
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Took a trip to the Stone Zoo today. This river otter was feeling particularly photogenic:




The one-armed gibbon was particularly and fabulously adept at swinging about his enclosure at altitude without missing a beat, but I didn't get any good photos and video would have been necessary to really appreciate him.

Overheard conversation of the day was when a wife turned to her husband in front of one of the other monkey cages: "Oh, what's the growth there on him? See, it's sort of hanging off him poor thing." So I turn and say, "Uh, I think that's how he makes new monkeys."

"Oh." (Embarrassed laugh.)



Great shots of the otter.

I hate to be pedantic (no I don't) but a gibbon is a lesser ape; not a monkey. Monkeys have tails.

But I stand to be corrected and will feel a right monkey if I am.

Good for you for supporting the Stone Zoo; it does not get the patronage it deserves. Make sure you take a trip to the Franklin Park Zoo too for many good photo ops. Great photo's by the way.

meyer, you are right! And what's funny is that there is a big sign on the cage explaining this difference in pictures, and we actually paused to look and talk about it. To clarify though, the guy with his junk hanging out was a monkey -- I just couldn't remember for sure what type. He was next to the spider monkey cage. I shouldn't have said "other," though.

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