
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A little heavy handed? Perhaps. But you gotta love that Horowitz goes straight for the heart. He does nothing by halves. And I just love the fact that he ran this thing on Olbermann's show:

Via: The Other McCain: David Horowitz Runs Pro-Israel Ad on Olbermann Show; Kos Kids Freak Out]


I love David Horowitz!

Anyways, Solomon, check this out. I ran across this at a Black American Conservative site that I frequent and participate on.

ELIZABETH WRIGHT OP-ED: Ensuring That Ethnic Majority

The paleo-conservative blogger in New York City zeroes in on a CNN report alleging evictions of Bedouins from a village in southern Israel: "We're aware of the great delight that Zionists take in comparing the U.S. dispossession of the Indians to the Israelis' treatment of the Arabs in their region. Supposedly, this removes any right for an American to criticize, even though it's our billions of tax dollars that make the cruelties now being exacted on the Palestinians and others in the territory possible. Let's say Israel stops taking U.S. money, even to the point of paying for those Caterpillar machines, and let's see how effective their human removal will be."

Ms. Wright continues her commentary: "What do you think the chances are that a U.S. official today would be heard to say that gentile whites must secure every region and that no area should be left without a 'white [G]entile majority?' [as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu allegedly said about Jews during a cabinet meeting]? We can bet that 99% of the Jews in this country would go ballistic, yet they praise such an approach in dear, little, persecuted Israel. Gentile whites in the U.S. can, by their actions, secure all-white areas to live in, but they'd better not talk about it openly. Bedouins, of course, have lived in the Negev region for centuries, and claim, as they do in the story above, to have 'original deeds to the land.' Did they get their deeds from a Sky God, too? I wonder."

Does Booker Rising often repost such paleo-con drivel? If so, I'm disappointed. I've been aware of that site and interested in it for some time, but obviously don't read it that often. Is it worth replying there?

Well, I posted anyway.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of Black American Conservatives are pro Israel.

However, they do post up articles by a Nation of Islamist over there, pretty often.

And the Black Tory gal from the UK that they post up regularly, is an apologist for Islam. What's her name.... Walaa Idriss.

The real curious thing, is the positioning of the Nation of Islamists, which seems a bit ambiguous, as to whether Black Americans place them as Conservative or Liberal.

I drive those folks nuts over there as well. But as conservatives, we are largely in agreement to the broader picture and policy advocations.

Still lots to learn, about the nuances of Black American politics.



Id be interested in you taking the time to refute CareBear over there....she is a Black Leftwinger, and a hater of White Euros.

I think that it would be educational for a lot of the Black Cons to have you make the argument with the level of knowledge and understanding that you have, if you have time.

Help bolster their support for Israel.



Ha! Forget that. I took time to write a thoughtful reply but I'm not going to live there. CareBear is the type that's a real waste of time to discuss anything with. I'm not going to spend the rest of the year shouting one liners and insults into the air.


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