
Monday, June 7, 2010

[The following, by Will Spotts, is crossposted from The PC(USA) on Israel and Palestine.]

As we approach the PC(USA)'s 219th General Assembly, a lot of people are writing on the Middle East issues being considered. I'd like to highlight a number of these resources.

Presbyterians for Middle East Peace [A group of Presbyterians committed to fairness and accuracy in the formulation of the PC(USA)'s Middle East Policy. This site features analysis of overtures coming before the GA, articles, and videos.]

Bearing Witness 2010 [I am contributor to this site. It has been created by Jon Haber in response to the fact that many of the materials coming before the PC(USA)'s GA do not present both sides of the issues. "Bearing Witness 2010 hopes to rectify that situation with some well-reasoned analysis that puts the entire matter of Presbyterian relations with the Jewish state into context, as well as taking on individual issues related to this year's GA votes."]

Viola Larson is a Presbyterian elder who has been very concerned by the anti-Jewish elements she sees in many PC(USA) resources. On her blog, Naming His Grace, Viola has written about many of the Middle East issues coming before the GA, and she has consistently opposed bias. Check out her posts:

An Exchange of Emails about Item 08-09 [Item 08-09 is the overture from the Presbytery of San Francisco based on a letter from the IPMN that contains a number of troubling elements - including an accusation that American Jewish organizations set fire to a PC(USA) church and might have sent a bomb to PC(USA) headquarters.]

The Israel/Palestine Mission Network Lied: Should We Care?

Presbyterian Middle East Study Team & "The Kairos Palestine Document" no longer Jewish Nation? [Refers to the MESC recommendation to approve vague portions of the Kairos document]

Links to My Postings on Middle East Issues Coming to the PC(USA) General Assembly

David Fischler is a pastor in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. His blog, The Reformed Pastor, features a number of posts about church positions on Israel - including the PC(USA), other denominations and organizations like the NCC, and the WCC.

Dexter Van Zile has followed issues of church related anti-Israel activism for a number of years.

Roundup of Information on PC(USA) Israel Debate [This page provides links to a large number of articles on the PC(USA) and Israel. It is a great source of information.]

Presby Peacemakers Attack Jewish Groups in the U.S. [A response to the PC(USA) Israel Palestine Mission Network's troubling letter urging the rejection of the report on Christians and Jews.]

The U.S. Presbyterian Church's Renewed Attack on Israel [A long article outlining the PC(USA)'s recent history of policies on Israel activism and items coming to the 219th GA. Well worth the read.]

Alan Wisdom, Presbyterian Action for Faith and Freedom, the IRD.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [Wisdom provides an overview and analysis of actions coming before the General Assembly.]

Twenty-one Theses to Guide Christian Engagement with the Middle East [This is one of the most lucid and concise treatments available of the relevant issues churches face in crafting their policies on the Middle East.]

Robert Austell was a commissioner to the 218th General Assembly, and based on his experiences he has gathered a host of resources useful to commissioners. In his site, GA Help, he provides a considerable amount of information and links to resources on a wide variety of topics.

Will Spotts

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