
Sunday, May 9, 2010

[The following, by Charles Jacobs, appeared in The Jewish Advocate.]

Remember "The Great Schlep?" In 2008, two months before the presidential election, comedian Sarah Silverman appealed to Jewish youngsters to schlep across the country to the key electoral state of Florida, where so many of their bubbes and zaydes live, and persuade them to vote for Barack Obama and "change the world." "The Great Schlep" was a five minute pitch on YouTube seen by almost 2 million people - and it may well have worked.

Not only in Florida did Jewish youth cajole their elders to vote for Obama. I witnessed these conversations in Boston: one part Bush/ Palin bashing - (how "dumb" they are), one part "hope-n-change" - "how cool to have a black president, and he went to Harvard!"

And so 78 percent of America's Jews gleefully voted for Obama, a proportion higher than any other group except for blacks. But that was then.

In recent weeks Jews in great numbers have suddenly changed their minds. Bubbe, it seems, is having painful second thoughts. And not only Bubbe.

According to a McLaughlin poll, if the election were held today, only 42 percent of American Jews would cast their ballots in favor of the reelection of Obama. A Quinnipiac poll last month found that 67 percent of American Jews do not like Obama's approach toward Israel. While 66 percent of those polled said Obama should be a strong supporter of Israel, only 3 percent of all polled consider him to actually be that.

During the presidential campaign, Jews ignored and downplayed many significant indications that Obama was more pro- Arab/Muslim than any other presidential candidate in living memory. His friendships with radical leftists and anti-Israel Arabs were explained away as youthful passion or mere political opportunism. Jews were assured by their national leaders that, despite all this, Obama was solid in his support for the Jewish state. He could be trusted. Not to worry.

But now the Jews are worried. Obama's pandering to the Islamic world and gratuitous insults to the Jewish state are making them worry. They worry that Iranian leaders are Nazis with nukes, and that a flaccid Obama will guarantee Ahmadinejad a shot at the Shoah he says never happened - but should have. They worry about anti-Zionism in high places - General David Petraeus saying that American soldiers' lives are at risk because of Israeli policies. (Petraeus later denied he meant this.) Jews are worried about that unnamed Obama official who charged Dennis Ross, the peaceprocessor, with dual loyalty. Jews worry that American policymakers might force Israel to cede East Jerusalem, putting Jerusalem's Jews within bullet range, and encouraging Arab intransigence. More recently, there are rumblings about disarming Israeli nuclear capabilities for the sake of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.

It started with Obama's response to an Israeli gaffe - announcing the building of apartments in Jerusalem during Biden's visit. This was Jewish housing for a part of Jerusalem that nobody ever thought would be relinquished in any conceivable deal, but never mind, it was bad timing, not smart. But instead of accepting Netanyahu's apology for a diplomatic error, the Obamai unleashed a series of nasty attacks on Bibi, demanding (more) Israeli concessions. Why? Could it be - from Rahm Emanuel's playbook - that Bibi's error was being parleyed into "the crisis which shouldn't be wasted?" Obama policy, after all, is to hit the restart button with the Muslim world. Jews could not be blamed for thinking that smacking Israel was his way to win Islamic points.

But it was, I believe, Obama's personal humiliation of Bibi at the White House that broke the dam. There would be no photo with the Jewish head of state. No food in Obama's White House for this arrogant Jew. Our president intentionally humiliated the man who leads the Jewish nation after bowing to a head-chopping, women- and- gay oppressing Saudi king; reaching out to the Iranian Nazi wannabe; and warmly greeting a smiling socialist thug Hugo Chavez? Even for Obama's Jews it was hard not to notice.

And so a week after the Jew-miliation, five prominent Jewish liberals who had been Obama supporters - Alan Dershowitz, Ron Lauder, Elie Wiesel, Marty Peretz, and Ed Koch, publicly opposed - some upbraided - the president. Koch shamed America's Jewish leaders for not standing up. (Is anyone surprised? Last month in Manhattan, the grassroots activist Beth Gilinsky's Jewish Action Alliance led a demonstration of thousands - including many non-Jews - for Israel, and not one establishment Jewish leader showed up.)

We live in interesting and dangerous times. Democratic Party support for Israel is declining, while that of Republicans and Independents is rising. Bubbe may have been charmed by her new-age grandchildren, schooled as they are to believe that there are no real conflicts, no real evil in the world - only communication problems that dialogue (or psychobabble) can solve.

It all sounded so hopeful in the fall of 2008, all so dreamy. But you can shock a bubbe out of such foolishness - if you diss a Jew at the White House, especially if you don't feed him. There is no household Jewish terror that can match the thought of a guest for whom there is not enough food. You didn't feed your important Jewish guest, Mr. Obama!? You lost Bubbe. And to many Jews, it's Bubbe who knows what's right.


Obama has done the math. He doesn't want or need or care about Jewish support now. Not for re election. So he's throwing us all to the wolves. He took our money and our support and now he's banishing us and canceling the debt. The Court Jews will be the last to leave but only because they will be the most astonished. Obama isn't even pretending any more and you can expect more and worse.

What about the Zaidy backlash?

Cut off your nose to spite your face. At least that instinctively pro American and pro Israel white Euro ignorant imbecile hillbilly Pro Life Christian wolf killer was cut down, heh? The anti American anti European anti Israel pro Islam godless post modern black liberation theologist, New Left Radical Alinsky Community Organizer was much preferred to that!

So, "white Euro ignorant imbecile hillbilly Pro Life Christian wolf killer" is the alternative?

I should certainly hope not. Because Bubbe isn't going to vote for that ever.

Why? EXPERIENCE dude. Experience. We saw plenty of that in Europe and we remember how THAT worked out.

Plus we're not stupid.


I would hope that people who respect animals and the environment, who don't think it's cool to shoot rare and defenseless creatures from helicopters, and who don't immediately see skin color and religious background and make snap judgments based on those external features, and who ALSO support Enlightenment values, women's rights, gay rights, America and Israel can be found in the United States of America.

In fact I'll bet they're the majority.

We don't need these polarizing figureheads, period.

PS you guys should understand something: I meet a lot of young people in my work and they are dismayed by the ugliness of American politics. They aren't wingnuts in any sense.

For their sake can we get off the edges and start working back toward the center? It shouldn't have to come down to a choice between Rev. Wright and the aforementioned white bigot who murders wolves.

Trudy is right. Obama is likely to get worse. This may be outright anti-Jewish incitement in the media based on mearsheimer's three-fold classification of Jews as Righteous, ambivalent, and Afrikaners. We are going to be called Afrikaners, in any case, whether by Obama's men or those who don't seem to be his men.

The question now is how will mearsheimer classify goldstone from now on. Will goldstone still be one of the righteous or will he be recognized as an Afrikaner [after the revelations about sentencing blacks to hanging]??

In the coming Judeophobic campaign, arthur waskow and michael lerner may get marching orders. They may be told to intensify their anti-Israel, anti-Zionist agitprop.

EV's sarcastic caricatures are archly drawn, yet the fact of the matter is that, sadly, the left-wing media (NY Times, WaPo, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, ...) and chattering class, far from celebrating Sarah Palin's successes, dismiss her as a caricature (Maureen Dowd: Caribou Barbie). Who in the MSM or on the left takes Palin seriously, this successful woman who is better qualified than BHO experience and her judgment to sit in the Oval Office.

Mesmerised by all the hype of a vapid campaign about hope and change, the voters elected the empty-suit, thin resumé, teleprompter president who has for the most part lived down to his caricature as "The anti American anti European anti Israel pro Islam godless post modern black liberation theologist, New Left Radical Alinsky Community Organizer"

Things might have turned out differently. McCain was closing in on Obama in the polls until the end of September, when the stuff hit the fan with the economy. The Obama campaign successfully pinned the tale on the elephant, instead of on the donkey. Corruptocrat Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter laid the foundation for the house of cards that ultimately (and inevitably) collapsed. Democrats created the market conditions and mandated the bad loans but cried "fat-cat Republicans" and "deregulation" when what they set in motion—against the advice of Republicans and bankers—quite predictably crashed into the wall. (As BHO's mentor, confidante and personal adviser Jeremiah Wright said in a different context "America's chickens have come come home to roost.")

2012 is still a long way off, and it's way too soon to make predictions. However, with any luck, the people will vote BHO out of office. One and done.

One and done indeed. May the damage done not be too grave.

I think Sophia just compared Sarah Palin to Adolph Hitler.

So, "white Euro ignorant imbecile hillbilly Pro Life Christian wolf killer" is the alternative?

I should certainly hope not. Because Bubbe isn't going to vote for that ever.


He didnt vote for the most centrist Republican in the party either, John McCain, given the choice between him and Obama.

Jews are hostile to white Euro Christians. So they voted for the candidate that was also hostile to those bitter clingers. Turns out this cat was also hostile to Israeli Jews and for similar reasons. Your problem is that you think your hostility to White Euro Christians is legitmate and not bigotry. Fighting the man. Well, that is what every anti Israel Leftist thinks of Israel.

Ill note the conspicuous absence of white Euros, Christians, and males from your list of who you think deserves their rights championed. Very telling.

You voted for the anti Israel candidate, so you deserve everything coming your way, on that front Sophia. As I said, you voted to cut off your nose to spite the White Euro Christian. Enjoy!

Until you love Jews more than you hate White Euro Christians, you will continue down this path of self immolation. Similar to the Palestinian Muslims, who hate Jews more than they love Arab Muslims. Hate leads to suffering.

This site must be really growing... so many savy commentators....

Sophia, I'm afraid you're fighting the last war --
Your precious left -- the one we both grew up with -- has morphed into some near-fascist thing ...please go read their blogs! why are they silent on Arabs having black slaves and women as chattel and gays hung, and Jews dhimmi? Why? Because they no longer are the left you knew. They have abandoned Israel AND the Enlightenment Can't you see that?

PLUS... Jews hate hillbillies who "murder" wolves... but love PhD's even if they will help people murder us. It can't be helped... it's in the DNA....


EV, I agree to a great extent w/your comments. But, for the record (just for future reference, in case it arises again), Bubbe is she--not he.

But Sophia is right that Bubbe, in most cases, ain't gonna vote that way. It's partly her fear of the Christian fascist antisemites and blind fealty to the democratic party. In both cases, the attitude is rooted in another era. Since the passing of LBJ, the Christian world is no longer a threat and the Dems are no longer a friend.

EV, the more you talk about white Christian Euros, the more it creeps me out. Skin color doesn't matter. And for that matter, religion is also not the important feature. Dhimmitude and the Islamification of Europe (or is it Eurabia?) are serious issues.

The problem is the failure of Europeans to assert Western culture, which in turn reflects the multi-culti moral relativism so much in vogue among the cultural elites. (And as Mark Steyn points out the long-term prognosis is very grim because of the catastrophically low birth rates.)

Former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, for example, is a European one hopes you would not find objectionable. But she's a Somali-born Muslim and is not white. Geert Wilders is someone who is "white", but Nappy doesn't know (or care) whether he's a devout Christian, a nominal Christian, an athiest or a Bhuddist. Why are so obsessed with racial groups and religious affiliation?

Nappy's parents fled Germany in the '30s, and Nappy's father was the only member of his family to make it out alive. We Jews have a long, tragic history of living among white, Christian Europeans. The cultural values we both want to see expressed more forcefully have nothing to do with being white, or even being Christian. (In case you haven't noticed, the situation of Jews in much of Europe today is pretty precarious.)

One notes that you often talk about Israeli Jews. What about European Jews? Are they the kind of Europeans you're happy with or does it bother you that there are still some Jews in Europe who haven't emigrated to Israel, Australia, the Americas or South Africa?

We agree about some things things, but a lot of what you say just rubs the wrong way. Paraphrasing Martin Luther King, Jr., Nappy wishes that you would focus more on content of character instead of the color of skin.

Skin color doesn't matter. --- Nappy

I agree.

And Nappy, I understand your being creeped out, this is why Im here as well as other places.

Do you get creeped out when Jews talk about their well being and attacks, bigotry, and discrimination against them? How about Black Americans? The problem Nappy is the Western Left and a gaggle of minority groups has waged war on White Christian Euros, villifying them at every opportunity, subjugating their culture to others, discriminating against them, and so on and so forth. Its not of my choosing that this occurs. Its similar to the old nugget of wisdom, "Who is a Jew? ... A Jew is anybody that Hitler says is a Jew." The problem is that white Christian Euros have enemies or those that are hostile to them. Its not of our chosing, but to sit back and say nothing and accept the villification and ill treatment is not acceptable.

I do agree that the European West is not asserting their values strongly. Part of the reason for that is that doing so, gets you called a bigoted hatefilled racist, oppressor of the other. However allowing that state of affairs to continue, now that Islam has entered the picture is not an option.

Certainly you can see these things, in the response fo the Leftwing media to a "white man" probably someone upset with Obamacare. But as soon as it became known that the culprit was Muslim and his actions based in religious concerns, then the mantra became "we dont want a backlash." I guess inciting a backlash against the White Euro Christian Conservative was just honky dory, heh? The villification of the Tea Partiers as white mobs and racists. The villification of Sarah Palin. People advocating enforcing our borders and immigration laws as racists xenophobic haters, on par with Apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany.

Its not Black Americans or Black Europeans that are under the gun, who are culturally Anglo in the US and European in Europe. Its White Euros....and Christians. Christians are targeted by the Left, who mute their criticism of Islam. Why doesnt the Western Left go after Islam like it did and does Christianity?

Certainly you can see this Nappy? It's not that Im a white supremacist, but Im going to stick up for myself and my groups, in the face of hatemongering and bigotry, legal discrimination, assault on my culture, villification, and even the attempt to disempower us in our own countries via mass immigration (as the Labour Party leak revealed in teh UK)....dont think that isnt behind the Amnesty shills on the Left in the US, either. These gun owning white Euro Christian Classical Liberal Libertarians are an impediment to the Utopian Vision.

Multiculturalism as it is, not as it could be, is anti White Anglo/European. Its not neutral, it promotes "all Others" over the White Anglo/European.

I do agree that we are largely in agreement on policy here, but my loyalties lie elsewhere. I am not hostile to Jews, but I will criticize them for being hostile to me and mine. Political Correctness may protect Jews and other groups from criticism, but Ive cast PC to the curb a long time ago. I respect other peoples and there rights, Im an individualist at heart, but Ill not be disrespected and treated like shit and a doormat.

Hope that helps you to understand where Im coming from somewhat.

In a true Multicultural society, Sarah Palin would be celebrated as a local rural girl done good. Achieving success with praiseworthy accomplishments and achievements. Not villified in the ugly manner in which she was. Could you imagine if Barack Obama was born in Alaska, became mayor and then a very popular Governor who took on corruption in his own party and won, being treated in the manner that Sarah Palin was?

That hostility is not a figment of my immagination, its very real. And its dangerous. I guess Im now the uppity white man. Well, so be it. Im here and Ill not go quietly into that good night.

I wish the Left didnt create this state of events, but wishing never changed anything. Instead Im going to organize and assert my humanity and equal rights, the right to be treated with dignity and respect, to have my culture respected. Its a bit ugly, but the Left created this atmosphere, and Ill not go to the gulags quietly.

Allen West is my favorite candidate right now. He is a Western, European and American Patriot. I have no problem with skin color, I have lots of problems with Leftwingers and their allies who are hostile to me and mine. Unfortunately, that means the majority of black Americans and the majority of American Jews. This is there choosing, not mine. I am willing to live and let live, tolerance and equality of opportunity. However the Left isnt down with that and is pushing inequality of opportunity, punishment of current white Euros, based on percieved or otherwise historical wrongs/grievences, promoting others cultures over mine. I wish it werent so, but there it is.

Your being creeped out about WHITE Euro Christians, is just part of the historical villification. The game has changed, as g said.

I would love it, if people would stop playing identity politics and victimization games, but that isnt going to happen anytime soon. If you dont want White Christian Euros to start in with classic Jewish or Black American or Latino American identity politics, then stop playing them. Calling White Euros racist, while not stopping with the racist identity politics yourself is the height of incredulity.

All that being said, I still advocate many policies that value liberty highly and colorblindness, and tolerance. But not this nightmare that the Left is pushing.

Charles, I agree the Left has changed, with the exception of some holdouts. One can only hope that sanity will prevail and the true roots of the left - in tolerance and the drive for economic justice, in democratic values, will once again reassert themselves.

I don't recognize much of "the left" on the so-called progressive blogs especially when it overlaps with theocratic fascism.

But, I don't think the answer to whatever that strangeness is, or what it represents, resides in the far right.

And, I also don't understand your use of the term "murder" in quotes.

Animals have rights, they have personae as well and slaughtering them from helicopters is obscene.

I don't get the right on this issue either. And I say this as a Southwesterner whose father is an avid hunter. But he does it right - he's made his own arrows, trained his own dogs, and he puts himself in the footprints of his prey.

That's not what the wolf slaughter is about. It's an obscenity and so is the wholesale destruction of the planet.

The right, if it wants to attract serious, thoughtful voters (like Bubbe) is going to have to grapple honestly with these issues.

There is just no room anymore for barbarism and stupidity, not that there ever was - but to see it advocated by putative presidential candidates is enough to make me ill - especially in view of the recent catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.

If that doesn't give people pause I don't know what will. There isn't enough money in the world to compensate for this horror.

Sophia, can you explain why "the left" is so cozy with Islam?

My guess is that "the left" wants to destroy capitalism and western civilization and will align itself with any group that also wants to destroy western civilization - and "the lefts" newest darling is Islam.

"the left" normally opposes religion, but shockingly "the left" has embraced all forms of Islam, avoids criticizing and defends Islam despite Islams racism, misogyny, homophobia, ruling class, theocratic regimes, islamic republics.

Look at george galloway, british media, news outlets, bill ayers, various "anti-imperialist" socialist yet islamoimperialist friendly groups, academia.


Animals have rights, they have personae as well and slaughtering them from helicopters is obscene.

You say this as if it is the Alaskan equivalent to bowling in Minnesota.
What are the reasons for culling the packs of wolves?
Now please don't regurgitate the MSM's hysterics to get at Palin.

Sophia: "I don't think the answer to whatever that strangeness is, or what it represents, resides in the far right."

Whoever said anything about "the far right" anyway? Is this your favorite straw man?

Your intolerance of Sarah Palin transcends logic and common sense. You express yourself in the same manner as the Left when it was attacking George Bush Jr.

This is the kind of pathological political bigotry, devoid of analysis and common sense, which a true Classical Liberal (as opposed to a modern "liberal progressive") would try to shun and avoid like the plague.

Nappy, it was important for white Euro Christians to make room for minorities, however its also necessary for minorities to make room for the white Christian Euros. Instead they are keeping the screws to them. I sure wish they would stop, but I dont hold out much hope in that regard. Which means that eventually that white Euro Christians in the US will overtly identity group racialize, in the black American or Hispanic or Jewish manner. These groups wont like it, but they will have been responsible for this turn of events. Unfortunate, but so are many consequences of Western Leftist policies and tactics.

It's Sophia's mentality that has created an ecological disaster in Kruger park with its elephant population, soaring and destroying habitat and food sources for other animals.

EVil, just 4 days ago was the 65th anniversary of the unconditional surrender of SHITers Turd Reich (national Socialists) to the US, UK and SU (Soviet Socialists).

I expect the islamofascists to also surrender unconditionally to Infidels from many countries.

Eddie, your obsession with Islam, distracts you from the real threat, people like Sarah Palin. Muslim have a few idiosyncratic quirks but diversity should be embrace. To promote this diversity, people like Sarah Palin need to be destroyed.

Violence against Christian symbols. Im sure this will be a yawner in the MSM. This kind of violence is acceptable and Politically Correct, excused and even encouraged. Kind of like the 2 young Republicans that were brutally assaulted down in New Orleans. Nothing to see here folks.

Mojave Cross torn down by vandals

Who exactly is persecuting or harming or "being intolerant" of Sarah Palin?


Sarah Palin has a perfect right to be Sarah Palin. This is America. She's raking it in on Fox News. Bully for her.

But, I am not going to vote for her, period. Neither are the "bubbes," bless their hearts and intelligence and common sense - since that's what this article is about.

I stand on my assertion that if Republicans want people like me and Bubbe to vote for them, they are going to have to find a more centrist, mature, better educated and environmentally rational candidate.

Y'all are going to have to find such candidates and more importantly adopt policies which reflect compassion for animals, respect for the environment, creativity regarding energy and REAL respect for workers (instead of trying to scare us all to death).

And I don't think I should be attacked for disagreeing (strenuously) with Sarah Palin's politics. That doesn't make me "intolerant of Sarah Palin."

I just disagree with her politics, period, full stop, THE END.

Actually, the straw man is the fact that you guys are using some supposed intolerance of Sarah Palin as a person to deflect criticism of the politics represented by the right but especially the far right, which has really taken over the discourse lately, wrenching it from more moderate Republicans and Conservatives.

Many thoughtful and centrist Republicans and other Conservatives also reject Sarah Palin, her demagoguery - for example accusing Obama of trying to create "death panels," which is just absurd! along with her cruelty to animals and unwise energy policies.

By extension this would include the irrationally divisive Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh style politics that's making it almost impossible to have a balanced conversation these days.

We've really got to back off from the wings, guys, and find a middle ground!

Let's see what thoughtful centrist Jews have to say...

On April 21 he smeared Jeremy Ben Ami and the pro-peace, pro-Israel lobbying group J Street, putting words in Ben Ami's mouth and saying that J Street has "gone over to the dark side."

On May 4 it was Rabbi Michael Lerner, a leading figure of the American Jewish left, and editor of Tikkun Magazine. Dershowitz accused Tikkun of "McCarthyism," disregarded the recent attack on Lerner's home, and characterized Lerner's criticism of Israeli policy as "blood libel."

In between the two, Dershowitz lambasted Judge Richard Goldstone, the highly regarded international jurist who prepared a UN report on Israel's Gaza War. He labeled the report as "evil" and attacked me and a group of American rabbis for having the temerity to find merit in Goldstone's work - we are "bigoted," apparently, and "ignorant," and are - yes - leveling a "blood libel" against the Israeli government. Most recently, Dershowitz hit a new low when he went on Israeli television and compared Judge Goldstone to Dr. Joseph Mengele.

When a Jew starts to accuse rabbis of blood libel; when an American shouts "McCarthyism" at an American magazine editor whose life is dedicated to dialogue; when a professional, highly experienced lawyer accuses a world-renown jurist of "evil," equating him with the Nazi "Angel of Death," and uses Star Wars terminology against a legitimate, widely-supported political lobbying group - well, it adds up, and it indicates one thing: Desperation.

Alan Dershowitz, and many of Jewish America's leading conservative lights, have seen the writing on the wall, and it frightens them. Their brand of Jewish chauvinism is fading from the world, and they are justifiably frightened that a different approach to both Israel and Jewish life is taking hold among American Jews.

The vicious personal attacks on Judge Goldstone, and what is by now a long list of centrist and liberal American Jews, are profoundly disturbing, and represent an attempt to escape the critical self examination that both the Goldstone Report and our own religion demand - what is perhaps more interesting, however, is the fact that so many in the American Jewish community are refusing to join the chorus.

Rather than unquestioningly follow the kind of conservative groupthink that Dershowitz exemplifies, American Jews - like the 37 rabbis who signed that recent letter in support of Judge Goldstone - are working to hold Israel to a set of Jewish values that are more important than any political ideology. Rather than accept that there can only one way to express solidarity with the Jewish people and only one line of thinking on the subject of Israel, American Jews are beginning to give true expression to the tradition of pluralism in both our faith community, and our nation.

Recent polling, alongside articles in both the New York Times and the Israeli paper of record, Ha'aretz, indicate that the American Jewish community no longer feels represented by our so-called representatives - if we ever did. Nearly two-thirds of the Jewish community feel that the War in Gaza in no way improved Israel's security, and 69 percent support Israeli negotiation with a joint Hamas-Fatah government. Perhaps most critically, younger Jews are increasingly frustrated at being labeled anti-Israel or even anti-Semitic for voicing their opposition to Israel's treatment of Palestinians. As a community, we are clearly beginning to step out from the shadow of those who still believe that the status quo is maintainable - or acceptable.

Judge Goldstone has upheld the principles of justice, compassion and truth that are the very heart of the Jewish religion. As rabbis, we are proud of the work he has done as chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, as a judge on the Constitutional Court in post-Apartheid South Africa - and on the Fact Finding Mission in Gaza.

We applaud his courage in upholding his belief in international human rights even when called to do so in a report on the Israeli government's behavior. International human rights apply to all, with no exceptions - and if the Israeli government and conservative American Jews like Alan Dershowitz are so confident that the report's findings are false, they should support the establishment by Israel of an independent, credible and transparent investigation to disprove them.

Judge Goldstone has upheld the principles of justice, compassion and truth that are the very heart of the Jewish religion.

Hoo boy, what garbage.


But, I am not going to vote for her, period. Neither are the "bubbes," bless their hearts and intelligence and common sense - since that's what this article is about.

I stand on my assertion that if Republicans want people like me and Bubbe to vote for them, they are going to have to find a more centrist, mature, better educated and environmentally rational candidate.

Who, Obama?
So, in this case, instead of voting for the least worst, you'll vote for the worst?
Calm down, don't get all idealistic and carried away because in life there are choices that one has to make which are not perfect, but for the general betterment where the least damage will be done.
Going by what you have written antisemitism affects you a lot so whoever you will give your vote to make sure that they stand with you and not give the green light to the hatred by voting "present" to the outbursts and incitement on and off your American campuses for a start.

In a fit of pique people voted for a crowd who are now considering withholding reading the Miranda Rights of an American citizen suspected of some wrongdoing; putting a person into the Supreme Court who is quite happy to censor information.
Make sure the person you vote for will uphold your Constitution and not trash it; not the sort of person who says something out of one side their mouth to AIPAC and the other side to Bibi.
They will surely do it to you as well by which time it may well be too late.

Come on Cynic, even thoughtful centrist Jews are highly critical of Israel as a war criminal, oppressive Apartheid state. Lets get back away from the wings and find the middle ground.


Before there was Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck their was the New Left Radicals of the 60s who have marched through the institutions. Im all for getting back to centrist politics. GWBush was to the left of JFK.

Unfortunately, Sophias idea of centrist is somewhere between Maxine Waters and Ted Kennedy.

You cant keep redifining centrist to the Left. With every successful policy implementation they move to push a further left policy, and then when they get that one through, then its on to even further Left policy pushing. And the center keeps moving Left with the New Left Radicals. Get real Sophia.

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