
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I've never been a big fan of Tom DeLay, but this is pretty good.


[...]THE UNITED STATES, THEREFORE, CANNOT SERVE AS A DISINTERESTED BROKER BETWEEN AN ALLY AND ITS TERRORIST ENEMY. There is NO MORAL EQUIVALENCE between an aggressor and a man who defends himself against aggression, just as there is no moral equivalence between terrorists and the Israeli government sworn to stop them, despite the ABSURD ASSERTIONS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT'S newly released Human Rights Report. This Report is designed to document the human rights conditions in countries around the globe; however, it compares the human rights record of a free, tolerant, and pluralistic nation with that of a terrorist network. There is no comparison, and to assert one is ridiculous. Israel is governed by democratically-elected representatives; the Palestinian Authority is governed by a gang of murderers.

Experience and common sense lead to one conclusion about America's proper role in the Middle East: we are absolutely right to stand with Israel, and our opponents are absolutely wrong.

The moral ambiguities of our diplomatic elites notwithstanding, Israel is not the problem; Israel is the solution![...]

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