
Thursday, March 18, 2010

[The following, by Ben Cohen, is crossposted from Z Word.]

In my earlier post (here or join the debate at Harry's Place,[Also here, below. -MS]) I mentioned that my appearance this week on CNN was introduced with three clips about the evils of the Israel Lobby featuring Rami Khouri, Stephen Walt and Loretta Napoleoni. I added that I'd never heard of Napoleoni, but one of the Harry's Place commenters, David Thompson, has. And he points out this miserable apologia for the late, unlamented Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi which Napoleoni published in Socialist Worker, no less!

Here's a flavor of what she has to say: "He showed strong leadership qualities and organisational skills. The inmates elected him their leader. People were impressed by his determination and his kindness. Once he personally bathed a mujahideen who had been injured and had lost a leg."

Got the kleenex out yet?

Apparently, CNN International believes that this apologist for Zarqawi, the murderer of American troops and Iraqi civilians, both Shi'a and Sunni, can simultaneously be presented as an authoritative analyst of Middle East politics.

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