
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

[The following, by Ben Cohen, is crossposted from Z Word.]

As the event known as "Israel Apartheid Week" (IAW) kicks off, here are some resources to combat the antisemitic, Soviet-inspired slander that Israel is an apartheid state.

Here are three good pieces which came out today. Robbie Sabel has written a detailed paper published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs debunking the apartheid analogy. Richard (don't confuse him with Roger!) Cohen has an incisive column in today's Washington Post. And, in a searing editorial, Canada's National Post points out that [a motion denouncing] IAW has been unanimously passed in the Ontario provincial parliament (H/T: Robin Shepherd.)

Going further back in the archives, Z Word published a path-breaking essay by South African writers Rhoda Kadalie, a South African Human Rights Commissioner, and Julia Bertelsmann which challenged the analogy from the perspective of those who directly experienced apartheid in South Africa. I also wrote a monograph for AJC entitled "The Ideological Foundations of the Boycott Campaign Against Israel" much of which is devoted to exposing the the blatant falsehood that Israel is an apartheid state.

Be sure to visit the "apartheid" tag on the Z Word blog, where you will find, among other pieces, including Jonathan Hoffman's guest post, "Lies, Damn Lies and the Apartheid Analogy."

Finally, here's another chance to see the film I produced last year, "Vilified: Telling Lies About Israel." The faslsehoods we uncovered here will doubtless be repeated at the various IAW events.


Three other good sources of anti-BDS materials:

David Project -


StandWithUs -

I think the boycott crew has been taken a little by surprise how much their Apartheid-Week BS is meeting so much resistence.

Good (cause the surprises have just started).


This item seems to be missing a few words. Ontario's parliament voted to denounce Israel Apartheid Week. It was probably just an editing error leaving out a few words in this article, but people should note that "tabling" a motion means the opposite in Canada as in USA.

Good catch. I added an edit.

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