
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brought to you by the World Council of Churches...nothing like using biblical imagery to bash Jews for defending themselves: Defying the Wall, Palm Sunday demonstrators break out of Bethlehem

...The march began with a small group at Manger Square in central Bethlehem. As the crowd, accompanied by music and carrying signs or Palestinian flags, moved through the town, more and more people joined until it numbered about 150 Palestinians, Israeli activists, journalists and internationals.

The march was to protest the limitations placed upon Palestinians - Christians and Muslims - to travel to Jerusalem for worship at the holy sites in the city.

The march was supposed to have stopped at the checkpoint, but once the group reached the checkpoint gate for vehicles, approximately 100 protesters made their way through the gate. Apparently the security guards were unprepared: they were far too few to be able to stop the demonstrators who managed to walk through the second gate and on to the road to downtown Jerusalem, still being led by the donkey and the horse.

About a hundered meters down the road, the Israeli police realized what had happened and blocked the way. The demonstators stopped, although they easily could have marched on as there were only a few police officers on the scene.

In response, the checkpoint was closed for all vehicles and foot traffic attempting to enter Jerusalem. According to Ma'an News, eleven Palestinians have been detained; four Israeli activists and one international person were detained and later released.

The following day, Checkpoint 300 - the main Bethlehem checkpoint - remained completely closed. All of the checkpoints along the security barrier were only open to a limited number of people (international citizens, school children and Palestinians with specific work permits, worship permits or medical permits) for the Jewish holiday of Pesach...[Etc...]

So let me get this straight...a mob pushes their way through a security checkpoint, causing the Israelis to tie down security more tightly and that's Israel's fault, as though those checkpoints just exist to inconvenience people and not serve a deadly serious purpose.

And here's another hint for our leftist Christian friends. If you have a political issue with the modern Jewish State, try engaging on the issues and try leaving the biblical Christian imagery and all its ugly history, out.

[h/t: Dexter]


Well this represents a broadening of the battle against Israel but also against Jews per se, considering that the worst antisemitism ever has come from people who think we killed Jesus and are personally responsible for this blood libel 2,000 years after the so-called fact.

Now that Israel is being portrayed as an enemy of Christians, we Jews are officially toast.

Maybe it was possible to defend against the proPalestinian propaganda machine as long as it was left wing, secular or Muslim - but if the Christians get in on the act - forgetaboutit.

Note: Leftist & REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY Christians seem to have an issue with both the Jews & the Christian Zionists.

Maybe Jews should stop sucking up to the Left. They hate you, and you alienate the Euro Christian Right by supporting the Left's political war on them.

Just a thought.

I'm not a believer that everything that happens in the present automatically requires a historical overview; some events speak for themselves. In this case, though, I would mention that the World Council of Churches didn't find any time to speak out about Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967 (the desecration and/or destruction of Judaism's holy sites in Jordanian-controlled areas was not a problem for the WCC), and decided AFTER 1967 that, o shock and horror, religious rights were being interfered with! As I see it, the WCC has no standing to comment on anything related to Israel or Jerusalem or "religious freedom". They had 19 years to care; it's too late to pretend they're anything but hypocritical.

Amen to that Ben.

Did anybody say a word when Jerusalem was beseiged, shelled, the Old City occupied by Jordan and cleansed of its Jews?

PS to EV: I know plenty of Christians, many Evangelicals, my dad was Catholic, hubby ditto (lapsed, bigtime:), there's a Mormon in the family; quite a few of these folks are Conservatives but NOT ONE OF THEM refers to himself as a hater of the Left and/or Jews let alone "Euro Christian" which is another way of saying "white."

That is reserved for you-know-who, no longer considered a respectable or even a legal political party in Germany.

Do you know any Jews that dont refer to themselves as Jews? Or any African Americans that dont refer to themselves as African Americans another word for "black.?" Ditto a bunch of other ethnicities, religions, etc.

Why is it suspect when someone refers to themselves as white or Euro Christian?

The mere fact that people shy away from that should tell you something about the air of hostility that abounds with regards to those groups.

Something you have no problem with, no doubt. What if Jews were uncomfortable expressing their Jewish affiliation, because people saw it as evidence of some evil tendency or unsavori-ness. Would you call that state of affairs anti Semitic?

Why are you hostile to white Euro Christians, who are proud of their heritage and identity groups? Would you deny them that? If so, why would you deny them that, but you wouldnt deny other groups their identity and cultural identity and pride?


Do you know any Jews that dont refer to themselves as Jews?
George Soros for one. But there are lots of AsaJew types when there heritage only comes into play in attacks on Jews and Israel.


The World Council of Churches didn't even find any time to speak out about the slaughter of Christians by the PLO in Lebanon in the 1970s; but certain high officials in the Vatican and the Orthodox church did find time to smuggle arms and explosives from Lebanon to the PLO in the West Bank.
See Hilarion Capucci for example.

EV: "Why is it suspect when someone refers to themselves as white or Euro Christian?"

Because the only people that have done that have traditionally been white racists. That's why it's suspect. No one in the mainstream has advocated for such an identity in a long, long time, and when, long ago, it wasn't so uncommon to hear people advocate for "White, European Christian" identity, there was always a racial superiority factor involved.

It doesn't do any good to keep asking this question over and over again. If you want to be able to start a movement of people who unabashedly self-identify that way, and can present it in a manner to attract other people to also sign on, then you've got a lot of work ahead of you to do so and also keep the racist overtones out. Good luck, because you've got a tough row to hoe. And good luck trying to define a specifically "white" culture that doesn't hinge solely on some inevitably eccentric definition of "whiteness."

"The Archbishop of Canterbury has been widely criticised after he called for aspects of Islamic sharia law to be adopted in Britain."

I almost forgot... not really,

White Euro Christian is beautiful, Solomon. No matter what haters say.


Thought you might find this interesting:
Lockerbie and a Cure for Cancer

The local Scottish council is now abiding by Megrahi's refusal to release his medical records. I guess the logic is, "Terrorism is forgivable and justice is expendable, but how could we ever violate the privacy of a mass murderer?"

Kindof reminiscent of recent books about Jews...

“WHITNESS STUDIES,” which began as a small fringe of the academic world only eight years ago, has since blossomed into the latest academic fad. The Washington Post reports that “at least 30 institutions—from Princeton University to the University of California at Los Angeles—teach courses” in the subject. WS has its own think-tank (the Center for the Study of White American Culture), its own journal (Race Traitor, “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity”), periodic national conferences, and a veritable library of books and tracts.

The essence of the discipline can be summed up in two words: Hating Whitey.

Now, we didn’t have “Whiteness Studies” back when I was in college. Then, all the rage was multiculturalism, of which I got more than I could handle when, as a freshman, a scheduling snafu forced me into a section of the mandatory freshman-English program bearing the ominous title of “Differences.” There we studied literature through—to use the most pervasive cliché in academia—the lens of “race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.”

What that meant, in application, was that in the first weeks of class, we read books by African-Americans, the theme of which, unfailingly, was hatred for white people. Next we moved on to books by Hispanics, the theme of which was hatred for white people. From there it was books by Asians and Native Americans on—you guessed it—hatred for white people. There were a few variations, including some readings on anti-Semitism and homophobia, but otherwise, the theme was constant. This was a study of oppression, and the oppressors were always white guys.


This is typical of a whole library of we all know white is related to European. Who invented the Europeans? "Who invented the Jews?" is on track to now challenge Who invented whitey?

The Invention of the White Race Volume One: Racial Oppression and Social Control - Theodore Allen


The Point Is Not To Interpret Whiteness But To To Abolish It - Noel Ignatiev

Talk given at the conference "The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness" Berkeley, California, April 11-13, 1997.

Now that White Studies has become an academic industry, with its own dissertation mill, conference, publications, and no doubt soon its junior faculty, it is time for the abolitionists to declare where they stand in relation to it. Abolitionism is first of all a political project: the abolitionists study whiteness in order to abolish it.

Whiteness is not a culture... Whiteness has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with social position. It is nothing but a reflection of privilege, and exists for no reason other than to defend it.

Various commentators have stated that their aim is to identify and preserve a positive white identity. Abolitionists deny the existence of a positive white identity. We at Race Traitor, the journal with which I am associated, have asked some of those who think whiteness contains positive elements to indicate what they are. We are still waiting for an answer. Until we get one, we will take our stand with David Roediger, who has insisted that whiteness is not merely oppressive and false, it is nothing but oppressive and false. As James Baldwin said, "So long as you think you are white, there is no hope for you."

The racial war against white people has been very successful and is gaining momentum. The goal is to dissallow white Europeans from equality of opportunity. It is like if Jews are prevented from participation, because they are high achievers, they are therefore oppressors of the non Jew, and this must be corrected via law.

Islamic immigration has awakened the sleeper in Europe. And the continued spewing of hatred and villification of white Euros, combined with the legal enforcement of unequal opportunity will, and the changing demographics will see the embrace of white Euro identity, and a renewed protection against the haters and would be oppressors.

Everybody knows Noel Ignatieff is a racist antisemitic leftist scumbag. Everyone HERE understands that bashing "whitey" is bad. Literally NO ONE here is arguing that.

But going from there to making a positive, non-racist, "White Pride" movement that breaks with the baggage it carries is something else entirely. Like I said, good luck with that.

It doesnt have to break with the baggage. The baggage is enforced by people outside who hate whitey. That is like saying that Jews have to break with the baggage of past Jewish crimes and deeds.

We have a whole academic industry that surrounds villifying and hating whitey and attempting to disempower white people via legislation limiting their opportunity to compete in a free market as equals.

Now these same people are doing the same thing to he Jews and Israelis.

The anti white-ism, anti Europeanism, anti Westernism is just as bad, and probably worse than anti Semitism that is running rampant in the Unis and academic circles.

"White Euro Christian is beautiful, Solomon. No matter what haters say."

How can you tell under the hood and sheet?

The sheets let you imagine whatever you like, right? I mean, White Power women's lack of teeth isn't a bug, it's a feature!

Cynic, GAAACK!

Not only has the sun set on the "british empire", the sun has set on the entire island itself - a new Dark Age.

haha on the white sheet jokes.

Anyways, Islam and Muslim immigration are the impetus of the movement which is already gaining traction and steam. This on top of the Western Lefts considerable efforts to alienate and villify.

There no doubt will be a quite a bit of the continued demonizing of anyone that is pro white Euro, as the worst sort of Klansman or Neo Nazi. They even do it to the Jews and Israelis.

But its something that must be done, lest we get ushered to the trains, at some point.

EV, do you seriously think "white Euros" are going to be issued to the trains?

Who put who on the trains? Did people vilified as being of "impure race" put people of "pure Aryan race" on the trains?

Or what?

As memory serves, people who thought they were "defending" pure white folks from - Orientals - ahem - put said "impure" people on the trains and murdered them by the millions.

So. You have got to be kidding.


that Jews have to break with the baggage of past Jewish crimes and deeds.

Please describe and enumerate.

Actually I was going to ask you if one of the crimes was using the blood of children for making Matzah for Passover.

I cannot imagine describing myself (excepting on a census form or some such more or less formal circumstance) as "white" or "Euro Xian" or "American Xian," etc. It's such a generic and facile set of categories that it would be virtually meaningless - unless the person is simply naive, or the purpose is to convey some type of coded ethno- or racialist-centric or other such dubious allegiance.

However, the WCC and similar orgs have been so thoroughly co-opted by leftist political/ideological interests that it can be conceived as much more of a political organization than ecclesial or theological in terms of its interests in such matters. (In history as well - e.g., the Spanish Inquisition and the explusion of Jews from Spain in 1492 - were likewise much more politically motivated events than they were ecclesial/theological. Not that that mitigates the actuality as such, but it does move the locus as motivation into the political arena for much of what occurred.)

Michael B, just as a Jew is anyone that Hitler would consider a Jew, a white Euro is anyone Jerimiah Wright and Noel Ignatiev would consider a white Euro.

This is much more so in the the US (and other Anglo Colonial Nations) than in Europe where they still have distinct Euro Nationalities.

EV, I have no problem with that in "the abstract," if that term might be indulged here. I even sympathize with that sentiment to the extent it can properly be conceived in those terms. After all, the Armenian genocide and the Ukrainian mass murder *** (the latter not technically a genocide) preceded Hitler's and Himmler's holocaust, and the Ukrainian mass murder, committed by Stalin & Co., may have exceeded the Shoah in terms of numbers killed (perhaps, perhaps not, no one can properly say). So I am not assigning guilt to you or to any one individual's sentiments in this area; I am not.

However, given the overall history, I still would not indulge such a generic type of label, precisely due not to what it denotes, but what is does connote because of that history.

At any rate, I certainly and absolutely was not attempting to point to you, or to any other individual. I understand and appreciate the more worthy sentiment you were attempting to express.

*** Otoh, the Ukraine, c. 1920?, was the site of a massive pogrom wherein at least 200,000 Jews were killed, displacing another 500,000 and leaving something like a bare minimum of 300,000 Jewish orphans as well.

My point Michael B, is that the Arabs will say the Jews have the same history, and the Jews say the Arabs and Muslims have the same kind of history. And a million other configurations around the world. The Hatfields and the McCoys.

White Euros, Christians are no worse than any other group on the planet.

This massive villification that they are under fire with, and the Western Left is egging it on, giving it respectability and intellectual a stage of genocide.

Hell, Brazilian President Lula is talking about "blue eyed bankers," FFS!

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