
Friday, July 9, 2010

Manufacturers have long recognized the advantage of producing multiple brands that essentially mirror each other. The strategy is market saturation and control. If you control the supermarket shelf, you control the market. J Street's latest production is just such a move. Funded by under-the-radar Soros money, along with its many anti-israel deep pocketed contributors like the Turkish Mehmet Celebi (oddly enough, of Illinois) who helped produce Turkey's epic antisemitic film, "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq" in which Jewish doctors harvest organs from Muslim children and Nancy Dutton, who represents the Saudi Royal family as their lawyer, Jeremy Ben Ami's brainchild has just unleashed a media blitz operating under the name, "Community of Yes." Mimicking everything Obama, they hope to capitalize on the winning "Yes, We Can" theme. "Turning No into Yes on a Two State Solution" is the hastily built website's theme, as usual, exculpating Arabs and blaming it all on the Jews they despise.

It's more of the same J Street rant that the only obstacle to peace in the Middle East are all those nay-saying "right wingers" among American Christian supporters of Israel. For people who profess revulsion of the notion of demonizing "the other", J Street has produced a commercial that does precisely that. The 30 second TV and internet spot goes for the low-hanging fruit (Sara Palin, John Hagee and Rush Limbaugh) that's guaranteed to bring out shudders of fear from liberal American Jews.

The clip begins with..."As chaos and violence in the Middle East grow..." quickly overlaid with a video of IDF commandos descending on ropes to the deck of the Mavi Marmara, clearly suggesting that it is Jewish violence that is impeding the elusive peace process. According to J Street's playbook, there is no Palestinian Arab atrocity that is not caused by Israeli intransigence.

Slight problem for Ben Ami & Co. At least 63% of Americans disagree with them according to a recent Gallup poll. Seems like they're a lot smarter than the "blame Israel first, last and always" crowd on J Street. The spot also absurdly suggests that Jews who recognize the extremist threats coming out of both Gaza and Ramallah are somehow "denying reality."

Will this slick piece of codswallop succeed with American Jews and other Americans? If its past performance is any indication, it will be a flop, driving more and more people to the reality camp, the anti-J Street camp.

[Crossposted from JStreetJive.]

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Alan Dershowitz has published a blistering indictment of J Street's MacCarthyite tactics on The Hudson Institute's website. As we noted earlier, the latest J Street television/internet ad is designed to divide Americans and the American Jewish communi... Read More

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