
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Friedman gets it right again. Until the Islamic World gets its own act together, there's only so much of our own blood we need to spill:

Let's not fool ourselves. Whatever threat the real Afghanistan poses to U.S. national security, the "Virtual Afghanistan" now poses just as big a threat. The Virtual Afghanistan is the network of hundreds of jihadist Web sites that inspire, train, educate and recruit young Muslims to engage in jihad against America and the West. Whatever surge we do in the real Afghanistan has no chance of being a self-sustaining success, unless there is a parallel surge -- by Arab and Muslim political and religious leaders -- against those who promote violent jihadism on the ground in Muslim lands and online in the Virtual Afghanistan...

... Only Arabs and Muslims can fight the war of ideas within Islam. We had a civil war in America in the mid-19th century because we had a lot of people who believed bad things -- namely that you could enslave people because of the color of their skin. We defeated those ideas and the individuals, leaders and institutions that propagated them, and we did it with such ferocity that five generations later some of their offspring still have not forgiven the North.

Islam needs the same civil war. It has a violent minority that believes bad things: that it is O.K. to not only murder non-Muslims -- "infidels," who do not submit to Muslim authority -- but to murder Muslims as well who will not accept the most rigid Muslim lifestyle and submit to rule by a Muslim caliphate.

What is really scary is that this violent, jihadist minority seems to enjoy the most "legitimacy" in the Muslim world today. Few political and religious leaders dare to speak out against them in public. Secular Arab leaders wink at these groups, telling them: "We'll arrest if you do it to us, but if you leave us alone and do it elsewhere, no problem."...

...A corrosive mind-set has taken hold since 9/11. It says that Arabs and Muslims are only objects, never responsible for anything in their world, and we are the only subjects, responsible for everything that happens in their world. We infantilize them...

The rest.

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Another victim of terrorist incitement and demonization has fallen. It takes a convinced sociopath to walk up to someone in cold blood and put a knife in their chest: 'Terrorist killer was a PA officer' The terrorist who stabbed an... Read More


I'm not certain I agree with the premise that "It has a violent minority that believes bad things". And here's why; Say there emerged on the scene a violent sect of Buddhism. Asking the majority of Buddhists to openly oppose that sect's beliefs would be a logical way to stem that violence. How is that possible in Islam?

Tom Friedman needs a history lesson on the US Civil War.

The Western Left infantilizes everyone, except the White Western Redneck.

What Kae Gregory is getting at, is that Islam is so rotten at the core, that it may never be reformable. It will always produce violent supremacist yahoos, and rather large numbers of them.

The current situation is that most are supremacist yahoos, but not necessarily violent, though the majority of those non violent supremacist yahoos, apologize for, support, or think that the violent yahoos are perfectly within the bounds of Islam....they certainly dont oppose them. Why should they stand up for the Kafr and Kafr rights?

Islam needs to be driven from the West, the public sphere needs to be shrunk for Islam, not expanded. Then a policy of containment within Muslim majority countries. And an ideological war waged within Islam, where reformers and radical Leftists are well funded by the West to create a self sustaining and vigorous New Left style assault on Islam and the institutions and history within the Muslim World. Similar to what was done by the Communists/Soviets within the West. Being a radical Leftwing reformer needs to pay extremely well and a decentralized but well funded infrastructure of people holding the correct opionions developed, education institutions targeted as well as curricula and the media.

No need to reinvent the wheel.

Actually, what Kae Gregory is getting at is that in Islam, violence is a canon of religious belief and, to be fair, so is peace. A convincing argument for either and unfortunately, both can be made at any given time. My argument is that through perhaps reason, it may be possible to suppress the violence in Islam, I do not believe it is possible to eliminate it, at least without fundamentally changing in the basic tenants of the religion. Like that could happen.

The Nazis also believed in universal global peace, an Aryan supremacist universal global peace.

Figure it out.

ev, too bad your heroes surrendered unconditionally to the US, UK and SU on May 7, 1945.

And I see more nakba and dishonor in your future.

Have you picked out your bunker and your "eva braun" yet?

It seems to me that it's Jews with a serious klan problem and not Christians.

Eddie, with people like you representing Jews, no wonder others grow tired of them...and tell them to "buzz off."

You cant promote tribalism (for you and your clan)and then presume to call people names that are also promote tribalist mindsets for them and their people, and have any credibility. But I guess Jewish hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Oops! Wrong thread!

muslem will not kill each other for obvious reason which will make a space for jew to win Mr freed maaaaaaaaaaaan

mojahead, muslims kill each other EVERY DAY.

Have you read about the suicide bombings in iraq, afghanistan?

And when one of your fellow koranazis kill Westerners, you KNOW that ten times as many muslims will die in retaliation.

More NAKBA for YOU mojahead.


Eddie , it seem to be that you have very shallow knowlege what is going on at iraq and afgan..
and no need to pray aganist me, and that refelect your psyco,, any way do you think the jew are happy now at palastine our moslem ultimat land, just tell your gold rich jew people donot waist your mony and time be ready to puss of...........

mojahed for ever........................
we love our quran
we love our islam
we will die for it with prid...

mojahead, I hope all your fellow islamofascist terrorists make the one-way Hajj to Hell ASAP - As Soon As Possible.

Always remember that if the US or Hindu majority India or Israel suffer a nuke attack,

expect the "holy" city of mecca/makka and the kabba to be totally destroyed, in retaliation.


Eddie , it seem to be that you proven you have very shallow knowlege and more terrorest than isreal soldier whom specialized to kill kids and poor women at gaza, by the way we donot have such weapon that you have which will not help you on that day, i advise you and your generations puss off before that day even if you kill all poor palastain nation, just remember each moslem is palastain nation, please,please donot waist your time and mony use your mony for your hoppy.if you destroy each macca city stone, it will come back and hit your empty skull, i hope you go and sleep now comfortable without tension MR PSYCO...

mojahead, islamofascists state they crave death while Infidels crave life. OK. I wish islamofascist swine get all the death they crave.

Beware that your craving will trigger the retaliatory destruction of mecca/makka and the kabbah - ending the Hajj for all time.

Is that what you really crave, the retaliatory destruction of mecca/makka and the kabba?

Considering that your islamofascist terrorists called the taliban destroyed the two 1,500 year old Buddahs of Bamiyan Afghanistan, it is only fitting that islamofascist holy sites be treated with a similar fate.

P.S. JORDAN is paleswine - start packing you jihadi jackass.

Always remember that 12 million Jews are MORE POWERFUL than 1,200 million maniacal Muslims.

It seem to be you are realy hopless on this discussion and you have no focus on discussion and overwelmed with alot of thing affecting your thinking,
i will not continue this uncevalized way , i pray day and night that all jew to come to palastine from every where and that it may take time .. and remember the weak will not stay weak forever and the strong will not stay strong forever read history MR meat-head
the metastatic cancer will be eradicated soon or later when they come to one area MR SMART .....................

mojahead, yes, please don't "waist" your time telling us that Islam means Peace,

especially after 9/11, Mumbai, Madrid, London, Beslan, Somali pirates, muslim War Criminal Saddam Husseins use of WMD poison gas on the Kurds of Halabja, Bali, Buddahs of Bamiyan, failed sneaker bomber, failed underwear bomber, Pan Am 103, Beltway sniper, Ft. Hood psycho psychiatrist, sunni .vs. shiite jihad, fatwas against writers of fiction like Salman Rushdie, executions of gay children in the ilsamofascist regime of iran.

I do hope that the uprising against the iranian regime expands to overthrow the imams, ayatollahs, sheiks that are driving the jihad against civilization.



mohahead "the metastatic cancer will be eradicated" called mecca/makka and the kabba.


It seems to me that it's Jews with a serious klan problem and not Christians.

Eddie, with people like you representing Jews, no wonder others grow tired of them...and tell them to "buzz off."

You cant promote tribalism (for you and your clan)and then presume to call people names that are also promote tribalist mindsets for them and their people, and have any credibility. But I guess Jewish hypocrisy knows no bounds.

"the metastatic cancer will be eradicated from our land at palastine soooooooooooon or later"


MJ wrote:


Well, EV, you can rejoice in the fact that your hateful speeches have yielded some fruit.

You are no longer on your own. You have an admirer who quotes you and relates to your sentiments.

This is the kind of person who is attracted to your to your ideas.


EV has at least agreed to change his style, so let's let that dog lie. This visitor has been goaded into...what? Maybe exposing his true face, sure, but it's hard to tell when people start shouting at each other and each tries to outdo the other for outrageous statements.

M J, YOU KNOW that islamofascist swine like you are so BACKWARD that even JOOOZ are able to defeat you.

And when you don't have INFIDELS to kill, you kill your own children, your own women, your fellow islamofascists.

MJ, "F" "F" Pal-e-SWINE and ETERNAL NAKBA for MJ.


mojahead, yes, please don't "waist" your time telling us that Islam means Peace,

especially after 9/11, Mumbai, Madrid, London, Beslan, Somali pirates, muslim War Criminal Saddam Husseins use of WMD poison gas on the Kurds of Halabja, Bali, Buddahs of Bamiyan, failed sneaker bomber, failed underwear bomber, Pan Am 103, Beltway sniper, Ft. Hood psycho psychiatrist, sunni .vs. shiite jihad, fatwas against writers of fiction like Salman Rushdie, executions of gay children in the ilsamofascist regime of iran.

You forgot the one of the latest contributions of the 'Religion of Peace'™ to the ennoblement of world culture, namely the crotch rocket jockstrap jihadi, the BVD bomber himself, the Fruit of Kaboom, Mr. Crispy Bits!

the joooooooooooooooooooz wrote AND THE MUSLEM ANSWER BETWEEN ()
especially after 9/11 (made by CIA AND JOOOOZ), Mumbai , Madrid, London, Beslan, Somali pirates (I DONOT KNOW ?MAY BE retaliation), muslim War Criminal Saddam Husseins use of WMD poison gas on the Kurds of Halabja (GAZ GIVEN BY USA), Bali
(retaliation), Buddahs of Bamiyan (PLEASE ASK TALIBAN LEADER), failed sneaker bomber , failed underwear bomber, Pan Am 103, Beltway sniper ( retaliation )Ft. Hood psycho psychiatrist(RETALIATION DUE TO SEVERAL INSULT BY RED NECK) , sunni .vs. shiite jihad (LONG STORY), fatwas against writers of fiction like Salman Rushdie (WE LOVE OUR QURAN), executions of gay children in the ilsamofascist regime of iran(I AM NOT SHIIEA PLEASE ASK NAJAAD) .etc......



You're kidding right?

I swear this planet is getting more delusional all the time.

Meanwhile we have real problems.

i am not kidding sophia and i donot have delusions like yours fellows......... okay now use google to find out the true fastest growing relegious.

good luck all salaaaam, peace

Salaam, shalom to you also.

Might I ask that you do a little unbiased reading? I think if you study history and also the Jewish people you'll find that your theories don't hold any water, but reflect only what you've been told is true rather than what is actually true.

Thank you.

Dear sophia, your reply is nicer on the words but carry the same concept that your reading more unbaised and others carry little unbaised , please use the internet for educating your self and let all of us use all resourses before you concludede that i carry or you carry little knowlege.. by the way i am PHD on my speciality and i donot want others to decide on my thinking prior knowing the others..CV and using uncevalized word like your fellows .... when we watch what Is going on at PALASTINE the most terrorest army a gainst unarmy family should feel shame and true history will never distorted as before and this time with photo and video for all our generations and you should not surprise for a very brisky response on future even if that future came after several years ....... the true history will never lie sophia.

salaaaaaaam and gooood by

Sslaam Mojahed,

Where and what did you study?

I think most of us are aware of the problems confronting people in Gaza and the West Bank. However people suffer in Israel also, there have been decades of violence and war. Personally I think this was and is totally unnecessary.

Both sides are human beings, Arabs and Israelis but also Muslims, Christians, Jews - everybody - we are all people are we not? and we should be working, shouldn't we, to create better communication and ultimately - hopefully - reconciliation and a real peace.

This means we need to see and accept each other, and truly understand that we have all been victims but also that we all have a great deal to offer each other.

Truly we can only flourish when hate, ignorance and extremism on all sides are vanquished by knowledge and tolerance, don't you think?

"Muslims, Christians, Jews - everybody - we are all people are we not?"

It is becoming increasingly and painfully clear that Arabs, or likely most of them, do not share your premise.

Here is one example:

"The crisis of this story occurred when Miriam admonished a student for wearing a Walkman in class. The student screamed at her: "I don't have to listen to you; you are not a person, you are nothing, you do not exist as a person." When Miriam demanded he accompany her to the principal's office, the student followed her down the hall yelling, "Don't speak to me, don't look at me, you are not human, you are a Jew."

Although the student was ultimately suspended for 10 days, his parents expressed puzzlement about the punishment since, they patiently explained, the teacher was after all Jewish. They complained about the severity of the punishment to the school board."

It is a view you can encounter on the Arab blogosphere often and more venomously. I have been visiting some Arab blogs where there is an implicit and explicit rejection of anything that a Jew says as a lie and propaganda. And never mind how many verifiable sources you provide for the information you post.

Take a look at this thread on one of those blogs. Consider what the blogger posts and how he responds to criticism:

Take a look at this:

"... Zionists are very sensitive creatures.. we should take care of them.. we should devise a final solution that satisfies all hehe"

These are not lonely voices in the desert. These voices reflect the mood and knowledge that inform the fabled Arab street.

Well this is pretty frightening. The story from Canada is deeply upsetting.

Dear Sophia and Noga

I thought that was my last reply then I got more enthusiasm after Sophia had given this nice, polite, political and more optimistic future and that expected from any person who had an interest on art so she can see and feel beyond the photo and feel what other people feel regardless whom they are and which nations and religious belong to since the creator (ALLAH) is one so we share and feel like others what is painful to me is also a painful to you, retaliations should disappear from our communications and crossing the others because he is others should not be existed, understanding every body needs should be implemented not on paper. Hidden agenda should not be existed particularly between professionals in all parties. Noga if you give me an examples i will give you 10 examples photo and endless video;
These are brisk reactions that neither I nor you will control it and that will be like the snow ball it will come small then became a very huge and no body can stop it. When i said on previous comments people misunderstood me as if I am threaten others i am trying to hold this snow ball which i can see it on the all side generations which will engulf all no body on this world will say i am the ultimate power, the history
is very clear and because we will not live long to see the next episode so people they will be happy in one terms and others will be happier on the next term and so on so for and the life continue tell the day of judgment (IF YOU BELIVE ON THAT) when ALLAH will decided who is right who is wrong....
Please till me both of you, what is our job to do shall we propagate it or just live on tolerance with our hidden agenda or let the time tell us what is our fate and just watch and creep....but we respect each others. Sophia I am MD I am living on this earth to save people not to take other people life I study in every country you ever heard about I have several publications on medicine I have several friends on all religious exist on this world including Jew recently I invite one of them in our national symposia with most of respect that he expected from a good friend,

Good luck all and salaam to every body please forgive me and I am forgiving every body……..

Most beloved mojahed:

You said: "Noga if you give me an examples i will give you 10 examples photo and endless video;"

You would be hard pressed to find on this blog, or in the media anything that resembles your statements here, like:

"the jew are happy now at palastine our moslem ultimat land, just tell your gold rich jew people donot waist your mony and time be ready to puss of..........."


It appears that you have a certain opinion, infused with unmitigated contempt for Jews, a word you cannot even bring yourself to spell correctly and respectfully.

I suspect that you, in your daily interaction with your fellow Muslims, are so used to speaking in such derogatory terms about Jews that you are surprised when you venture outside that sphere that it should meet with such anger.

Perhaps you could follow your own fine teachings about tolerance and compassion for one's fellow human beings and start talking about Jews and Israel in a more respectful manner to your own friends. Be an example of the very values you preach to us and which we hardly need since no one here has maligned Arabs or Muslims the way you did Jews.

Don't abuse, don't speak ill of others, don't incite to hatred. If you have a certain complaint about an incident or you wish to criticize Israel for the way it defends itself against terrorists you can do so in a way that can be addressed to the point.

No doubt being a doctor and an organizer of conferences and such, you must be aware that if someone comes to you wishing to cure him from mortality, there is precious little you can do for him. You can cure a sore throat or even a cancer but you cannot cure humans from being human. If that individual then would go about telling everyone what a lousy doctor you are because you are so ignorant and mean that you cannot guarantee him immortality, well, I daresay you would feel pretty abused and stymied by such vilification.

Well, you speak about Jews as if they were that doctor and you were the irrational patient asking for paranormal medication. There is no way Jews can respond to such accusations since they are made outside the realm of common sense or even basic decency.

Show us the way, Mojahed, by acting what you are preaching.

Most respectfully,


Most respectfully, most respectfully, most respectfully

Can you omit this sentence from your full of hater speech, please see your fellows what they said prior my statements, follow the replies prior accusing me, be fair only once on your life.
My last reply was to Sophia if she agree on your statements that is okay also and this is end of this interesting communications


Example of your fellows reply to me:
mojahead, I hope all your fellow Islam fascist terrorists make the one-way Hajj to Hell ASAP - As Soon As Possible. (why? and they cannot)

Always remember that if the US or Hindu majority India or Israel suffer a nuke attack,(did i say that)

Expect the "holy" city of mecca/makka and the kabba to be totally destroyed, in retaliation.(so bad.. and they cannot and they will be eaten a live)

INSHALLAH! (???is he a Moslem)

So my comment is hate speech?

Eddie is by no means a representative of the regular reader here. He says outrageous things and is often CHASTISED by others to quit this abusive language. I have done so myself on several occasions, as have others here.

When was the last time a fellow Muslim or Arab asked you to watch what's coming out of your keyboard when you speak of Jews or Israel?

Are you a doctor, an educated man, or not? How anyone with more than basic religious schooling can express himself as you do is quite beyond my comprehension. What do they teach you in med school? That Jews have different blood than you do? That they have a different brain or heart than yours?

What is the purpose of such contempt, such insults, such thoughts, such ideas? Where do you think it will lead to, eventually?

You are not a timid person. You say what's on your mind. So please tell us what you and your 1.2 billion co-religionists are on about when they manufacture such diabolical lies about Jews and Israelis? What are they aiming at? What is your final vision with regards to Jews?

"INSHALLAH! (???is he a Moslem)"

Is this a term that only Muslims are allowed to use, Mojahed?

"INSHALLAH!" means God willing. Do you imagine this phrase was invented by Muslims? Has it ever occurred to you that it might have been a translation from similar idioms used by people who inhabited the earth before Mohammed?

many thanks . no need for more insult salaam
take it eazy mam

Mojahed, I agree with Noga about Eddie. Please don't listen to people like this. They embarrass us. For all we know they're comments by people who don't want to see peace between us.

Anybody can pretend to be anybody on the internet! I know of people who take on various personalities for the express purpose of causing trouble and pain to all sides of our mutual struggle. So if you can please see beyond the hatred and the insults and realize that they don't reflect the majority of us it would be good.

Meanwhile, I agree that small acts of kindness and tolerance can grow into greater understanding and openness.

I do think though that examples like the Gaza beach incident may not have been presented truthfully. It was horrible, true; but there is some doubt that the shell was even Israeli.

Regardless, even if it was, the death of that family was completely accidental. It does reflect the tragic condition of war, which we must work to eliminate so that shells, rockets and bombs don't explode and take peoples' lives.

Also, for every film or photograph of an injured Muslim person we could present one of a dead Jewish or Israeli person.

What's the point? We know there is warfare, we know it is horrible - the point is to eliminate the warfare.

I think what's happening, unfortunately, is a lot of incitement, some from various governments, a lot on the internet, and it's making it difficult for us to see each other. All we have in our minds are images of the latest outrage, the bloody bodies. This in turn makes more warfare and endless misery.

What if instead we had images of each other as we truly are, good people trying to get along in the world?

As a physician I know you want to heal and I know you realize that underneath the skin there are souls, people who have much to offer the world and each other. The differences between us are so shallow and our connections are so deep. We just can't allow the negative people to win.

"no need for more insult"

Please teach me, mojahed. What EXACTLY was it in my comment that you take to be an insult?

You wrote:

"just tell your gold rich jew people donot waist your mony and time be ready to puss of..........."


"the joooooooooooooooooooz wrote AND THE MUSLEM ANSWER BETWEEN ()
especially after 9/11 (made by CIA AND JOOOOZ)"

And then you take umbrage when people wonder how come an educated person could come up with such nonsense?

Try answering my questions... if you dare.

sophia said :
( if you can please see beyond the hatred and the insults and realize that they don't reflect the majority of us it would be good).

noga said:
It is becoming increasingly and painfully clear that Arabs, or likely most of them, do not share your premise.

noga said also
You are not a timid person. You say what's on your mind. So please tell us what you and your 1.2 billion co-religionists are on about when they manufacture such diabolical lies about Jews and Israelis?

your majority is good our majority is lier.

finaly solomon said:
so let's let that dog lie.

why ??? very body express his thought what is goinig on it is okay with you but not okay with me

please give me abreak

Noga and Sophia, you *really* think that mojahead respects women and non-muslims?

Do you girls have a lot to learn.

I DO hope that you Noga, Sophia, Joanne and Code Pinko are DISAPPOINTED by the election of Scott Brown.

Eddie: if you read anything I ever read you would know I do not subscribe to Code Pinko. I do think your frequent relapse into linguistically abusive language is just plain silly, and serves no purpose at all except inflame further. The kind of invective offered by Mojahed is enough poison to go around and to have to read without you or any other poster adding to the noxious fumes with more invective.

And BTW, not being an American and with no stake in the matter I don't see why I should be happy or unhappy about the election of the Senator from Massachusetts. I'm happy for the Americans that your democracy works so well.

"your majority is good our majority is lier."

Unfortunately, this seems to be case. I can only judge by what I read in whatever is publicly available to me, media, blogs, message boards. Your positions, your low level of patience for anything that deviates from your "received wisdom", your inability to support your accusations with anything remotely acceptable by way of argument or verifiable evidence, all these point to a person who has been indoctrinated into thinking the worst about Jews and Israel. You might be entitled to your sentiments and hatred but you are not entitled to manufacture facts and tales in order to justify this hatred. You are not entitled to erase history, and the rights of an entire people to live free from the damages of your hatred just because your holy book tells you you should do so.

If you are an educated person as your would have us believe then you should know the different between myth and reality.

I notice that you did not answer my question: what is the purpose of your hatred? what are you and other members of your faith hoping to accomplish by saying things like:

"just tell your gold rich jew people donot waist your mony and time be ready to puss of..........."


"the joooooooooooooooooooz wrote AND THE MUSLEM ANSWER BETWEEN ()
especially after 9/11 (made by CIA AND JOOOOZ)"


Noga, how effective have your talking points been at the BuG blog? Have your comments been welcomed or are you treated like crap?

Your way is illuminating, but your reception there shows that its a waste of time.

Last night I watched a bit of a movie called "Mission to Moscow". If the names of the countries were changed, it would apply perfectly today.

The islamofascist regime of iran is nazi (national Socialist Germany) whose proclimations of peace, were clearly a sham when its sabre rattling is seen.

Appeasement doesn't work. WW2 wasn't won by sitting around a table talking.

Today there's another war developing to save civilization, just like the one in the 1940s.

The BIG difference is that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2.

Read what jackasses like mojahead write. You think you can convince him that islam is behind virtually every atrocity committed today?

mojahead and his fellow dogs MUST PROSTATE themselves and SURRENDER UNCONDITIONALLY to INFIDELS and DHIMMIS.

Oh. Because we respect our fellow human being we are "Code Pinko" now?

Give me a break.

Show me where I have ever supported Code Pink. In fact I have written pieces on this blog lamenting their attitudes.

I do however support the concept of peace and reconciliation between people.

I also believe that attitudes can evolve, for example over thousands of years Jewish attitudes have evolved and so have Christian attitudes; it wasn't so long ago it was considered ok to own slaves in the United States so obviously political systems and entities can also evolve.

This includes certain attitudes toward Jews and of course Israel that are clearly biased. Step One of course is simply disseminating knowledge.

I believe it is also important to challenge propaganda and prejudice clearly based on misconceptions, and also to put the experiences of war into perspective - ie, in the Middle East it is true that Arabs have suffered but it is also true that Israelis and Jews have suffered.

For example completely innocent Yemenite Jews have practically all been forced to flee Yemen recently - there were only about 200 left as it is. Before that nearly 1,000,000 Arab Jews were endangered and almost all of them fled their homes - most losing all they had in the process.

This is an aspect of history Mojahed might want to study, just as it's important for us to study Arab and Persian history.

Sophia, After 1,400 years, do you think that Islam is heading to a Reformation, reaching out with an unclenched fist to Infidels?

To islamofascists, the unclenched fist is one to be severed.

The only change I see in Islam, is in its fervent embrace of Islamofascism, Islamoimperialism, Islamosupremecism.

I believe you are sincere, but we need people on the Islamic side who are sane. Those sane people are gunned down by the Revolutionary Guard, thrown into wood chippers, beheaded...

At the moment I believe you are living in a dream world.

Good luck all and salaam to every body please forgive me and I am forgiving every body……..

SORRY, I cannot stand furthers, those who think my heart is full of hate they are wrong, we are human like you as you said with same things blood, heart, etc... And feel bad if your brothers and sisters heart broken, we donate our blood and money for the needy people, we cry and smile like others..........

Noga please if you notice my response was not professionals then look for the cause prior judging me with all things you said, read what Eddie wrote then others.
no body criticize his accusation, as if every body like it, I am only a visitor and I am leaving with all my respect to every body including Eddie and only ALLAH WILL JUDGING US AT THAT DAY.

Good luck all and salaam to every body please forgive me and I am forgiving every body……..


mojahead, I wish YOU and your family CONTINUED and ETERNAL NAKBA!


P.S. mojahead, IF you are a doctor, I wouldn't trust you as the PC doctors trusted the Ft. Hood jihadi dog Major Nidal Hasan.

I expect soldiers from Ft. Hood to take justified revenge for Hasans TRAITOROUS attack.

After 9/11, airline passengers take matters into their own hands to neutralize evil doers like your underwear bomber. You can expect to be treated in the same manner - with suspicion and contempt - due to the actions of your fellow jihadi dogs.


You are behaving like a child with a tantrum. Much as I detest mojahead's fulminations you are forcing me now to defend him. What's he got to do with the Fort Hood massacre or the underwear bomber?? Why are you accusing him of complicity in their deeds?

I don't suppose you understand that it is enough to read what he says he believes in order to realize what he is and what his wishes are. Readers around here understand it, they are not stupid. But readers are also reading YOUR fulminations and ask themselves what exactly is your point.

Please stop this crazy invective and try to behave rationally. You mentioned the Arab bloggers and their response to my comments. Frankly, your comments here b elong to the same corner. They don't achieve anything and they leave very bad impression.

Noga, do you think mojahead is being cute, satiric in his past comments?

You think the BuG blog jihadis are being cute and satiric?

Do you have a "Kick Me" sign taped to your back?

Eddie, you do realize you're not actually fighting with any of the people on here, right? I mean, these are just comment threads on the internet. Going ballistic and typing in all caps is OK once in awhile, but over and over again? Leaving aside all the other issues, if the discourse gets dragged down to the absolute lowest level every time it gets a little boring after awhile.

Yeah, "they" show up here and look bad, but just because "we" don't go nuclear on them in every comment thread it doesn't mean we're soft on defending Western Civilization. Y'know?

"Noga, do you think mojahead is being cute, satiric in his past comments?
You think the BuG blog jihadis are being cute and satiric?
Do you have a "Kick Me" sign taped to your back?"

No I don't. But I am curious about them and what they think about when they imagine nobody is looking at them. I consider my engagement with these bloggers as something of a lab experiment from which something can be learned. It is interesting for me to note and let others note how fragile these egos are, how easily the mask of civilized discourse falls when their biases and ignorance are not indulged. I just want to know that indeed there is no rational way to talk with them that can possibly lead to meaningful communication.

Noga, "I just want to know that indeed there is no rational way to talk with them that can possibly lead to meaningful communication."

I came to that realization years ago. What's taking you so long?

The only answer is STRENGTH through SUPERIOR FIREPOWER.


Sophia said

"The differences between us are so shallow and our connections are so deep. We just can't allow the negative people to win".

Many Thanks Sophia for these statements you are the best at this site and i admire your professionalism. No body can open people heart and think he knows them 100% .And nobody can drag my feet just to know them more; like animal exp.lab???.
My mistake that i gave outrageous statements because of my surprise that a civilize country they have such a man "Eddie” attacking me by this way as if he knew me since long time ago just because i am Moslem and my nick name is mojahed, so i deserve all these things, not only that but even Solomon he call me as a dog that was really embarrass me. I had a lot of opinions and thoughts i was hoping to share it with you. but that spoiled with these attack from every where and unfortunately the hatter speech still going even when i left with respect to all people still people on this site through me with uncivilized words, "let him feel bad., dog..." what is going on with you.. enough is enough ..Be polite your are writing on? Respected blog the stranger left no harm he said forgive me i am sorry.. and still they...shouting .any way i learned a lot during this communications more than my expectation and i learn there are a real nice people and people who pretend to be nice but more or less like this fellow Eddie who honestly need medical attentions he may die with heart attack meanwhile my family enjoying their life my oldest daughter will finish law after 2 year at Canada , Sophia you are a real flower as your icon.


SALAAAAAAAM TO sophia and others

Mojahed: you said:

"i gave outrageous statements because of my surprise that a civilize country they have such a man "Eddie” attacking me by this way as if he knew me since long time ago just because i am Moslem and my nick name is mojahed,"

yet the very first thing you said when you entered the discussion is this:

"muslem will not kill each other for obvious reason which will make a space for jew to win Mr freed maaaaaaaaaaaan"

Is this the sort of comment you expect to "open people heart"?

I will say it again: You cannot even begin to figure out the deeply entrenched contempt for Jews that informs such a comment. And why not? Because no one ever scolds you for this kinds of sentiments and language. And why not? because it is so habitual and natural to speak of Jews with such denigration and derision, in your society and culture.

You complain that people here cannot see beyond your name and religion. But how do you see Friedman's arguments? Do you try to rebut them? Do you engage with his ideas? No. The first thing you do is come into the thread and mock his name and call him a Jew.

People who sit glass houses should not throw rocks.

okay if you disagree or agree you need to dialog not to shut the door and start to call me a dog , pray for nakba to me and my family and to give the list of crime as if i am one of 9/11 people. Be rational as you clam, be a model of wisdom if you consider me as a back ward nations and liar.
Mr. i am f/u his writing since long time ago and i am of 10000000 who disagree with his plan and agenda........
Be fair only once on your life, don’t take the skin of this crazy child who need a bottle of milk to stop his shouting,
Be at least like MRS SOPHIA

eddie says:

"The only answer is STRENGTH through SUPERIOR FIREPOWER."

I'm sorry to disillusion you, Eddie, but ethnic insults and invective as exampled in this thread do not amount to "SUPERIOR FIREPOWER.". Quite the contrary.

Well, my point was that you entered the discussion with insults and invective so don't pretend you came here in good faith to have a proper conversation. If you did, you would have addressed the points in Friedman's article with which you disagree. Instead, you insulted him for being a Jew.


I haven't directed any comment at you in this thread. "Let sleeping dogs lie" is an expression that means: "If someone is told to let sleeping dogs lie, it means that they shouldn't disturb a situation as it would result in trouble or complications."

It had nothing to do with you, but was directed at Noga with regard to the issue with EV.

Noga said...

>eddie says:

>"The only answer is STRENGTH through SUPERIOR >FIREPOWER."

>I'm sorry to disillusion you, Eddie, but ethnic >insults and invective as exampled in this thread >do not amount to "SUPERIOR FIREPOWER.". Quite
>the contrary

CORRECT! Insults and invective are not.



Cruise missile


A-bomb test

The ABOVE are examples of INFIDEL/Kuffar SUPERIOR FIREPOWER - NOT insults and invective.

I add that if the US or India or Israel suffer a nuke attack, islamofascists can kiss mecca/makka and the kabba goodbye/salaam - in retaliation, for starters.

M.A.D. aka Mutual Assured Destruction worked to temper the actions of the former Soviet Socialist Union.

I hope that a retaliatory Mecca Assured Destruction doctrine will temper the actions of islamofascists. After all, there are plenty of examples of islamofascists willing to blow themselves up, to die for a reward of 72 virgins, of islamfascists craving death. Do islamofascists crave the destruction of Mecca?

If Islam means Peace, and the majority of Muslims oppose al-qada, islamofascism, out of a population of 1,200,000,000 Muslims, we should see at least 1 million Muslims actively fighting AGAINST al-qada. Do we? We see more Muslims fighting FOR al-qada rather than against it.

Any Muslim opposing islamofascism is threatened with death, BY islamofasicsts, wahabbists, imams, ayatollahs, sheiks. See Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan and others.

When it comes to ethnic slurs and invective, SYMBOLISM, that's the meat and potatoes of islamofascists. Flag burning, shoe throwing,

The hamass charter of Jews as sons of pigs and dogs - well, a little return dehumanization of islamofascist culture and sacred cows is only fair play.

Have you ever watched the programme "Undercover Mosque"? I can't find the original but...

In a followup, one of the imams "uncovered" in the programme was seen and heard, saying in a mosque in the "uk",
- that women are deficient
- that non-muslims are pathological liars and terrorists
- homosexuals are dogs who should be murdered

PLEASE watch the first 60 SECONDS of the above video to see that I am not telling tall tales.

Do I believe that mojahead believes as "the imam" in the above video does? Yes I do. It's in their mothers milk. It's drilled into them when they are taught the Koran/Quran.

Mojahed,, I thought you would be interested in this article:

It's about people on the West Bank, Jews and Muslims, meeting face to face and trying to learn about each other as people.

I think this is how our differences will be resolved. I have great hope.

Earth to Sophia,

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has not unclenched his fist.

The imams in "Undercover Mosque" have not unclenched their fists.

What revolutionary concept do you have that will convince Muslims to end their jihad, treat non-Muslims with respect?

Sohpia, can you show us any Muslim - Non-Muslim interfaith dialog, with a sizable following of Muslims, that can give us hope that MAINSTREAM Islam can be a force against al-qada, jihad, honor killing, hate speech against non-Muslims.

Eddie do you honestly believe that Ahmadijenad is characteristic of all Muslims? He isn't even respected by all Persians!

In fact there's been a very strong protest movement in Iran, in case you've missed it, against his possibly rigged re-election and the overwhelming and reactionary power of the Iranian government.

The fact is, there are indeed progressives in the Middle East - in Iran, in Pakistan, throughout the Arab world including Saudi Arabia. They are struggling against their own reactionary elements.

Now if you think reactionary elements are limited to the Muslim world, I think you should read a book about WWII or listen to some of the jerks we see commenting on American websites. You know we have plenty of jerks in the US.

As far as this "jihad" - I think the number of people actually involved in violence and reactionary politics is relatively small. It is very dangerous - true - but let's not forget the other people -

The issue is complicated by the fact that Western-style democratic ideas and social openness are new if not unheard of in much of the Middle East and Central Asia and harmful propaganda has taken a toll as well.

Also, we can't discount the harmful influence of the colonial era. One of the worst problems confronting Israel is the association people make between Israel and the British Empire, which in fact was its enemy.

If one studies the history of Haiti as I've been doing this week, trying to understand the disaster there, the real nature of colonialism/imperialism, "ethnic cleansing" etc are laid bare - and nothing in Israeli history is even in the same universe with this world - yet - the association has been made and it's an uphill fight to educate people even in the US that Jews, the US etc aren't outright evil.

Read the comment thread to the Boston Globe article Sol linked above - it's full of baloney about Israel. And that's coming from people in the US.

What are people in the Middle East supposed to think? We can't even educate our own citizens.

And, in both the West and the East, we've been scarred by war and terrorism - 9/11 etc here, terrorism in Israel, wars all over the Middle East - it will take time to heal.

It would help a lot if people would stop throwing gasoline on the fire! We have an opportunity here, on the Internet, to actually talk to people in the Middle East. Let's take the opportunity, open our hearts and open our ears, and see if we can't help "heal the world".

"We have an opportunity here, on the Internet, to actually talk to people in the Middle East."

Well, I tried to talk to a few and I have to say that I'm far from sharing Sophia's trust in the basic goodness of human nature. The damage of 70 years of the vilest demonization of Israel seems entrenched and irreversible. One blogger prays for peace while posting Holocaust-denying cartoons on his blog. To the cheers of his readers. I get the impression that these bloggers, these posters, they are not the exception. They are the vast majority. An impossibility of separating myth from history, or inclination from fact.

I don't know on what Sophia bases her opinion that "there are indeed progressives in the Middle East - in Iran, in Pakistan, throughout the Arab world including Saudi Arabia. They are struggling against their own reactionary elements."

Iran is the only country where you can find genuine, progressive, democratically minded people. You find them because they are not shy about it and they do not pander to fanatics. Nor are they hypocrites with two weights for two measures.

Here is an example of such a blog:

Noga, I think King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is making strides, he is supporting a university where men and women study together among other things. One can read interesting articles in English-language Saudi papers, Egyptians have spoken out against extremism also and I believe King Abdullah of Jordan is hardly a reactionary. The King of Morocco is working to combat antisemitism (Project Phoenix) and refused to allow a certain Holocaust denier into the university.

I agree though that it's an uphill battle and I worry that the 'net has served not only to connect people but also to spread lies and propaganda. Of course there are also state-sponsored media outlets, television and papers, which spread everything from blood libels to the Protocols.

So much of this is just a continuation of what's been going on in the west, the misojudaism is outrageous; it's enough to make a person cry.

Still I think we have to keep trying and maybe some people will listen with open minds. For example there's a Palestinian man who has his own Holocaust museum; he tries to educate his neighbors.

I think this would all be easier if incitement from the West would dry up already but when people like Rev. Sizer and Galloway are in on the act it really hurts.

#64 Noga, Excellent post.

One point, you said "Nor are they hypocrites with two weights for two measures." Don't you mean "two weights for ONE measure"?

Sophia should spend some time on the jihadi supporting blogs you referenced - to see how receptive the jihadis are to Sophias "progressive" utopia - while factoring in al-taqiyya (lying to Infidels to advance islamofascism).

IF there is a palestinian with his own Holocaust museum, it is like a member of the kkk with his own Slavery museum. The museum is a blueprint for an islamofascist hoped for future Holocaust. After all why do islamofascists bless SHITler and make "mein kampf" a best seller?

"Not all settlers and Palestinians want each
Other to disappear”

Many thanks Sophia for this interesting site i select it as a favorite site to start change my attitude prior to change others.

i knew in this blog some of you want me to write and some want to explore me further for classify me on his/her way and some of you he don’t want me to share with him human category? and that is all okay with me but for those who like me to share with him/her this fruitful discussions please think about my suggestions since i am only a visitor or stranger who had a lot of different things since i born as Moslem and i like my religious too much and i like my holy Quran since it is word of ALLAH and i like and respect prophets all and i believe the last prophet is MOHAMAD PEACE UPON HIM and what he said word by word and all these thing i don’t oppose it to you only respect it, understand it and don’t try to harass me through an ill-word against it if you need explain ,please don’t take it from me since of-course i will defend it as i defend my family but take it from fair person or a new Moslem who converted from any previous religious , i am only suggesting and i am apologies for any word i wrote which carry any haters against Jew or others if all agree then the dialog will be positive as every one of you had a lot that we share and understand and respect .
many site at internet not fair at all and try to do harm than making any solutions. Freedom is not= attacking others but freedom=understanding, respecting sharing and not accusing others …example:

A lot of Moslem doesn’t agree what Iran doing at all, or what qathafe Libyan leader do. Actually i met a lot of provisional Libyan MD migrated for their for freedom .ALQAUDIA had no base at Saudi and if a family found out that one of their member belong to alqaudia they will report him directly to Saudi security then forget about him......many of thing you aren’t a ware of it, BUT you need to understand why alqaida flourishing... i am sure you know why???

Please if you agree on that, please let me know..

Sophia, thanks for the link The article is very interesting. (Nappy's paraphrase of the headline in the second link following the article is that BHO admits he didn't know what he was doing when he tried to get the Palestinians to negotiate in good faith.)

Nappy first came across Rabbi Froman just over a month ago in this video: Rabbis and Yasuf village elders meet at junction after burning of mosque. (Here's how WaPo covered the story: Mosque attack in West Bank draws condemnation from Israeli leaders.)

The idea of a single state has always rubbed Nappy the wrong way because of its being promoted by Jeff Halper and the radical left's gang of usual suspects who want to destroy Israel. They talk about a unitary, secular state which would necessarily lose its Jewish identity. However, the idea of a confederation aguely along the lines of the United States or the Canada -- with state or provincial governments under the umbrella of a federal government is very interesting. The Jewish State of Israel together with a State of Palestine, perhaps along with Jordan and Egypt -- and maybe someday Gaza -- in a regional federation is intruiging.

That's a pipe dream in the current climate. It can't happen until:

  • The Palestinians give up their dream of destroying Israel and ruling "from the river to the sea," the 22% of the former Palestine Mandate -- what was left after the Brits imposed the Hashemite tribe on the East Bank Palestinians, creating what has become (Jordan) on some 78% of Mandatory Palestine.

  • The EU and the US, particularly Obama, drop the mantra of a two-state solution. To his credit, BHO now admits that he didn't know what he was doing. (See Nappy's snarky comment in the first paragraph.)
  • Jordan and Egypt break with the Arab League or Riyadh and the League drop the ridiculous demands of their War Peace Plan and sign on to a real peace plan.
Who knows. Nappy believes the foundation of the State of Israel was a miracle. Maybe the bottom-up intiative of R. Froman and Yerushalom will bring down a miracle from above and make it happen. Stranger things have happened. Not so much divine intervention as the grassroots effort gathering support and becoming unstoppable -- a spin on one of the moonbats' chants: The people / united / cannot be denied.

Many Thanks Nappy...
That is really very interesting video really the tears on my eye when i saw this senior well respected man i raise my hat welcoming such a wise gentleman Jew who really follow our prophet peace be upon him mousa

Oops! no single comment....

Both are Jew but what a different ethics and mind

God bless you Norman

please whatch at youtube;

CrossTalk: Norman Finkelstein vs. Israel

mojahead, G-d Bless Wafa Sultan.

I like the way the islamic cleric is devastated by the GREAT Wafa Sultan on al jazzera.

WHO IS WAFA SULTAN? (PT 1 of 5) please copy and look again at you tube

Wafa sultan doesn’t = Norman at all do you agree
Wafa is not Moslem but Norman is Jew i am sorry a respected figure Jew good bless him he is sooooo honest

I am not to debate with you PLEASE open your eyes and be fair like PROF NORMAN.

god bless all people like NORMAN.

please watch at youtube and try to cry if your heart a stone and you could not cry, read all the comments below if you cannot read please let your kid read it to you..........


Why no body commented on both youtube sites?

mmmmm maybe you are agree on both?

Or you agree that the Zionist government will do it regardless as what done at Dubai recently since they are already exposed their real face

My Q? Who is better alaqeda or this Zionist government? I am sure you knew the answer?

God bless all mojaheddein against this Zionist peace until all Zionist eradicated whom also they kill their tripe orthodox Jew watch this you tube,
"Zionist Thugs Beating Up Jewish Rabbis"

As you wrote ed. we will feed our kid the hate of Zionist with the milk. Not all Jew are Zionist as I was mistaken
God bless Norman if I met him I will kiss his

Zionist Israel: What the world should know

another youtube title you should visit all of you




Salaam Mojahed,

I am sorry I haven't responded to your posts, there is a lot going on lately both personally and politically.

With apologies I do not like Norman Finkelstein. His point of view regarding the Shoah and the suffering of the Jewish people is biased and unfair.

Meanwhile, I think your characterization of Zionists as "pigs" is also unfair.

There are bad people in any group, but to characterize all Zionists as "pigs" shows a lack of understanding about the situation of Jewish people, the meaning of Zionism - which is frequently distorted and abused - and also a lack of compassion for the people in Israel who are hardly "pigs."

We need to be able to communicate and reciting this kind of insult isn't helping matters, you know?

Meanwhile, I think that Arabs need to reflect also.

Have you treated Jews and Christians and other minorities as equals? Do you respect the rights of the Jewish people to their nationstate in Israel; to political self-determination and self-defense?

Dear sophia

Many Thanks for your very late reply,

Did you see all these video? if so please send me your rational reply and tell me also all those jew are biased and not correct except these zio-isrealy....which they had the write to leave while others have the write to be killed by this way and listen to Norman view and reply rationaly i donot accept you reply against this well respected prof.okay.and give me also explanations how Mosaad WORK DO YOU LIKE THEM AND RESPECT THEM , IF 4 ZIO... KILLED is it= MORE THAN 2000 HUMANBEING KILLED ;40% ARE CHILDREN.. ARE THESE PIGES Mrs sophia they have no write to live
as your hitler and nazi leader sharoon,etc.. or they are doing only self defence for there zio..isreal stat... just give me a break
even hitler had many reasons to do what he did at IIWW.. do you accept his reason or those accept his reason are also you donot like them because THEY ARE ANTI SEM ...

swiss bank had no more mony you need to creats another MACHINARY LIE .


MANY THANKS TO norman who open my eyes

Dear Sophia
My mission was to help everyone, if possible Moslem ,christen, Jew, black man, white etc.... We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness — not by each other's misery.

but what we really see for the last several years almost daily this mission start to be evaporated I start to be more frustrating whom I should help, shall all speak up for Jew right just to satisfy the media or we should not be cowered by not telling the true regardless how painful it is for this reason I think you should be like Mr., prof, Norman and many gentile Jew I met them at usa, Europe and even from ISREAL whom they start to expose the Zion agenda, please Sophia I carry very human heart I don’t like to insult people but the true thing we should say it regardless where it come from which religious I don’t quote a Moslem leaders and they are many people like Norman but I quote NORMAN since he is Jew like you very rational, I will let this stament is my last just to avoid any misunderstandings and to forgive my frustrations for What is going at Palestine?

Please give me your feed back

"norman Finkelstein, when he published the book, was alone. It takes an enormous amount of academic courage to speak the truth when no one else is out there to support him. And so, I think that given this acuity of vision and analytical power, demonstrating that the Swiss banks did not owe the money, that even though survivors were beneficiaries of the funds that were distributed, they came, when all is said and done, from places that were not obligated to pay that money. That takes a great amount of courage in and of itself. So I would say that his place in the whole history of writing history is assured, and that those who in the end are proven right triumph, and he will be among those who will have triumphed, albeit, it so seems, at great cost."
('World-Renowned Holocaust, Israel Scholars Defend DePaul Professor Norman Finkelstein as He Fights for Tenure', Democracy NOW!, 05.09.2007

tell the true to all people

Salaam Mojahed. I know you have a good heart.

And my response is kind of long because you ask hard questions so I hope you will forgive me for the length of my response.

First I think it's important to take books like Finkelstein's with a grain of salt, ie, his very thesis is offensive considering the vastness of the Nazi crime. And regardless of claims that he has proved his point I think most scholars disagree with him. Below I suggest a couple of other authors you might want to read as well.

Also, the Nazi destruction of Europe's Jews which also affected North African Jewish communities came on top of nearly two thousands years of abuse of the Jewish people following the destruction of Judea by Rome, for no good reason at all. Also the Nazi influence is still felt throughout the Middle East, which is a big problem for peacemakers.

You can see it in cartoons, in the portrayal of Israel and Jews in the media, in TV shows that reflect "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which is a book of lies created by agents of the czar to punish left wing Jews. Unfortunately it is taken as truth in much of the Middle East, even in sophisticated countries like Egypt.

At least in the Muslim world Jews and Christians, though not equal to Muslims, were tolerated. But Christians accuse Jews of deicide, and this is complicated by Nazi and czarist and other theories of Jewish inferiority or evil; and only recently have principled Christians including some Catholics begun to think about the implications of this unfairness and its terrible consequences.

Over time this has included forced conversions, torture, extortion, rape, theft of Jewish children, expulsions, massacres and the Holocaust. Now there are only a handful of Jews left in the world.

Compared to this history I wonder, isn't Finkelstein's book kind of irrelevant?

I wonder also, with respect to Islam, perhaps it is time to grant equality to other religions in dar al Islam and not just tolerance. Think about this at least. People are people and no democratic or open state can exist if followers of one belief are de facto inferior to the others. And also, wouldn't it be good if Jews could once again live and worship openly in Arabia?

I realize this might be a challenge but part of the answer to the Arab/Israeli conflict lies in recognizing the fundamental equality of Jews and their right to self-governance.

Now - with Israel and the Palestinians - obviously this is a very complex and tragic situation which reflects many of the issues I have mentioned above.

I don't blame you being angry when you see or read about examples of abuse or oppression.

However, consider that the Arab wars against Israel have been wars of choice. Most Israeli violence comes in reation to attacks or out of fear from attacks although I grant you there are political and religious parties in Israel who want to keep the West Bank, which would make it impossible for the Palestinians to have a state there.

So this is a political issue that needs to be worked out.

One reason - maybe a primary reason there is reluctance to cede this territory is because of fear that it would become a launching pad for attacks, like Gaza, and with the border only being 9 miles or so from Tel Aviv this would place the majority of Israel's population in danger.

So convincing the Israelis that they are safe from attack is critical to this process. Right now they are too fearful. But also, respecting Jewish religious and historical connections to Israel, to Jerusalem, to the Middle East in general, is critical.

Just as importantly though - Palestinian leaders have refused to accept Israeli offers to create a Palestinian state including part of Jerusalem and almost all of the West Bank and of course Gaza, plus connections to Gaza.

And, strong Palestinian political parties, like Hamas, refuse to recognize Israel's existence at all and threaten to exterminate the Jews. This is a real problem.

So, Israeli peace offers have been met, in fact, with violence - Intifada II in particular was horrible and claimed so many lives on both sides.

The long term damage of Intifada II has been huge. But so have the rocket attacks from Hezbollah and Hamas, perhaps the physical damage is nowhere near as great as the loss of trust that Israel will ever be safe.

In fact, at no time has there been a real attempt by the Arab world to accept the polity of Israel, the right of the Jewish people to their homeland and from there, to find a way to secure Palestinian security and rights as well.

The peace plan advanced by the Saudis recognizes Israel on the surface but not in fact, as it calls for Israel to abandon or uproot the Jews who now live in Judea, Samaria and once again in the Old City of Jerusalem, which had been majority Jewish until conquered by Jordan after the 1948 war by Jordan. Note these areas have been settled and lived in by Jews for over 3400 years, until the 1948 war.

Jordan threw out all the Jews and annexed the West Bank land and the Old City and Jews couldn't even pray there, in the most holy places of Judaism.

Nor were Palestinians given the land for a state. It was taken and made part of Jordan and Gaza came under Egyptian control but the people were locked inside by the Egyptians and people of Palestinian descent, even if they are in Egypt or have Egyptian relatives, aren't allowed to become Egyptian citizens.

Recently the Jordanian king has stripped Jordanian citizenship from some people of Palestinian descent and there are "refugee camps" in Jordan, which really makes no sense considering you can throw a rock from there and hit Tel Aviv - these people are not foreigners after all.

But Palestinians are treated like foreigners throughout the Arab world so there is some responsibility there also.

These problems are not all of Israel's making and thoughtful, well-educated Arab people will reflect upon this, upon the mass expulsions of Palestinians from Libya, Kuwait, upon the endless refugee status that is unique in all the world. No other people inherit refugee status for generations and there have been hundreds of millions of refugees since WWII alone. Only the Palestinians are "refugees" through generations. And - the Palestinian Arabs didn't need to become refugees in the first place. Jewish leaders begged the Palestinian Arabs to stay, in 1947, in 1948, but war broke out instead.

So Palestinian Arab inherited refugee status and a lack of honesty about the root of the problem are in themselves driving conflict throughout the region and it is supported by the UN which really makes it even worse. It's terrible that there continue to be "refugee camps" even in the West Bank and Gaza let alone in neighboring countries.

This also singles out Israel as a target, as Israel's existence is blamed for this problem even though millions of Jews have been forced to leave their homes also just since WWII and without Israel where would they go?

And where else in the world can Jews live besides Israel and not be a tiny minority, subject to the whims of the majority who can turn on them at any time?

So there is hypocrisy on a global scale regarding Israel. No other nation in the world is targeted and blamed like this, not even African states where millions of people are murdered and displaced. None of this helps solve anything either - it just guarantees more bloodshed.

Also, the PLO was created before the 1967 war, to destroy Israel within the Green Line. So "the occupation" isn't really the issue - it's the question of whether Israel will be allowed to continue existing as a Jewish homeland and independent state.

This is where help from the Arab world is desperately needed. We need Arab people to read the history, look at the big picture and help us work this out.

So - if the Jews now living in the Old City or the West Bank are not to be abandoned, then the other choice would be to uproot them again, thus creating deliberate ethnic cleansing of Jews from the core of ancient Israel.

Would this be right?

These are issues that need to be openly discussed, along with the idea that a Palestinian state could incorporate these areas IF Jews could live where they are as citizens. Has this been discussed or is it assumed that the Jews would have to go?

If so I don't see how that is fair either. Yet as it stands, selling land to Jews is a capital crime in the P.A. and also I think in Jordan. So when people claim that Israel is "apartheid" I think it's important to look at the other side of this issue.

Further, I think the Saudi Peace Plan and certainly also Fatah demands that millions of descendants of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948 to be resettled within Israel, which is very small and which in any case would then cease to be a Jewish homeland and would become majority Arab almost overnight.

This would be a disaster for the people of Israel and it would end the rights of Jews around the world to their one and only homeland. Thus, Israel would be destroyed via a peace plan instead of an army. And where would this leave the world's remaining handful of Jews?

Small and poor as it is in land and resources - Israel is the only homeland we've got. There are 56 Muslim nations, many Christian nations, Buddhist, Hindu, Communist and Arab nations, American and Asian and African nations - but only one Israel.

And as we have seen, Jews without a homeland are likely to be abused and massacred.

This is fortunately not true of Arabs, who are in control of 22 large nationstates, vast lands and wealth and hundreds of millions of people who are not abused just for being Arabs or Muslims or Christians. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, over 2 billion Catholics, etc. out of some 6 billion people on the planet.

But, the Jews in the world total less than 15 million people and are always under threat.

After 1948 the Jews were expelled from their own city - the Old City of Jerusalem - and also from the West Bank.

People forget that, even as the naqba occurred, the Arab Jews fled their ancient cities - over the next few years nearly all the Jews from Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria - the Arab Jews fled under threat and leaving behind homes, property, businesses - all their wealth, their neighbors, their lives.

They lived in tent cities in the desert of Israel, with no UN help, no support from anybody except other Jews around the world and most people don't even know of their existence or their losses, seeing only the Palestinians and THEIR naqba.

In fact though more than 800,000 Jews, some say close to one million, fled the Arab world after 1948. After WWII, pogrom after pogrom broke out in cities across the Arab world, targeting the Jews. This was on the heels of the Holocaust. Shortly thereafter, the Jews of Israel were attacked by seven armies.

The British blockaded the Jews and confiscated their arms, did nothing as Jerusalem was bombed and beseiged, and armed the states that tried to destroy them, and British officers led the powerful Arab Legion that shelled the holy Old City of Jerusalem and threw out its Jewish population.

There are very few Jews now living in the Middle East outside of Israel - the biggest community is probably in Iran, some 25,000 people, which had also had a much larger population until the Khomeini takeover of Iran.

Nobody helped them, there was no recognition of this disaster - at least though they did find a home in Israel as have Jews who were under threat elsewhere: Ethopia, the Soviet world where Jews were often imprisoned and oppressed.

And increasingly we are under attack again in Europe, so people are moving to Israel from Britain, France, etc and are beginning to feel unsafe all over Europe once again.

So, I would say this: it's hard to figure out exactly what to do to help both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Harm has been done to both peoples, by both peoples.

But, the Arab world is wise enough, cultured enough and educated enough, I think, if all the facts are presented, to help find creative solutions if only the will is there to help.

One thing would be a major step forward and that's to recognize the Palestinians and grant them citizenship in situ, which is not the case in most Arab states. In some, like Lebanon, the Palestinians are treated poorly and live in ghettos.

This business of maintaining "refugee camps" 60 years after the first war against Israel in 1948 is really bad, it harms people and it keeps the conflict going.

So, I would ask that you read Jewish and other historians of Europe and the Middle East who are not Finkelstein.

Read Karsch and Satloff for a start, because Finkelstein's argument is biased and needlessly provocative and doesn't begin to reflect what really happened either in Europe or in the Middle East in the 20th century. Benny Morris is a "new historian" ie a revisionist who is interesting also, though his work is often misinterpreted and misused. But, he tries to see both sides of the issue, Arab and Israeli.

Can you do that? I am sure you can locate books by these authors. I would start with Karsch and Satloff and go from there.

I think it might give you some new points of view and maybe we can then proceed and come up with some ideas.

Shalom, Mojahed! I wish you the best and hope to hear from you again and also that you will read these other books.

Dear Sophia

Many Thanks for your reply,

I would like to express my gratitude, since you have a good heart too and I like to communicate with you in this site. I learn from you allot of good mature attitude and I am apologies for any word that I use in this site that may misunderstood as uncivilized or unfair since we live in such stress word affecting our heart, we cry for the pain of others even if it was not affecting our nerves and we feel the sadness as if we are the son who lost his mother. We wrote and express our feeling in different site to people who share with us same feeling of such sadness regardless if he or she agree or not we try to change such attitude of inhumanity and we pray to ALLAH (god) .. We BELIVE ALLAH knows all this thing and we are the substance of our existence and Allah is watching how we react and how we retaliate or forgive if the criminal we caught him , this world is not the end and the history will never forgive , every thing is recorded and generations will take this history 1000 years ahead and act on it and every nations has his own record which may be different than others , and every body say ''what we said is the right and others is liars or distorting'' BUT ALLAH he knew the truth regardless from whom and life will continue with all happiness and misery of others until day of judgment when all human being stand upfront at him,

I am sorry Sophia I just type that from my heart to your good heart I read a lot of books I knew how many Jew people suffer 3000 years ago
Now look to palatine people suffering and they are going to write there suffering and several holocausts incidence need to be written but who will weep the tears from mother whom they lost there infant at Gaza.......

Is there will be an end of such misery, hunger,
There is only one winner is the devil and their followers... NOW, But that winner will pay the prize also as the winners of previous holocausts at different nations...already paying of a price for a crime they never committed...

Salaam to you Sophia and I forgive you for any words that it may carry another meaning since if you like any one you tend to forgive him or her regardless since this is the price of likeness…….. God bless you Mrs SOPHIA by showing you the truth and only the truth.


arab/muslim theft of other peoples property, the property of Jews, the property of Hindus, must end.

Since Arabs/Muslims can't even get along with each other (see the latest bombings in Iraq), how can Arabs/Muslims get along with NON-Muslims?

Okay Eddie

please come and take your grandparent property at Medina, but don’t kill our infants by your American bombs because they do nothing about your brilliant past history and they did not commit any crime they are playing at the backyards please don’t let their parents cry, we will leave every things for you Eddie, we don’t have a nuclear bomb, mean while please convince they American to leave NY because this is the land of Red Indian please don’t confuse and you brought Hindu because they are not red okay .unless you have a color blind so you need to bring another nice friend of yours to get the right Indian.


mojahead, please explain to Infidels why Muslims kill each other in residential areas of Baghdad as they did today, killing 28 Iraqis.

What is it about Islam that makes Muslims kill people all over the world?

Okay ED i will try to explane;

long time ago EPICA had a holy land which was ruling by them "that what they claimed" unfortunately Epica lost the ruling because as most civilizations get to the peak then start to decline and that is natural so those people wake up now and found out their home-land were taken by different ethnic group so they create machinery...which is full of they want their lands back because it is their lands originally and unfair it was taken by certain people ; it is their property so they decided to kill children, pregnant women and take they infant from the mother uterus and kill it in front of people and to kill any one who speak against them some kind of killing is to treat them inhuman until they decide to shut up their mouth i.e. not direct killing. . MEAN WHILE the word was controlled by one we call it super-power (AMPICA)and this super-power they supply these CATTLE with all weapon that is you can or you cannot imagine HOWEVER SOME people
From this CATTEL group were nice, they try to convince THE CATTEL and son of CATTEL to stop
But UNFORTUNATLY THESE NICE AND FAIR GROUP was eliminated and they use their machinery of lies against all human who stand in front of them........ Sorry this is the 1st episode the 2nd episode will be continue you may watch it but your generation 100% will watch it PLEASE TELL YOUR GENERATIONS that IT WILL BE PROAD CASTED AT "The only true Chanel" at that time there will be no FOX Chanel TO MISLEAD PEOPLE since the machinery which produce this Chanel destroyed by the cousins of the killed mothers and infants

I hope you WILL enjoy the 2nd episode.......

mojahead, I don't understand what you have written. Was that a first draft?


Ask arabian, or better yet, an Infidel, to help you compose your post.

That is okay Ed , i am afraid many posts we wrote you misunderstood , i suggest that you Re-read all #86 posts may be you will fell better.

have a nice day

mojahead, I ask you again, if it isn't too Islamophobic of me...

What are the EPICA, AMPICA, CATTEL that you mention in your post #86?

And continue to have a NAKBA filled day.

They're probably fictional from some thinly veiled video novella the no-Mojo, headless wonder plugged in one of his barely legible comments, if not in this thread, then some other.

The troll has a way talent for misinterpreting what people who make the mistake of taking him seriously say and also of ignoring any recommendations about books to read. In this case, now that Passover is over and Nappy can again enjoy regular food, Nappy will bet dollars to doughnuts—an expression that made more sense back when doughnuts were cheap and a dollar was worth something—that numbnuts is citing some trite bit of mendacious, fabricated crapaganda allegory as proof of Jewish and Zionist perfidy. The poor shmuck can't tell the difference between truth and fiction, something that's not at all surprising considering how he reveres Norman Finkelstein.

No-mojo poses as someone with an open mind who wants to engage in dialogue. It should be clear by now how silly it is to be taken in by that.

Just one example of No-mojo's willful, deliberate misunderstanding is in #, in which he distorts Rabbi Menachem Froman's recognition of the common humanity shared by Jews and Muslims. Judaism and Islam are both monotheistic. The fundamental Jewish declaration of faith says that God is One, so "Allah" is just another name for God, not a new divinity. As a pious believer R. Froman can genuinely say "Allahu akhbar," and he does so in the video to express solidarity with the Muslim villagers. No-mojo says

that is really very interesting video really the tears on my eye when i saw this senior well respected man i raise my hat welcoming such a wise gentleman Jew who really follow our prophet
Not quite. Not in a million years does Rabbi Froman recognize the false prophet or the perversions of so many of the prophet's followers.

If you look at his replies to Sophia and others, you'll see that discussion with this troll is pointless. Maybe you believe his claim to be an M.D. Even allowing for his lack of fluency in English, it's hard to believe he's educated.

When Mojahed comes out an accepts Jews and Christians as fellow humans on a par with Muslims, not as inferior dhimmis to be dominated or, at best, tolerated when he shows genuine respect for the two religious traditions on which Islam is based, instead of spewing the ahistorical, revisionist nonsense that calls them distortions of the true faith, he is not to be taken seriously.

I am sorry i just open my laptop, i were enjoying with my family ش short leave , I am not sure if you believe me or not ( after I read your reply to ED ) you should now several facts,1- Not all MD had fluent E since it isn't my mother language but by the way i can speak and write 3 language but of course not like my Arabic language 2- please when you quote my text don't omit some part to serve your obvious goal 3- don't call my prophet as false prophet, i am sorry to say you are not respected one when you call people with bad things . You support the ED which let me understand your attitude, very immature regardless of your age or education back ground; I said prophet mousa PBUH why you omit the last part no wander how Prof Norman humiliated at your NAZI ZIONEST COUNTRY AT 2008 AND YOU KNEW THAT VER WELL.

PLEASE RESPECT PEOPLE ED no need to say these rubbish it is not my fault if you could not figure out a simple fictions or a real story

Give me a break,
many thanks to sophia a well respected girle.

الاحترام هو أحد القيم الحميدة التي يتميز بها الإنسان، ويعبر عنه تجاه كل شيء حوله أو يتعامل معه بكل تقدير وعناية والتزام. فهو تقدير لقيمة ما أو لشيء ما أو لشخص ما، وإحساس بقيمته وتميزه، أو لنوعية الشخصية، أوالقدرة، أو لمظهر من مظاهر نوعية الشخصية والقدرة. يتجلى الاحترام كنوع من الأخلاق أو القيم، كما هو الحال في المفهوم الشائع "احترام الآخرين" أو مبدأ التعامل بالمثل.

Dear all this is an Arabic version of text about respect see how this language is fabulous like their people.

What i am trying to pass to you that somebody called OTHERS you all should listen to them and these others is a majority even if their country destroyed by western agenda and their tolls are western and stupid natives like Iraq, Afghanistan shishan, Palestine………..
I am not the internet troll which appeared at early 1990 but i am trying to till you that what you thought is a fact actually we still think it is not, that is why all trials of peace will go astray soon or later. Nations overall will go to their root for their future strategy .Zionist -Jew they decided to destroy alaqsa the holy mosque of Moslem at Palestine and build their holy praying area since early 18 CENT and they are going forwards regardless of these pointless effort at Middle East and Moslem will resist this plan by their blood which the only thing they have now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

MR NUCLEAR Bomb EDDI AND YOUR FRIEND? MR OR MRS COPY AND PAST Nappy-headed Ho' I hope both of U understand when i d/w Sophia, we try to open a humanity between us although both of us until now standing on their believe and root and both of us we did not move 1 inch from it but i respect her as a talent with attitude and I do learn from her although i think I am older than her and carry many certificates for medicine and others and no need for both of you to believe since i am not having any respect to both of you okay now and that is the real end of my dialogs with no hesitations

All respect to Sophia and Sophia alone..........

mojahead, you said...

"prophet mousa PBUH"

Prophet Mousa. Ah!

- WHO is Prophet Mousa?

- Did Prophet Mousa live BEFORE false prophet muhammed (sbuh)?

- Was Prophet Mousa a muslim or a HEBREW?

- Is it permissible to draw a picture of Prophet Mousa unlike drawings of the false prophet muhammed (sbuh), who muslims worship as if muhammed (sbuh) were a god?

Salaam Mojahed,

Best wishes to you and yours also.

I hope to write something longer soon but I have family duties today.

Take care in the meantime! and I hope we can communicate again soon.

PS I wish I had more languages. For me music is a language so I find much beauty in the songs even if I don't understand all the words.

One thing though, Mojahed, these rumors that the Zionists and/or the people of Israel want to destroy al Aqsa, it just isn't true. You should rest assured on that point.

In fact the mosque is under control of the waqf and safeguarded by the Israeli army and police.

I think it's possible there are some few extremists in any culture including in Israel and the West, and we have our share of religious fanatics no doubt - but to claim that Israel the nation or supporters of Israel want to destroy al Aqsa is just propaganda. It's malicious propaganda intended to create hatred and cause a war.

I have heard this too, it's routinely used to stir up trouble in Jerusalem, people start these rumors hoping there will be violent demonstrations against Israel.

We all have to work hard not to listen to hate speech.

It's hard sometimes isn't it! We have plenty here too (hate speech and propaganda.)

This and that political party is always trying to create trouble within the American people for example. The Left is always slandering the Right and vice versa, the two main political parties attack each other, people on this or that side of the issues are always yelling. We lose our humanity sometimes and forget nuances, that it is possible to see more than one side of an issue.

And, even in the US and other democracies stereotyping of people by color or ethnic group or religion is common, even in the 21st century when we should know better.

Also it's hard to know what is true and what is false especially since political and other interests are busily spreading rumors even on television, isn't it.

I guess that's why it's important to study and as you say, listen to others (and also have some faith! Maybe I am stupid but I refuse to believe that people are evil!)

Salaam, Mojahed!

Sophia said...

"I hope to write something longer soon but I have family duties today."

Whew! I'm glad for your FAMILY that you warmly call them your FAMILY, and NOT your "associates", "dependents", "subordinates", as you once coldly referred to your Husband as your "partner".

BTW Sophia, do you think it's right for Muslims to use backhoes to rip up the Temple Mount?

The waqf sensitivity only extends to Muslims, not to others.

The taliban dynamiting the two 1,500 year old Buddahs of Bamiyan Afghanistan, the destruction of Josephs tomb by pal-e-swinians, pal-e-swinians invading the desecrating the Church of the Nativity.

Dear Sophia

Many thanks for your nice and wise words, i hope on future we can communicate in other site better than this site which shared by certain destructive
odd creature,which need to be send to very far planet with little oxygen just to open their eyes and cannot communicate with others and eat very little food just for breathing, i will try to find this planet, please Sophia don't reply to this odd and his hidden supporters.

All my respect to Sophia and Sophia only.....

mojahead, All my disrespect to mojahead, osama bin laden, HAMass, hezbullah, islamofascist regime of iran, baath pary, honor killings, current day slavery in sudan, the convicted bomber of Pan Am 103

AND, saving the best for last...

Happy NAKBA mojahead, and many, MANY more!

First of all this artical appeared in many arabic newspapers. I personnely read it, and it appeared in alsharq alawsat, probably one of the most circulating arabic newspapers.

and the responces of readers put him in his right statue. anyways.

jihad is a holy issue, scholers of islam always call to take care of the rising banners of jihad, not all baners should be followed. especially by young hotheaded students of islam.

as to buddaha statue bieng destroyed in afghanistan.
first monothiesm calls for the destruction of statues, like abraham did. its the true monotheism! but this can be debated by wise scholers to take into the context the "time and place" meaning current event in the world. hote headed mujahideendont take these issues into considaration. they act on good intentions only. by the way muslims advanced monothiesm all around the world thanks god, not only through war as propoganda says. thanks god, its our duty as muslims to advance monothiesm , recently a saudi business man finished a project of translating sahih albukhari to bosnian language.

nobody will stop muslims from advansing monothiesm while i dont want destruction of statues, its wrong, byt the underlying concept of fighting polytheism is not a bad concept. although in the age of smearing religon and faith its a considered wrong.

as to mecca and destruction of mecca.

eddie. your hand are short believe me. judism will be eradicated before mecca is harmed. israel with it. ask yor ancesors when the swrods slit the necks .

dont think because the arabs after ww1 were without a cover afer the fall of the othomon empire, and jews were bought in ships and given modern weapons and army techniques to fight farmers, that this will give you any thing more than palestin.
circumenstances helped zionest in palestian and the bad luck of arabs made it worse to face modern weponery and techniques.

mecca is a palm tree that withstands harsh winds unlike your small tree"temple" that gets uprooted whenver a wind blows.

nobody has favores on us except god.

believe me your tongue is long and hands will remian short till the desisive time comes, and it will come soon.

alot before you desired our war,,,,, they ran away destroyed and ashamed.

transylvanian eddie, we arabs never say happy nakba. we never celebrate passovers or bieng free after slavery.
these are our lands from creation till resurrection, masters in our lands and whereever we go.

will leave these celebrations for you to remember who you are.

by the way eddie
if you are in israel, just near you on the saudia jordanian borders live the tribes of the north of saudia.
they are the first barrier. visit them and call for the destruction of mecca

see what will happen to you.

by the way in israel arabs call for the destruction of israel.
democracy is nice(everything nice has drawbacks)

Arabian, well done, well done, well done....

I like every thing you said to this real ZIO-ISR troll he deserve more since his IQ IS LESS THAN 50 so he need time to swallow this bolus of knowledge.

I told you Sophia no need to reply.

All my respect to Sophia and Sophia only

The best say of the day by Arabian ,
Mecca is a palm tree that withstands harsh winds unlike your small tree” temple" that gets uprooted whenever a wind blows.

Nobody has favors on us except ALLAH.

Believe me your tongue is long and hands will remain short till the decisive time comes, and it will come soon.

Allot before you desired our war, they ran away destroyed and ashamed.

arabian dog and mojahead,

When mecca/makka and the kabba, medina and qom are TOTALLY DESTROYED, in retaliation, I hope you both will FINALLY be satisfied.

We all know that islamofascist suicide bombers
- kill muslims everyday
- destroy golden mosques

so it's no surprise that islamofascist suicide bombers work to DESTROY mecca/makka and the kabba.

It's the islamofascist version of armageddon.

islamofascist dogs think that triggering the total destruction of mecca/makka and the kabba will bring back the "12th imam".

Not only will there be no "12th imam", you won't have mecca/makka and the kabba anymore too.

It's the suicide of islam.

So sad that the once honourable (sic) religion of islam has been hijacked by satan worshippers.

satan worshippers like arabian and mojahead.

what are you writing edd, where is you brain locations?

i am sure it is below your umbilicus

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