
Thursday, November 6, 2003

(Via Power Line):

A "shocking surprise" as Al Sharpton breaks ranks with the Democratic herd over the nomination of Judge Janice Rogers Brown.

Sharpton breaks ranks on Brown - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics

...At a press conference yesterday, Mr. Bond and other black leaders portrayed Justice Brown as a "far right-wing extremist" and "outside the mainstream."

They were asked how Justice Brown could be described as a right-wing ideologue when 76 percent of California voters cast ballots to return her to the bench in 1998, the highest percentage of any justice in that retention election.

"It's inexplicable to me," Mr. Bond said. "I cannot think of a response. But nonetheless, that election does not invalidate any of the things [we] have said."

Mr. Sharpton echoed the concerns of many conservatives — especially black conservatives — that Justice Brown is being opposed because she doesn't conform to the Democratic ideology that many blacks espouse.

"We've got to stop this monolith in black America because it impedes the freedom of expression for all of us," Mr. Sharpton said in a television interview conducted by Sinclair Broadcasting yesterday. "I don't think she should be opposed because she doesn't come from some assumed club."

Mr. Sharpton compared the filibusters to the same sort of "pocket vetoes" used for so long against blacks.

Wade Henderson, director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, who attended the anti-Brown press conference, was later asked about Mr. Sharpton's remarks.

"I don't believe it. That can't be true," he said as he headed to a meeting in the Democratic leadership office. "It would be shockingly surprising."...

I don't think the "Judge confirmation controversy" is going to really be a factor in and of itself to the average voter. Sorry to say, I think it's just esoterica to the average voter. But the damage it is doing is that it is causing the Democrats to over-play their hand even amongst themselves. They simply owe too much to too many interests and the cracks are starting to show. For all that there's a perception out there that Bush and the Republicans are on the hook to the "Religous Right," the fact is that that tie is more muted today than ever. If it were as strong as some of the Democrat ties to their left-wing are, Bush would be out there pushing hard for a total abortion ban. It's not happening, nor is it about to.

No, this Sharpton thing is a positive sign on several levels, and, credit where credit is due, it's the right thing for him to be doing. Frankly, if I'm a Democrat I'm hoping this helps break my party from continuing their no-win course of pandering to their extremists and gets them trying to get some of their middle ground back - and Al Sharpton is one of their extremists.

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