
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Looks like someone got to Barney Frank and convinced him to back off the stupid, stupid remarks he made Tuesday with regard to the Gaza Flotilla: Barney Frank Backs Off From Israel Criticism

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank scrambled yesterday to backtrack from his criticisms of an Israeli raid on a pro-Palestinian flotilla that left nine dead - saying he never referred to those killed as "innocent."

Frank, (D-Newton), came under fire from local Jewish groups after telling the Herald Tuesday he was "as a Jew ... ashamed" of some Israeli actions and saying there should be a "genuinely impartial" inquiry into the raid, (as was reported here on VIN News). Yesterday, Frank said a probe by an Israeli-commissioned group is best.

"The record of the United Nations with regard to Israel is a badly biased one and clearly no inquiry by the U.N. would have the credibility it ought to have," Frank's statement said.

In his Tuesday meeting with Herald reporters and editors, when asked how the United States should respond to the raid, Frank said he needed to review the incident. He then said, "Once you have a combat situation and innocent people die, I mean, you know, look at our problems in Afghanistan, and we have an obligation to try and avoid it."

Frank's statement yesterday said he was not referring to the slain pro-Palestinian activists as "innocent," but was referring to "the problems the American military has encountered in Afghanistan - and before that to a great extent Iraq," an apparent reference to accidental killings of civilians by the U.S. military...

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1 Comment

Is Barney, who was ashamed to be a Jew on Tuesday, now proud to be a Jew? Barney and other Jews should be extremely angry that psuedo-Prez Obama hasnt condemned the Arab blockade running flotilla's violence; or that the lame Main Stream media hasnt shown the videos or stills of the 'innocent' blockade runners beating the crap outa the Israeli blockade enforcement officers.

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