledeen - Managing Iraq

...It seems that the administration has decided to "manage" Iraq until Election Day, and then take stock of the situation. That, too, is a suicidal conceit, for no matter how marvelous our armed forces are, it gives the entire initiative to our enemies. And, as General Patton once remarked with his usual bitterness, fixed defenses are a tribute to the stupidity of the human mind. Yes, we are defending ourselves better, and yes, we are rounding up lots of bad guys, and yes, we are killing them in mounting numbers. All to the good. But the terrorists are looking at a target-rich environment, and we cannot defend all the targets.

Managing Iraq, which means taking it easy on Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, also means condemning lots of people to death who could be saved if we waged war against our enemies...

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