
Saturday, July 10, 2010

The New York Post pretty well gets to the crux of the matter:

President Obama says he knows why polls show Israelis overwhelmingly consider him pro-Palestinian, while less than 10 percent believe he supports the Jewish state.

"Some of it may just be the fact that my middle name is Hussein, and that created suspicion," he told Israeli TV.

Of course, there might be other reasons why Israelis and their supporters view Obama with suspicion. Such as:

· His public humiliation last March of Bejamin Netanyahu at the White House, when Obama walked out of their talks to go have dinner with his family, leaving Israel's prime minister alone for over an hour, and then refused to release even a photo of their meeting.

· His disturbing comparison, during that "outreach" speech to the Arab world in Cairo, of the Palestinians' "daily humiliations" and "intolerable" situation to the Nazi Holocaust.

· His administration's public demand that Israeli leaders "demonstrate not just through words but through specific actions that they are committed to this relationship and to the peace process" -- a demand Sen. Chuck Schumer labeled "terrible" and "counterproductive."

· His continued push for closer US ties with Syria -- an ally of Iran, state sponsor of terrorism and major backer of both Hamas and Hezbollah.

· His decision to join the farcical UN Human Rights Council -- which devotes most of its time to denouncing Israel.

Obama's public reconciliation this week with Netanyahu is welcome, although the timing -- heading into critical midterm elections -- is a tad suspicious.

Supporters of Israel, in other words, are less concerned with Obama's name than with his record. And they believe this president, too, must demonstrate, "not just through words but through specific actions," that he is fully committed to Israel's security.


By saying that Israelis distrust him because of his surname he is actually saying that Isralis are stupid and only able to judge somebody by his name. This is not the case, the Israelis distrust Obama because of the things he is doing.

One of his most incoherent, incongruous statement. Hussein? E.g., when more than 20% of Israeli's are Arabs - Arabs who continue to choose to remain Israelis, rather than emigrate to nearby Arab countries?

He surely cannot be that naive, that ignorant, that stupid.

There are plenty of dumb people on every side of virtually every issue. To pretend that prejudice is beyond some Israelis is fantasy.

Less than 10% believe he supports Israel? Sorry, but that seems way too lopsided and wrong, and not just for policy reasons.

I know exactly what he means. It is not the primary reason, except for a fringe, but serves as a symbolic underlying justification for many to define his motivations when they disagree with his actions.

I see plenty of people in the US use his middle name to denigrate, so why should it be any different for a segment in Israel? If in the end, however, he moves the process in a positive direction by prompting Israel, that is a good thing. He has not asked for unilateral surrender, though to some you wouldn't know, and I therefore think it's wrong to imply something sinister.

Barry said in other words..."Israeli Jews are racist."

He didnt say Arab Muslims are racist. And he will never do that.

Barry aint Israeli Jews friends. Any fool can see that. However Netanyahu needed this show of solidarity to help discourage Israel's enemies.

Played right into Barry's hands, by encouraging Israel's enemies this spring, and putting the fear into the Jew.

EricD said...

"he moves the process in a positive direction by prompting Israel, that is a good thing."

What about Barack Hussein Obama prodding/demanding the palestinians to stop attacking Israel, rescind the racist hamas charter, their death craving childrens shows, their brainwashing people to become suicide bombers?

BTW, where is "Salaam Now", the palestinian peace group - or would that be counter-revolutionary and a dishonor of islamofascism?

Less than 10% believe he supports Israel? Sorry, but that seems way too lopsided and wrong, and not just for policy reasons

Most Israelis were led by their media, which relies on the American MSM, to believe in Hope&Change and a high percentage of them were waiting with hope until the Cairo speech spoiled it all.
Suddenly "America" was renouncing Jewish roots and ascribing it all to Auschwitz.
Even his favourite Whitehouse reporter.
What do you think passed through the minds of the majority of Israeli Jews who hail from the Middle East and other Muslim regions?
Those Jews who have had a millenia old relationship with places like Safed etc?
And now after all the other foreign policy contortions of your President all that rested for him to say to those of European extraction was "Some of my best friends are ...".

After his UN NPT act, Human Rights Council green light and "America's" initial reaction to the Turkish flotilla for sure it's lopsided. 10% is way too high.
As for the Arab population well their culture always goes with the "strong horse" and what they see is the obsequious behaviour of "America" with regard to the Arab States which does not bode well for the Israeli Arab's quality of life.

I should have added what some disappointed Israelis confided, that what would have raised their hopes a bit had Obama at least expressed his interest in the human rights of Gilad Shalit by demanding visits by the Red Cross.
What Israeli Jews have come to realise is that they do have the same rights in this world.
Hopefully American Jews will not come to experience that.

Oops. I left out "not" in that they do have the same rights in this world.

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