
Saturday, April 24, 2010

J Street is upset with Mr. Dershowitz. Apparently, unbeknownst to us, J Street is quite heroic:

A moving article in Haaretz this week by Carlo Strenger, entitled "Israel's leaders have forgotten Herzl's dream," challenged the "silent majority of liberal U.S. Jewry not to be afraid any longer to speak its mind."

Amen. We are not afraid.

And we won't be afraid even when enforcers like Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz try to intimidate our movement by attacking J Street in an article brimming with distortions and name-calling.

Dershowitz's article, which you can read here, is a perfect example of what is wrong with the conversation in our community on Israel. Far too often J Street's opponents spend more time manufacturing what they wish J Street has said, rather than checking the facts and actually challenging the merits of our arguments.

Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street's Executive Director, fired back yesterday in The Huffington Post (article pasted below [here]), calling out Dershowitz for his inability to mount any serious fact-based case to challenge J Street's assertions that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the interests of Israel, the Palestinians, and the United States...[snip]

MJ Rosenberg at Media Matters also had his own assertive push-back against the Dershowitz piece. Click here to read MJ's piece and sign up to receive MJ's weekly column here.

- Isaac

Isaac Luria

Pimping for MJ Rosenberg? The odious Max Blumenthal's employer Media Matters? Not exactly the kind of people the average "pro-Israel" group would want making their arguments for them.

The Brothers of Judea commented on Rosenberg's attack on Elie Wiesel here and here.

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