
Thursday, January 14, 2010

We came, we saw, we did what we needed to do.

In their eternal quest to prove themselves slightly relevant, the Boston-based chapter of the "I Hate Israel" club (this year under the direction of those logistic geniuses of Code Pink) decided to picket the Israeli Consulate yesterday afternoon.

And some of us, who decided at the last minute that the "-ish State"/Magic Marker crew of the Gaza Freedom Mishuggah shouldn't get the mistake impression that the streets of Boston belong to them decided to show up and exercise a little of our free speech rights on their sorry behinds.

While the results wouldn't easily be mistaken for the Dialogues of Socrates (unless those Dialogues consisted of two groups of people shouting across the streets at each other with bullhorns), it was interesting to see this "debate" play out in the lightly trafficked street across from the Consulate. For within these narrow confines, the only audience were cab drives (who, being Russian, were universally on our side) and the cops (who were thrilled with the Gaza Freedom crew marched off in a huff to Copley Square - "not our jurisdiction" noted one bemused officer). In other words, the real audience for yesterday's protest was one another.

Actually, that's not entirely correct. True, our side had a statement to make (which we made), but at the end of the day we really had nothing to prove to ourselves, other than perhaps our ability to pull together a counter-protest when necessary. But can the same be said of the "Gaza Freedom" cru? Why did they instigate their plan to spend 1-2 hours in the freezing cold of January shouting and megaphoning ten stories below an Israeli Consulate office which probably didn't even know they were there?

No doubt they would claim that their protest was motivated by their own staggering virtue, expressed as deep and unyielding passion for the Palestinian people. But as I've noted before, everything the Israel loathers do - from demanding recognition and support of the Palestinians most murderous and repressive leaders (Arafat, Hamas) to condemning anyone (Palestinian or otherwise) who truly works for peace as a traitor - has contributed more to Palestinians suffering than anything the people on our side of the street could ever do (even if our goal was something other than seeing Israel at peace with its neighbors).

Truly, I've seen a number of these same people at these same pickets for over 20 years (many of them not aging all that well), and nothing will get them spinning on their heels or screaming in your face faster than pointing out the contribution these "Friends of Palestine" have made to the intensification of suffering of those very Palestinians they claim as their moral loadstone.

So some of the shouting taking place across the street from the Israeli Consulate was an attempt to drown out whatever tiny voices of conscience that may still reside in the head of a Gaza Freedom Marcher, reminding them of what their behavior hath wrought. Alerting them to what we all know to be true: that even if it could be unquestionably demonstrated that the actions of the Code Pink/GFM/whatever-they're-calling-themselves-these-days would lead to the death of millions (or, using their own moral arithmetic, millions of Palestinian Arabs) they would still have been out there doing their thing.

Which leaves open the question of "Why" they do what they do (at least until tomorrow).

To be continued...

[Update: Photos of the day, by Hillel Stavis, added by Solomon:]

The good:


The bad:


The ugly:


Marching morons:


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» Anatomy of a Protest - Part 2 at the blog Solomonia

So why were they on the streets on that cold January afternoon? Because if they did not do so, the latest wannabe leaders of the "movement" would "lose their momentum" (i.e., be revealed as just the latest set of wankers soon to be replaced by whoever... Read More

Since this blog was mentioned in Kerry Hurwitz's letter to the Newton Tab (online at Wicked Local), I've placed the links to the information on the issues discussed in this one convenient post. There are many other postings that involve... Read More


"F" "F" Pal-e-SWINE.

Eddie, enough of that. It does no credit to the pro-Zionist cause. It's an embarrassment.

Solomon, I was just wondering, why would the Russian cabbies naturally be on Israel's side?

Joanne, I am simply responding to islamfascist slurs against Israel.

If you don't like it, you can avert your eyes and focus on your "Peace Quilt".

Hi Joanne - It's actually me that wrote the piece for Solominia, and I guess my comment on the Russian cabbies was an observation, rather than a conclusion.

Although, if I had to speculate why so many of them were giving us the thumbs up, I would suspect it has something to do with the fact that they've seen tyranny close up, and that this made the faces of the Gaza "Freedom" cohort both familiar and repugnant to them. Just a guess.

I would also expect that Jews from Arab countries also know first hand, what life is like under islamofascist tyranny. That would explain why Mizrahi Jews are hardline against their former tormentors.

Did you notice the Muslim woman in the warm, cozy restaurant behind our folks? She's no fool. Let the "Jews for Human Rights" stand out in the cold. The plight of the poor starving Palestinians doesn't seem to have piqued her interest -- or affected her appetite.

No "Muslims for Human Rights"?
No "Muslims for Womans Rights"?
No "Muslims against SLAVERY in SUDAN"?

NAKBA for rolde

"F" Pal-e-SWINE

No Muslims helping out in Haiti either.

Cynic "No Muslims helping out in Haiti either."

ACTUALLY, watching TV last night, they said that Turkey sent people to help.

Good for Turkey. Now what about the other 50+ muslim countries? Haitians don't need qurans.

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