
Thursday, June 10, 2010

[The following, by Ben Cohen, is crossposted from Z Word.]

In the late, unlamented Soviet Union, the phrase "international Zionism" was the communist version of that Tsarist-era fabrication, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hugo Chavez's regime in Venezuela has picked up the baton:

CARACAS, Venezuela (JTA) -- A foreign policy adviser to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez equated what he called "international Zionism" with "Nazism."

Raimundo Kabchi, a professor at the Institute for Higher Diplomatic Studies, which is connected to the Ministry of Foreign Relations, said Israel's "pretensions" over Palestinian territories constitutes "a new Nazism, international Zionism," during an interview Wednesday on National Radio of Venezuela.

Kabchi also criticized the U.N. Security Council's decision to pass new sanctions on Iran for what he called the nation's "peaceful" and "scientific" use of atomic energy. He noted that the move could affect Venezuela by placing 41 Iranian businesses on a blacklist.

In the past, Chavez has described relations between Venezuela and Iran as brotherly. Chavez reportedly spoke over the phone with his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, soon after taking to the national airwaves to "curse" Israel for its maritime raid on an aid flotilla headed for Gaza.

Kabchi is cited frequently in the local government press as a Middle East specialist and often is quoted referring to the "Zionist lobby."

For example, Morocco's decision to sever diplomatic ties with Venezuela in 2009 following Chavez's expulsion of the Israeli ambassador was, in Kabshi's opinion, "a decision meant to serve the interests of the world Zionist lobby."

Most of Venezuela's small Jewish community is Sephardic, of Moroccan descent.

Last week, Chavez himself showed signs of Mugabe-like dementia when he declared, "Israel finances the Venezuelan opposition, the counter-revolution. There are groups, even Israeli terrorists, the Mossad, that are after me, trying to kill me."

Anyone remember the Doctor's Plot?


Well this shouldn't come as News from the Delphic Oracle.

That said, read the Brits (it's depressing:)

You've got to follow the links to read what Garrard is talking about. Briefly though... "Israel (is said to regard itself)'exempt from the demands of common humanity' (via Z Word Blog). Iain Banks thinks that 'simple human decency' means nothing to Israel (see this normblog post)."

I could cry.

Meanwhile, in not so widely covered news, an Afghan wedding was blown to smithereens yesterday by a suicide bomber - dozens dead, many more injured.

Chavez wants nukes, from his brothers in the islamofascist regime of iran - and he'll get them with an Obama regime.

Can't forget or forgive the jimmy carter (worst president ever - jimmy may have to move to second place) and chavez embrace.

If the Mossad assasinated Chavez and the Castro Brothers, I would perrenially raise my glass in gratitude to them, and they can take out Mugabe while they are at it.

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