
Thursday, June 17, 2010


(1) Complete transparency for list of prohibited/restricted materials;

(2) Form a committee with the Europeans and PA for dealing with construction materials, hire observers to check building projects to see whether Hamas is stinting them -- discontinue cement for those projects (they'll have to switch to fireproof wood).

(3) Have the EU monitor amount in the Gazan cement stores, from crushed stones; subsidize purchase of cement for houses and building projects that don't involve Hamas.

I think the blockade on weapons and/or materials that could create weapons is logical. I've never been comfortable with other aspects of the blockade because it quite possibly strengthens Hamas, plus it's fodder for the anti-Israel press as well as creating needless hardship.

For this reason, strengthening the economy for ordinary Gazans might actually serve to moderate political opinions.

This is a tough one though - it's extremely unusual for a country to be expected to support a sworn enemy. It would be different if one could prove the people of Gaza don't follow the Hamas line. Then you'd have a clear situation of the people being oppressed by Hamas (or the even more extreme elements).

I think getting Shalit back is a priority and the UN itself should demand it, since they obviously have plenty of time to attack Israel; perhaps they could spare a few minutes on behalf of this innocent young man and his family.

Of course people are welcome to post ideas here, but I should have mentioned I especially encourage you to post supportive comments at the CS Monitor site.

Seal the border entirely, cut off all aid and contact with Gaza. Maintain naval blockade to inspect for weapons. Let the Arabs and UN support Gaza to their heart's content. Return any hostile fire 1000-fold. Tell Abbas, sorry.

I agree with g above. Giving aid to your enemy is madness.

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