
Tuesday, December 2, 2003

Continuing along in the "problems with the Geneva Accord" vein, we have this update from Palestinian Media Watch (not online yet). They don't take it seriously. They never will. Any acceptance of this agreement falls under the heading of "strategy," not compromise.

PA celebrates “Geneva Agreement” while rejecting their only concession by Itamar Marcus

The Palestinian Authority has been publicly praising the Geneva Agreement signed yesterday between its representatives and representatives of the Israeli extreme left, while sending clear statements of rejection to its people regarding the one clause that obligates the Palestinians. On the positive side the Palestinian Authority sees the Geneva Agreement as major achievement, as prominent Israelis have agreed to 100% of the Palestinian territorial demands. These Israeli concessions are all clear and explicitly worded. A clear map is included with the agreement.

On the rejection side, the only Palestinian concession, that they give up their demand to have “refugees” settle in Israel, was worded ambiguously. While the agreement validates UN resolution 194, seen by the Palestinians as giving them “right” to settle in Israel, the final number to settle is left to Israel to determine, taking numerous undefined numbers into account.

This clear delineation of Israel’s concessions juxtaposed against the ambiguity of the Palestinian concession has enabled the Palestinian Authority to truly celebrate: Israel is obligated; they are not.

This dual message has been explicitly stated repeatedly to the PA population. Today’s PA daily had no problem hailing the agreement and at the same time expressing total rejection of the Israeli interpretation regarding refugees. The paper included two full pages of reports on all the Palestinian demonstrations against the agreement’s clause to limit “the right of return” and included three explicit statements by PA leaders of rejection of relinquishing the “refugees rights.”

The following statements are all from today’s official daily, Al Hayat Al-Jadida:

“The Minister of Foreign Affaires, Dr. Nebil Shaath, emphasized that the Palestinians will never give up the right to return to their houses, and will negotiate only about the procedures of returning… “ [Dec. 2 2003, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida]

“The Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Rafiq Al-Natshah, emphasized that the Palestinian problem started with the refugees and will not be solved unless the refugees return to their homes. He mentioned that the sacrifices and the struggle of our people will not allow anyone to forsake nor to concede any of our people’s rights. He added: Anyone who imagines that our people want peace at the expense of its rights, is wrong and if the peace initiatives come at the expense of the right of our people, let all the peace initiatives go to hell…”[Al Hayat Al-Jadida] Dec. 2, 2003]

“The President [Arafat] blesses the conference of peace forces in Geneva” and them immediately followed with: “…adhering to the legitimate international decisions which include: [UN decision] 194.” [Al Hayat Al-Jadida] Dec. 2, 2003]

In summary, the Palestinian interpretation of the Geneva Agreement is that Israel is obligated to hand over all the land and the refugee issue has to still be decided.

This is why the Palestinians are celebrating.

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