
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Forget the 1930's, it's sounding more like 1491: 'Anti-Semitism being taught in Spain schools'

Israel on Sunday lodged a formal complaint with Spain, charging that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are being instilled in elementary students across parts of the country.

The Israeli embassy in Madrid has received dozens of postcards addressed to the Israeli envoy - from students ages 5 and 6 - including hand-written messages such as "Jews kill for money," "Evacuate the country for Palestinians," and "Go to someplace where someone will be willing to accept you."

According to sources in the Foreign Ministry, this is an organized campaign by officials outside the education system in Spain that have been given permission to work with the students...

...The Spanish envoy explained that the postcards were a private initiative, and not one that is part of Spain's education ministry.

Gilon said Israel understands this is not a government policy, but stressed that these types of initiatives have no place in schools and that Israel requests action be taken to have the campaign stopped.

Also at YNet: Spanish children urge Israeli envoy to 'stop murdering Palestinians'

A couple more samples at Haaretz Hebrew.


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Here's more on that Spanish grade school that sent anti-Semitic messages to the Israeli embassy (previous: Spanish School Kids Send Anti-Semitic Messages to Israeli Embassy): Israeli embassy complains over 'antisemitic' postcards from Spanish children ... Read More


Maybe we should all write letters back to these kids.

They're being brainwashed.

The letters should be collected and distributed and we can respond so they'll know we're human beings and lack horns and tails, sadly enough, except for those of us (The Elders and some of the Illuminati) who, I understand, have long green tails that are hidden beneath their robes.

I myself would love to have such a tail. Imagine how it would look on stage! but sadly I'm just an ordinary Jew and thus lack such an appendage, although this doesn't keep me from non-stop conspiring and other "typically Jewish" activities, such as writing letters.

Sophia, it won't help writing to the children who probably won't receive the letters nor understand the replies.

What needs to be done is mount a public response and inundate the Spanish government with an avalanche of criticism that it cannot ignore and while not resorting to bad language and invectives rub their faces with their racist rhetoric and historical atrocities.
I have yet to hear the Spaniards apologize for what they did to the natives of Central and South America, let alone the Jews.

Well you have a point.

We should write to the Spanish government - do you have a suggestion as to whom we should contact?

That said - what about these kids? They'll grow up with bigotry already implanted, as if the centuries of anti-Jewish sentiment in Spain haven't already wreaked havoc.

Stavis just reminded of the fact that Spain is now Alan Solomont's beat. I wonder if the American Ambassador might have something to say...?

Rodgers and Hammerstein said it all in "South Pacific".

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

I sang that in 8th grade. Yes, I played Joe Cable.

That song says it all.

All those satanic "palestinian" childrens shows and the Spanish school kids, obviously "carefully taught" by their "teachers", are modern manifestations of the evil mentality warned of by the song.

Check out the Wikipedia entry.

Children in Venezuela sent Anti American letters to the US Embassy.

Chavez's new method of teaching social change and instilling revolutionary values in kids. This has become popular in the US as well. The New Left is always busy promoting their politics and agendas.

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