
Monday, July 19, 2010

Just what is a humanitarian crisis anyway? Lack of food and basic necessities? But that's not the case in Gaza, where both the statistics and the visual evidence show time and again that there is no lack of the basics. A health crisis of epic proportions? Again, not the case in Gaza, where by multiple measures Gaza health metrics are better than other area nations.

And now, more visual evidence that in Gaza we're not exactly talking about a replay of the Warsaw Ghetto. at Elder of Ziyon: Grand Opening of the Gaza Mall and More heartbreaking pictures from the Gaza Mall. Also Tom Gross: A nice new shopping mall opened today in Gaza: Will the media report on it? And some photos at Video games, water features, well stocked shelves.

The Free Gaza people are a joke. In spite of electing and being led by a genocidal terrorist group, Gazans continue to receive medical treatment, hard currency, energy, and all manner of necessities from Israel. There is an economic hardship there, unemployment, but they can blame their regressive regime and its terrorist and religio-fascist priorities for the stunted nature of the country, as well as the massive international welfare they receive which serves as a continuing impediment and disincentive to productive enterprise.

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Not to mention life in the West Bank, which likewise is thriving. Yet, none of this background, none of this context, made the recent Katie Couric/Netanyahu interview, not so much as a vague allusion to it, not so much as a peripheral mention ... nada, nil, zil, nihil ... i.e. ho hum - business as usual among the DL/LEM, the dominant left/liberal establishment media.

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